Faculty Profile (Computer Science Department)

Dr. Anwesha Mukherjee
Qualification & Details
Qualifiaction | Ph.D., M.Tech., B.Tech. |
Designation | Assistant Professor & HoD |
Teaching Experience | 04 years |
Research Experience | July, 2013-March, 2018 Nov, 2018-July, 2019 |
Publications till Date | 75 |
E-Mail ID | anweshamukherjee2011@gmail.com, anweshamukherjee@mail.mrc.ac.in |
- DST INSPIRE Fellowship, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India,
Project Title: Development of Cost-Effective Location Management and Power Consumption
Strategies for Future Generation Green Mobile Network.
Duration: July, 2013 to June, 2017 (JRF: 01/07/2013-08/09/2015, SRF-09/09/2015-30/06/2017)
Ph.D. Supervisor: Prof. Debashis De, MAKAUT, WB. - Research Associate in the project “National Geo-spatial Chair Professorship Award”, sponsored by
Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, under Computer Science & Engineering
Department, IIT Kharagpur, from November, 2018 to July, 2019, PI: Prof. Soumya Kanti Ghosh.
Journals: 50
Book (Edited): 2
Book chapters: 10
Conference papers: 13
Patents: 01 published
Google Scholar link: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=yLzf4uwAAAAJ&hl=en
ResearchGate Link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Anwesha-Mukherjee-3
List of Publications:
Anirbit Sengupta, Abhijit Das, Debashis De, and Anwesha Mukherjee, “IoT Based Growth Monitoring
System for Crops and Fruits,” Application No. 202131009490 A, published on 09.09.2022.
1. Debashis De, Shreya Ghosh, and Anwesha Mukherjee, “Socialsense: Mobile crowd sensing-based
physical distance monitoring model leveraging federated learning for pandemic,” Internet of Things,
vol. 23, pp. 100872, 2023.
2. Anwesha Mukherjee, Shreya Ghosh, Soumya K. Ghosh, and Rajkumar Buyya, “Mobi-Sense:
mobility-aware sensor-fog paradigm for mission-critical applications using network coding and
steganography,” The Journal of Supercomputing, pp. 1-24, 2023.
3. Anwesha Mukherjee, Shreya Ghosh, Debashis De, and Soumya K Ghosh, “MCG: Mobility-aware
Computation Offloading in Edge using Weighted Majority Game,” IEEE Transactions on Network
Science and Engineering, Early Access, 2022.
4. Anwesha Mukherjee, Shreya Ghosh, Aabhas Behere, Soumya K Ghosh, and Rajkumar Buyya,
“Internet of Health Things (IoHT) for personalized health care using integrated edge-fog-cloud
network,” Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer, vol. 12, no. 1, pp.
943-959, 2021.
5. Anwesha Mukherjee, Priti Deb, and Debashis De, “Femtolet Based Low Power Hetnet Using Soft
Fractional Frequency Reuse,” Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, vol.121, no.4, pp. 2529-
2544, 2021.
6. Anwesha Mukherjee, Debashis De and Soumya K Ghosh, “FogIoHT: A Weighted Majority Game
Theory based Energy- Efficient Delay-Sensitive Fog Network for Internet of Health Things,” Internet
of Things, Elsevier, vol. 11, pp. 100181, 2020.
7. Anwesha Mukherjee, Priti Deb, and Debashis De, “LFMTCN: A Green Ultra-Dense Multi-tier Small
Cell Network Using Leader–follower Strategy,” Wireless Personal Communications, Springer,
vol.110, no.1, pp. 275-289, 2020.
8. Anwesha Mukherjee, Debashis De and Deepsubhra Guha Roy, “A power and latency aware cloudlet
selection strategy for multi-cloudlet environment,” IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, vol. 7, no.
1, pp. 141-154, 2019.
9. Anwesha Mukherjee, Priti Deb, Debashis De and Mohammad S Obaidat, “WmA-MiFN: A Weighted
Majority and Auction Game Based Green Ultra-Dense Micro-Femtocell Network System,” IEEE
Systems Journal, pp. 1-11, 2019.
