Bappa Bisai

Faculty Profile (Mathematics Department)

Bappa Bisai

Qualification & Details


M.Sc., Ph.D., Visiting Scientist, Post-doc


Assistant Professor

Teaching Experience

02 December 2023 - Till date

Research Experience

February 2021 - Till Date

Publications till Date


E-Mail ID

  • UGC senior research fellowship (January, 2019 – January, 2020)
  • UGC junior research fellowship (January, 2017 – December, 2018)
  • GATE junior research fellowship (July, 2016 – December, 2016)
  • DST-INSPIRE BS-MS fellowship (July, 2011 – June, 2016)  
  • NBHM Postdoctoral Fellowship (2022)
  • Naik and Rastogi Award for Excellence in Ph.D. Research for the year 2020 – 22, from IIT Bombay
  • Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship, HRI, Prayagraj, India (April, 2022 – November, 2023)
  • All India Rank 10 in GATE examination (2016)
  • All India Rank 55 in CSIR-NET examination (December, 2015)
  • All India Rank 89 in UGC-NET examination (June, 2015)
  • All India Rank 14 in IIT-JAM examination (2014)
Publication -
Publications in SCI/SCIE indexed journals -
  1. Sibaprasad Barik and Bappa Bisai, A generalization of Ando’s dilation, and isometric dilations for a class of tuples of q-commuting contractions, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, To appear.
  2. Bappa Bisai and Sourav Pal, A Nagy-Foias program for a c.n.u. $\Gamma_n$-contraction, Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, To appear.
  3. Bappa Bisai and Sourav Pal, A model theory for operators associated with a domain related to µ-synthesis, Collectanea Mathematica, 74 (2023), no. 1, 173 – 198.
  4. Bappa Bisai, Sourav Pal and Prajakta Sahasrabuddhe, On q-commuting co-extensions and q-commutant lifting, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 658 (2023), 186 – 205.
  5. Bappa Bisai and Sourav Pal, The fundamental operator tuples associated with the symmetrized polydisc, New York Journal of Mathematics, 27 (2021), 349 – 362.
  6. Bappa Bisai and Sourav Pal, Automorphisms and the fundamental operators associated with the symmetrized tridisc, Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciences, 131 (2021), no. 1, 8.
  7. Bappa Bisai and Sourav Pal, A certain rational function and operator theory on the symmetrized polydisc, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 495 (2021), no. 1, 124714.
  8. Bappa Bisai and Sourav Pal, Structure theorems for operators associated with two domains related to µ-synthesis, Bulletin des sciences mathematiques, 159 (2020), 102822.
Number of Seminars/conferences/symposia attended -

(a) International: 03
(b) National: 03

Conferences/Workshops/Symposia attened (International Level) -
  • CYNOSURE-2021 and National Symposium on Advances in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, IIT Ropar (December 21 – 22, 2021)
  • AIS in Operator Theory, IIT Kanpur (December 16 – 28, 2019)
  • Diamond Jubilee Symposium, Department of Mathematics, IIT Bombay (January 4 – 6, 2019)
Conferences/Workshops/Symposia attened (National Level) -
  • CYNOSURE-2021 and National Symposium on Advances in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, IIT Ropar (December 21 – 22, 2021)
  • AIS in Operator Theory, IIT Kanpur (December 16 – 28, 2019)
  • Diamond Jubilee Symposium, Department of Mathematics, IIT Bombay (January 4 – 6, 2019)
Research Seminars -
  1. On “Operator theory on two domains related to µ-synthesis” at Mathematics seminar, HRI Prayagraj, India, May 19, 2022.
  2. On “Decomposition theorems for operators associated with a domain related to µ-synthesis” at CYNOSURE-2021 and National Symposium on Advances in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, IIT Ropar, December 21, 2021.
  3. On “Operator theory on two domains related to µ-synthesis” at Mathematics seminar, IIT Bombay, January 15, 2020.
  4. On “A structure theorem and an explicit model for the operators associated with the tetrablock” at Diamond Jubilee Symposium, Department of Mathematics, IIT Bombay, January 4, 2019.