Faculty Profile (Physics Department)

Dr. Md Sabir Ali
Qualification & Details
Qualifiaction | M.Sc., Ph.D. Postdoc ((IIT Ropar, IISER Kolkata and Lanzhou University (China)) |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Teaching Experience | November 2023 - till date |
Research Experience | 9 Years |
Publications till Date | 29 |
E-Mail ID |
Project completed - Yes
Research papers published - Yes
Seminars organized - Yes
Awards & Achievements - SERB-National Postdoc Fellow
List Of publications -
- Md Sabir Ali, Sushant G. Ghosh and Anzhong Wang, Thermodynamics of Kerr-Sen-AdS black holes in the restricted phase space, Rev. D 108, 044045 (2023).
- Md Sabir Ali, Hasan El Moumni, Jamal Khallou and Karima Masmar, Revisiting the second law and weak cosmic censorship conjecture in high-dimensional charged-AdS black hole: an additional assumption, JHEP 03, 160 (2023).
- Naveena Kumara, Shreyas Punacha, Kartheek Hegde, C. L. Ahmed Rizwan, K. M. Ajith and Md Sabir Ali, Dynamics and kinetics of phase transition for regular AdS black holes in general relativity coupled to nonlinear electrodynamics, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 38, 2350151 (2023).
- A. Naveena Kumara, C. L. Ahmed Rizwan, Kartheek Hegde, Md Sabir Ali and K. M. Ajith, Mi- crostructure of ve-dimensional neutral Gauss Bonnet black hole in anti-de Sitter spacetime via P V criticality, Gen. Rel. Grav. 55, 4 (2023).
- Md Sabir Ali, Sourav Bhattacharya and Shagun Kaushal, Stationary black holes and stars in the Brans-Dicke theory with Λ>0 revisited, Rev. D 106, L121502 (2022).
- Md Sabir Ali and Sourav Bhattacharya, Vacuum polarization of Dirac fermions in the cosmological de Sitter global monopole spacetime, Rev. D 105, 085006 (2022).
- Md Sabir Ali and Sushant Ghosh, Thermodynamics and phase transition of rotating regular-de Sitter black holes, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 137, 486 (2022).
- Md Sabir Ali and Shagun Kauhsal, Gravitational lensing for stationary axisymmetric black holes in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity, Rev. D 105, 024062 (2022).
- Dharm Veer Singh, Sudhaker Upadhyay and Md Sabir Ali, Rotating Lee-Wick black hole and ther- modynamics , J. Mod. Phys. A 37, 2250049 (2022).
- Md Sabir Ali, Sourav Bhattacharya, Shankhadeep Chakrabortty and Shagun Kaushal, Fermionic Bell violation in the presence of background electromagnetic elds in the cosmological de Sitter spacetime, Rev. D 104, 125012 (2021).
- L. Ahmed Rizwan, A. Naveena Kumara, Kartheek Hegde, Md Sabir Ali and K. M. Ajith, Rotating black hole with an anisotropic matter eld as a particle accelerator, Class. Quant. Grav. 38, 075030 (2021).
- Kartheek Hegde, A. Naveena Kumara, C. L. Ahmed Rizwan, Md Sabir Ali and K. M. Ajith, Null geodesics and thermodynamic phase transition of four-dimensional Gauss Bonnet AdS black hole, Annals 429, 168461 (2021).
- Naveena Kumara, C. L. Ahmed Rizwan, Kartheek Hegde, Md Sabir Ali and K. M. Ajith, Rup- peiner geometry, reentrant phase transition, and microstructure of Born-Infeld AdS black hole, Phys. Rev. D 103, 044025 (2021).
- A. Naveena Kumara, C. L. Ahmed Rizwan, Kartheek Hegde, Md Sabir Ali and K. M. Ajith, Rotating 4D Gauss Bonnet black hole as a particle accelerator, Annals Phys. 434, 168599 (2021).
- Md Sabir Ali, S. Bhattacharya and Kinjalk Lochan, Unruh-DeWitt detector responses for complex scalar elds in de Sitter spacetime, JHEP 03, 220 (2021).
- A. Naveena Kumara, C. L. Ahmed Rizwan, Kartheek Hegde, Md Sabir Ali and K. M. Ajith, Mi- crostructure and continuous phase transition of a regular Hayward black hole in anti-de Sitter space- time, PTEP 2021, 073E01 (2021).
- K. V. Rajani, C. L. Ahmed Rizwan, A. Naveena Kumara, Md Sabir Ali and Deepak Vaid, Joule Thomson expansion of regular Bardeen AdS black hole surrounded by static anisotropic matter eld, Phys. Dark Univ. 32, 100825 (2021).
- Kumar, Balendra Pratap Singh, Md Sabir Ali and Sushant G. Ghosh, Shadows of black hole surrounded by anisotropic uid in Rastall theory, Phys. Dark Univ. 34, 100881 (2021).
- Md Sabir Ali, Sushant G. Ghosh and Sunil D. Maharaj, E ective thermodynamics and critical phenomena of rotating regular-de Sitter black holes, Class. Quant. Grav. 37, 185003 (2020).
- Kimet Jusufi , Muhammed Amir, Md Sabir Ali and Sunil D. Maharaj, Quasinormal modes, shadow and greybody factors of 5D electrically charged Bardeen black holes, Rev. D 102, 064020 (2020).
- Muhammed Amir, Md Sabir Ali and Sunil D. Maharaj, Rotating ve-dimensional electrically charged Bardeen regular black holes, Quant. Grav. 37, 145014 (2020).
- Naveena Kumara, C. L. Ahmed Rizwan, Shreyas Punacha, K. M. Ajith and Md Sabir Ali, Photon orbits and thermodynamic phase transition of regular AdS black holes, Phys. Rev. D 102, 084059 (2020).
- Md Sabir Ali, Fazlay Ahmed and Sushant Ghosh, Black string surrounded by a static anisotropic quintessence uid, Annals Phys. 412, 168024 (2020).
- Md Sabir Ali and Sushant G. Ghosh, Thermodynamics of rotating Bardeen black holes: Phase transitions and thermodynamics volume, Phys. Rev. D 99, 024015 (2019).
- Md Sabir Ali and Sushant G. Ghosh, Exact d-dimensional Bardeen-de Sitter black holes and ther- modynamics, Phys. Rev. D 98, 084025 (2018).
- Dharm Veer Singh, Md Sabir Ali and Sushant G. Ghosh, Noncommutative geometry inspired rotating black string, J. Mod. Phys. D 27, 1850108 (2018).
- Md Sabir Ali and Sourav Bhattacharya, Light bending, static dark energy, and related uniqueness of Schwarzschild de Sitter spacetime, Rev. D 97, 024029 (2018).
- Ashima Sood, Md Sabir Ali, J. K. Singh and Sushant G. Ghosh, Photon orbits and phase transition for Letelier AdS black holes immersed in perfect uid dark matter, Chin. Phys. C 48(2024) 6, 065109
- Md Sabir Ali, Hasan El Moumni, Jamal Khallou and Karima Masmar, Topology of Born-Infeld-AdS Black Hole Phase Transition, Annals Phys. 465(2024) 169679