10. Anwesha Mukherjee, Deepsubhra Guha Roy and Debashis De, “Mobility Aware Task Delegation
Model in Mobile Cloud Computing,” The Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 314-339,
11. Anwesha Mukherjee, Debashis De and Rajkumar Buyya, “E 2 R-F 2 N: Energy-efficient retailing using
a femtolet-based fog network,” Software Practice and Experience, Wiley, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 498-523,
12. Anwesha Mukherjee, Priti Deb, Debashis De and Rajkumar Buyya, “IoT-F2N: An energy-efficient
architectural model for IoT using Femtolet-based fog network”, The Journal of Supercomputing,
Springer, 2018.
13. Anwesha Mukherjee and Debashis De, “User Velocity Based Hand-off Prediction in Micro-
femtocell Clustered Network,” Computers and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier, vol.72, pp.732-751,
14. Anwesha Mukherjee, Priti Deb, Debashis De and Rajkumar Buyya, “C2OF2N: A Low Power
Cooperative Code Offloading Method for Femtolet Based Fog Network,” The Journal of
Supercomputing, Springer, vol. 74, no.6, pp. 2412-2448, 2018.
15. Anwesha Mukherjee and Debashis De, “Octopus Algorithm for Wireless Personal
Communications,” Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, vol.101, no.1, pp. 531-565, 2018.
16. Anwesha Mukherjee, Debashis De and Priti Deb, “Power Consumption Model of Sector Breathing
Based Congestion Control in Mobile Network,” Digital Communications and Networks, vol. 4, no. 3,
pp. 217-233, 2018.
17. Anwesha Mukherjee, Priti Deb and Debashis De, “Small cell zooming based green congestion control
in mobile network,” CSI Transactions on ICT, Springer, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 35–43, 2017.
18. Anwesha Mukherjee and Debashis De, “Femtolet: A novel fifth generation network device for green
mobile cloud computing,” Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, Elsevier, vol. 62, pp. 68-87,
19. Anwesha Mukherjee and Debashis De, “Low power offloading strategy for femto- cloud mobile
network,” Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Elsevier, vol. 19, no. 1, pp.
260-270, 2016.
20. Anwesha Mukherjee and Debashis De, “Location management in mobile network: A survey,”
Computer Science Review, Elsevier, 2016.
21. Anwesha Mukherjee, Debashis De and Priti Deb, “Interference management in macro-femtocell and
micro-femtocell cluster- based long-term evaluation-advanced green mobile network,” IET
Communications, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 468-478, 2016.
22. Anwesha Mukherjee, Srimoyee Bhattacherjee, Sucheta Pal and Debashis De, “Femtocell based
green power consumption methods for mobile network,” Computer Networks, Elsevier, vol. 57, no.1,
pp. 162-178, 2013.
23. Anwesha Mukherjee and Debashis De, “Congestion detection, prevention and avoidance strategies
for an intelligent, energy and spectrum efficient green mobile network,” Journal of Computational
Intelligence and Electronic Systems, American Scientific Publishers, vol. 2, no.1, pp.1-19, 2013.
24. Anwesha Mukherjee and Debashis De, “DAS: An intelligent three dimensional cost effective
movement prediction of active users in heterogeneous mobile network,” Journal of Computational
Intelligence and Electronic Systems, American Scientific Publishers, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 31-47, 2012.
25. Priti Deb, Anwesha Mukherjee, Debashis De, and Soumya K. Ghosh, “IoBT: beamforming design in
internet of things,” The Journal of Supercomputing, pp. 1-20, 2023.
26. Shreya Ghosh, Anwesha Mukherjee, Soumya K Ghosh, and Rajkumar Buyya, “STOPPAGE: Spatio-
temporal data driven cloud-fog-edge computing framework for pandemic monitoring and
management,” Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley, 2022.
27. Anirbit Sengupta, Anwesha Mukherjee, Abhijit Das, and Debashis De, “GrowFruit: An IoT-Based
Radial Growth Rate Monitoring Device for Fruit,” IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, vol. 11, no.
3, pp. 38-43, 2021.
28. Anirbit Sengupta, Anwesha Mukherjee, Abhijit Das, and Debashis De, “AgriStick: An IoT-Enabled
Agricultural Appliance to Measure Growth of Jackfruit Using 2-Axis JoyStick,” IEEE Instrumentation
& Measurement Magazine, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 58-62, 2022.
