Faculty Profile (Sanskrit Department)

Dr. Bivash Mistri
Qualification & Details
Qualifiaction | B.A, M.A, B.Ed, Ph.D. |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Teaching Experience | 10 Years |
Research Experience | -- |
Publications till Date | 06 |
E-Mail ID |
Chapters in Books -
SN NO. | Department | Publication | Title |
1. | LALBABA COLLEGE Department of Sanskrit 117 G.T.Road, Belur, Howrah, W.B | Nyāyavaiśeṣikanibndhāvlῑ, ISBN NO. 978-81-952049-3-9. | Nyāẏabaiśēṣikadarśanē jñāna ō jñānatattbabicāra, Page no. 81-88 |
2. | Mahishadal Raj College Department of Sanskrit Mahishadal, Purbamedinipur, W.B | Āẏurbēda kālē kālāntarē, ISBN NO.978-93-919571-5-5 | Āẏurbēdē baiśēṣikapadārthatattba: Ēkaṭi samīkṣā, Page no. 56-62 |
Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals -
SN NO. | Title |
1. | Swami Vivekananda and Upanisad: A recent trend in criticisim. Journal: PATACHITTRA, ISSN-2349-9257, JULY 2016, Vol. 2, Number 1. , Mahishaldal Raj College.
2. | Anumānpramāṇer Prāmāṇya: Vaiśeṣiksutrer Āaṅgike, Journal: ANTORJATIK PATHSALA, ISSN 2230-9594, July-September, 2019, Vol. VIII: Issue IV. |
3. | Vaiśeṣiksutrer Āaṅgike Pratyakṣpramāṇer Prāmāṇya, Journal: ANVISA, ISSN: 0587- 1646, VOL. XLI, PART -I, Jadavpur University. |
4. | Carakasaṃhitāy Sāṃkhyer Pravāb : Ekaṭi Samῑkṣā, Journal: ANVĪKṢĀ, ISSN: 0587-1646, VOL. XLII, PART -II, Jadavpur University. |
SN NO. | Paper Presented on Seminar |
1. | UGC Sponsored National Seminar on PADARTHATTVAMIMAMSA, V. U. Present Paper entitled: Samkhyadarsane Padarthatattvamimamsa., Dated: 28th & 29th March, 2018. |
2. | National Seminar on Nyaya and Vaisesika System in Indian Philosophy. Lalbaba College, Presented a Paper entitled: Nyayavaisesikadarsane jnan o jnanatattvabichar. |
3. | All India Sanskrit Conference: Govt. Of Assam. Presented paper entitled: Physical, Psychological and Spritual Development Through Indian Yogic System, Kumar Vaskar Varma Sanskrit and Ancient Studies University, Dated: 15th to 17th February, 2018. |
4. | Co-ordinator, 9 Days International webinar on ‘Environmental & Health Awarness in present pandemic situation: Special Reference in Ancient Vedic, Sanskrit, Pali & Prakrit Literature. Dated: 14/09/2020 to 23/09/2020. |
5. | International webinar on ‘Environmental & Health Awarness in present pandemic situation: Special Reference in Ancient Vedic, Sanskrit, Pali & Prakrit Literature. Present paper entitled: Environmental Consciousness in the vedic literature: An Assessment. Dated on 16/09/2020. |
SN NO. | Workshop |
1. | Six day National Workshop on "Inferential Cognition as Means of Obtaining Knowledge, J. U. On13th to 18th January, 2020 |
2. | Two day Workshop on "Experiential Learning, Community Engagements and Rural Immersion", Dated on 19th & 20th July, 2019. UGC Human Resource Development Centre, J. U. and Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Educatio (MGNCRE), Ministry Of Human Resource Development, Govt. Of India. |
3. | UGC Sponsored Orientation Programme, 73rd Orientation Programme, JU Dated on 8th July to 27th July, 2019 |
4. | Six day National Workshop on "Inferential Cognition as Means of Obtaining Knowledge, J. U. On13th to 18th January, 2020. |
SN NO. | Participation on Seminar and Webinar |
1. | Two day National Seminar on " Vedāṅgs: Language, religion, philosophy and Science" on 19th & 20th January, 2017 at J. U. |
2. | One day State Level Seminar on " Avijit V. Banerjee, his Works and the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences, 2019" on 6th December, 2019 at Mahishadal Raj College. |
3. | One day Online International Seminar on "Bhāratatattvajijñāsā" Dated on 29th June, 2020 at Balurghat Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Balurghat. |
4. | Two day National Webinar on " The Roll of Ayurveda in Our daily Life" on July 20-21, 2020 at Bejoy Narayan Mahavidyalaya, Hooghly |
5. | One day International Webinar on "Elements of Eradication of COVID19 in Sanskrit Literature" on 3rd August, 2020 in Collaboration with Yogoda Satsanga Palpara Mahavidyalay and Midnapur College (Autonomous). |
6. | One day National Webinar on " Career Advancement Scheme for College Teachers and Librarians" on 4th August, 2020 at Siddhinath Mahavidyalaya. |
7. | One day State level Webinar on "Saṃskritavyākarane Kārakatrayam" on18th August, 2020 at Krishnagar Goverment College. |
1. | Superintendent of Boy's Hostel, On and from 01. 06. 2017 to till now. |
2. | NSS Programme Officer. On and from 01. 06. 2023 to till now. |
3. | Departmental in-charge: Social Value and Ethics (On and from 09/09/2023 to till date.) |
1. | Supervisor. for B. A. /B. Sc/B.Com Part-III Exam. 2017. |
2. | Head Examiner in SANG, Paper IV, B. A. Part-III Exam. 2017. |
3. | Supervisor. for B. A. /B. Sc/B.Com 4th Sem. Exam. 2023. |