The office of the Principal /TIC is situated in the administrative block of the college. The Principal /TIC as the administrative head executes the policies framed by the Governing Body with the co-operation of different sub-committees following the rules / orders / instructions of the Govt. / UGC / University. Working hours of the office are from 10-30 a.m. to 4-30 p.m. on all working days, except Saturday (10-30 a.m. to 2-15 p.m.). Classes are held from 10-30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. from Monday to Friday and 10-30 a.m. to 2-15 p.m. on Saturday. But for the benefit of students the practical classes of few departments start from 9-30 a.m. and continue even after 4-30 p.m. Admission, readmission, transfer, registration, examination, migration, enrolment, concession, fees payment, receiving, recording, submission i.e. office related works are done following strictly the specified time schedule which is diplayed/notified in notice board in front of the office. Entry of outsider/s in the office is strictly restricted. However, outsider’s entry may be allowed in the office with prior permission of the Principal /TIC of the college or the Head Clerk of the office.