29. Priti Deb, Anwesha Mukherjee, and Debashis De, “Fractional frequency reuse based frequency
allocation for 5G HetNet using master–slave algorithm,” Physical Communication, Elsevier, vol. 42,
pp. 101158, 2020.
30. Jaydeep Das, Anwesha Mukherjee, Soumya K Ghosh and Rajkumar Buyya, “Spatio-Fog: A green
and timeliness-oriented fog computing model for geospatial query resolution,” Simulation Modelling
Practice and Theory, Elsevier, vol. 100, 2020.
31. Debashis De, Anwesha Mukherjee and Deepsubhra Guha Roy, “Power and Delay Efficient
Multilevel Offloading Strategies for Mobile Cloud Computing,” Wireless Personal Communications,
Springer, 2020.
32. Shreya Ghosh, Anwesha Mukherjee, Soumya K Ghosh and Rajkumar Buyya, “Mobi-IoST:
Mobility-aware Cloud-Fog-Edge- IoT Collaborative Framework for Time-Critical Applications,” IEEE
Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 2271-2285, 2020.
33. Priti Deb, Anwesha Mukherjee and Debashis De, “Design of Green Smart Room Using Fifth
Generation Network Device Femtolet,” Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, vol. 104, no. 3,
pp. 1037-1064, 2019.
34. Deepsubhra Guha Roy, Anwesha Mukherjee, Debashis De and Satish Narayana Srirama, “Practical
Implementation of Femtolet Based Peer-to-Peer Network,” Wireless Personal Communications,
Springer, pp. 1-22, 2019.
35. Priti Deb, Anwesha Mukherjee and Debashis De, “A Study of Densification Management Using
Energy Efficient Femto-Cloud Based 5G Mobile Network,” Wireless Personal Communications,
Springer, 2018.
36. Priti Deb, Anwesha Mukherjee and Debashis De, “Study of Indoor Path loss Computational Models for
Femtocell based Mobile Network,” Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, vol. 95, no. 3, pp.
3031–3056, 2017.
37. Debashis De and Anwesha Mukherjee, “Group handoff management in low power microcell-
femtocell network,” Digital Communications and Networks, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 55-65, 2017.
38. Debashis De, Anwesha Mukherjee, Arkaprabha Sau and Ishita Bhakta, “Design of smart neonatal
health monitoring system using SMCC,” IET Healthcare Technology Letters, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 13-19,
39. Debashis De, Anwesha Mukherjee, Anindita Ray, Deepsubhra Guha Roy and Suchismita Mukherjee,
“Architecture of Green Sensor Mobile Cloud Computing,” IET Wireless Sensor Systems, vol. 6, no. 4,
pp. 109-120, 2016.
40. Debashis De and Anwesha Mukherjee, “Femto-cloud based secure and economic distributed
diagnosis and home health care system,” Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics,
American Scientific Publishers, vol.5, no.3, pp.435-447, 2015.
41. Shreya Ghosh and Anwesha Mukherjee, “STROVE: spatial data infrastructure enabled
cloud–fog–edge computing framework for combating COVID-19 pandemic,” Innovations in Systems
and Software Engineering, Springer, pp. 1-17, 2022.
42. Samarjit Roy, Anwesha Mukherjee, and Debashis De, “OrangeMusic: An orange
computing‐inspired recommender framework in internet of music things,” Internet Technology
Letters, Wiley, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. e331, 2022.
43. Samarjit Roy, Anwesha Mukherjee, and Debashis De, “IoHMT: a probabilistic event-sensitive music
analytics framework for low resource internet of humanitarian musical things,” Innovations in Systems
and Software Engineering, pp. 1-24, 2022.
44. Somnath Bera, Tanushree Dey, Anwesha Mukherjee, and Rajkumar Buyya, “E-CropReco: a dew-
edge-based multi-parametric crop recommendation framework for internet of agricultural things,” The
Journal of Supercomputing, pp. 1-35, 2023.
45. Jaydeep Das, Shreya Ghosh, Anwesha Mukherjee, Soumya K Ghosh, and Rajkumar Buyya,
“RESCUE: Enabling green healthcare services using integrated IoT‐edge‐fog‐cloud computing
environments,” Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley, vol. 52, no. 7, pp. 1615-1642, 2022.
46. Sourav Hati, Debashis De, and Anwesha Mukherjee, “DewBCity: blockchain network-based dew-
cloud modeling for distributed and decentralized smart cities,” The Journal of Supercomputing,
Springer, vol. 78, no.6, pp. 8977-8997, 2018.
47. Sourav Hati, Debashis De and Anwesha Mukherjee, “Bio-inspired innovative green fault recovery
modelling for macro- femtocell mobile network,” International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation,
Inderscience, 2019.
48. Moumita Mishra, Sayan Kumar Roy, Anwesha Mukherjee, Debashis De, Soumya K Ghosh and
Rajkumar Buyya, “An energy- aware multi-sensor geo-fog paradigm for mission critical applications,”
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Springer, vol. 11, no. 8, pp. 3155-3173,
49. Deepsubhra Guha Roy, Debashis De, Anwesha Mukherjee and Rajkumar Buyya, “Application-
aware cloudlet selection for computation offloading in multi-cloudlet environment,” The Journal of
Supercomputing, vol. 73, no. 4, pp. 1672–1690, 2017.
50. Subha Ghosh, Debashis De, Priti Deb and Anwesha Mukherjee, “5G-ZOOM-Game: small cell
zooming using weighted majority cooperative game for energy efficient 5G mobile network,” Wireless
Networks, Springer, pp. 1-24, 2018.
List of Book Chapters
1. Anwesha Mukherjee, Debashis De, and Rajkumar Buyya, “Green Mobile Cloud Computing for
Industry 5.0,” in: Green Mobile Cloud Computing, Springer, Cham, 2022.
2. Anwesha Mukherjee, Debashis De, and Rajkumar Buyya, “New Research Directions for Green
Mobile Cloud Computing,” in: Green Mobile Cloud Computing, Springer, Cham, 2022.
3. Anwesha Mukherjee, Debashis De, Soumya K. Ghosh, and Rajkumar Buyya, “Introduction to mobile
edge computing,” in: Mobile Edge Computing, Springer, Cham, 2021.
4. Anwesha Mukherjee, Priti Deb and Debashis De, “Natural Computing in Mobile Network
Optimization,” in: Handbook of Research on Natural Computing for Optimization Problems, IGI
Global, 2016.
5. Anindita Raychaudhuri, Anwesha Mukherjee, Debashis De, and Sukhpal Singh Gill, “Green Internet
of Things Using Mobile Cloud Computing: Architecture, Applications, and Future Directions,” in:
Green Mobile Cloud Computing, Springer, Cham, 2022.
6. Avishek Chakraborty, Anwesha Mukherjee, Soumya Bhattacharyya, Sumit Kumar Singh, and
Debashis De, “Multi-criterial Offloading Decision Making in Green Mobile Cloud Computing,” in:
Green Mobile Cloud Computing, Springer, Cham, 2022.
7. Priti Deb, Anwesha Mukherjee, and Debashis De “Mobile health monitoring for senior citizens using
femtolet-based fog network,” in: Contemporary Medical Biotechnology Research for Human Health,
pp. 197-204, 2022.
8. Anindita Raychaudhuri, Anwesha Mukherjee, and Debashis De, “SMEC: Sensor Mobile Edge
Computing,” in: Mobile Edge Computing, Springer, Cham, 2021.
9. Debashis De, Anwesha Mukherjee, Srimoyee Bhattacherjee, and Payel Gupta, “Trusted Cloud-and
Femtocell-Based Biometric Authentication for Mobile Networks,” in: Handbook of Research on
Securing Cloud-Based Databases with Biometric Applications, IGI Global, 2014.
10. Anirbit Sengupta, Sayantani Ghosh, Anwesha Mukherjee, Abhijit Das, and Debashis De, “Quad
sensor-based soil-moisture prediction using machine learning,” In: Hybrid Computational Intelligent
Systems, CRC Press, 2023.
List of Conference Papers
1. Anwesha Mukherjee, “A Partial Computation Offloading Strategy for Microcell-femtolet based Future
Generation Edge-Cloud Network,” URSIGA, IEEE, pp. 1-4, 2021.
2. Anwesha Mukherjee, Debashis De and Soumya K Ghosh, “Power-efficient and Latency-aware
Offloading in Energy-harvested Cloud-enabled Small cell Network,” URSIGA, IEEE, pp. 1-4, 2020.
3. Anwesha Mukherjee, Priti Deb, Debashis De, Subha Ghosh, “Group Based Location Tracking in
Multi- tier Small Cell Network,” Optronix, IEEE, pp. 1-6, 2017 (Best paper award).
4. Anwesha Mukherjee, Priti Deb, and Debashis De, “Green deployment strategy of different generation
mobile networks based on spectrum analysis,” Third International Conference on Computer,
Communication, Control and Information Technology, IEEE, pp. 1-6, 2015.
5. Anwesha Mukherjee, “Femto-cloud Network: Applications and Challenges,” Indian Science Congress
Association, 2015.
6. Anwesha Mukherjee and Debashis De, “Femtocell based green health monitoring strategy,” URSIGA,
IEEE, pp. 1-4, 2014.
7. Anwesha Mukherjee and Debashis De, “A novel cost-effective and high-speed location tracking
scheme for overlay macrocell- femtocell network,” URSIGA, IEEE, pp. 1-4, 2014.
8. Anwesha Mukherjee, Payel Gupta, and Debashis De, “Mobile cloud computing based energy efficient
offloading strategies for femtocell network,” Applications and Innovations in Mobile Computing, IEEE,
pp. 28-35, 2014.
9. Anwesha Mukherjee and Debashis De, “A cost-effective location tracking strategy for femtocell
based mobile network,” International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy and
Communication, IEEE, pp. 533-537, 2014.
10. Shreya Ghosh and Anwesha Mukherjee, “Cloud–Fog–Edge Computing Framework for Combating
COVID-19 Pandemic,” International conference on advanced computing applications, pp. 247-255,
11. Jaydeep Das, Anwesha Mukherjee, Soumya K. Ghosh, and Rajkumar Buyya, “Geo-cloudlet: Time and
power efficient geospatial query resolution using cloudlet,” International Conference on Advanced
Computing (ICoAC), IEEE, pp. 180-187, 2019.
12. Debashis De and Anwesha Mukherjee, “Femtocell based economic health monitoring scheme using
mobile cloud computing,” International Advance Computing Conference, IEEE, pp. 385-390, 2014.
13. Debashis De and Anwesha Mukherjee, “A cost-effective location management strategy based on
movement pattern of active users in a heterogeneous system,” URSIGA, IEEE, pp.1-4, 2011.
1. Departmental Seminar on ‘Python Programming & Machine Learning’ has been
organized on 16th September, 2019.
2. International Webinar on ‘Future Generation Computing Systems’ has been
organized on 17-18th August, 2020.
3. Departmental webinar on 29th July, 2020, Topic: Bio-inspired Computing and Its
Applications in Mobile Network.
4. Departmental webinar on 10th August, 2020, Topic: Introduction to Future of
Cloud Computing.
5. Departmental webinar on 24th September, 2020, Topic: 5G & IoT: A New Era of
6. Departmental Seminar on ‘Internet of Things’ has been organized on 16th
September, 2019.
1. Anwesha Mukherjee, Debashis De, Soumya K. Ghosh, and Rajkumar Buyya, “Mobile Edge
Computing,” Springer International Publishing, 2021, eBook ISBN: 978-3-030-69893-5, DOI:
10.1007/978-3-030-69893-5, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-030-69892-8,
2. Debashis De, Anwesha Mukherjee, and Rajkumar Buyya, “Green Mobile Cloud Computing,” Springer
International Publishing, 2022, eBook ISBN: 978-3-031-08038-8, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-08038-8, Hardcover ISBN: 978-3-031-08037-1, https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-08038-8.
Awards & Achievements -
- Young Scientist Award from International Union of Radio Science (Belgium) in
URSIGA 2021 held in Italy. - Young Scientist Award from International Union of Radio Science (Belgium) in
URSIGA 2020, event held online due to Global Pandemic. - Young Scientist Award from International Union of Radio Science (Belgium) in
URSIGA 2014 held in Beijing, China. - First Class First in M. Tech, Gold Medalist in Information Technology West Bengal
University of Technology. - Best paper award in ICAC2016 held in Kolkata.
- Best paper award in Optronix2017 held in Kolkata.
- Second Best paper award in Micro2016 held in Kolkata.
- Best paper award in Biospectrum2018 held in Kolkata.
- Qualified GATE in 2010.
- Qualified NET (Assistant Professor) in 2019.