Faculty Profile (Industrial Chemistry Department)

Dr. Pradip Patra
Qualification & Details
Qualifiaction | M.Sc., M.Phill., Ph.D |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Teaching Experience | 29.01.2009 to Present |
Research Experience | - |
Publications till Date | 09 |
E-Mail ID |
1. | Sunil K. Bhanja, Dilip Rout, Pradip Patra, Ipsita K. Sen, Chanchal K. Nandan, Syed S. Islam*, “Water-insoluble glucans from the edible fungus Ramaria botrytis.” Bioactive Carbohydrate and Dietary Fibre 2014, 3, 52-58. |
2. | Sukesh Patra, Pradip Patra, Kankan K. Maity, Soumitra Mandal, Sanjay K. Bhunia, Biswajit Dey, K. Sanjana P. Devi, Somanjana Khatua, Krishnendu Acharya, Tapas K. Maiti, Syed S. Islam*, “A heteroglycan from the mycelia of Pleurotus ostreatus: structure determination and study of antioxidant properties.” Carbohydrate Research 2013, 368, 16-21. |
3. | K. Sanjana P. Devi, Bibhas Roy, Pradip Patra, Banalata Sahoo, Syed S. Islam, Tapas K. Maiti *, “Characterization and lectin microarray of an immunomodulatory heteroglucan from Pleurotus ostreatus mycelia.” Carbohydrate Polymers 2013, 94, 857-865. |
4. | Pradip Patra, Ipsita K. Sen, Sunil K. Bhanja, Ashis K. Nandi, Surajit Samanta, Debsankar Das, K. Sanjana P. Devi, Tapas K. Maiti and Syed S. Islam *, “Pectic polysaccharide from immature onion stick (Allium cepa): Structural and immunological investigation.” Carbohydrate Polymers 2013, 92, 345-352. |
5. | Pradip Patra, Sunil K. Bhanja, Ipsita K. Sen, Ashis K. Nandi, Surajit Samanta, Debsankar Das, K. Sanjana P. Devi, Tapas K. Maiti, Krishnendu Acharya and Syed S. Islam*, “Structural and immunological studies of hetero polysaccharide isolated from the alkaline extract of Tricholoma crassum (Berk.) Sacc.” Carbohydrate Research 2012, 362, 1-7. |
6. | Pradip Patra, Debsankar Das, Birendra Behera, Tapas K. Maiti and Syed S. Islam*, “Structure elucidation of an immunoenhancing pectic polysaccharide isolated from aqueous extract of pods of green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).” (Highlighted in Nature India, doi:10.1038/nindia.2012.0). Carbohydrate Polymers 2012, 87, 2169-2172. |
7. | Ramsankar Sarkar, Chanchal K. Nandan, Soumitra Mandal, Pradip Patra, Debsankar Das and Syed. S. Islam “Structural characterization of a heteropolysaccharide isolated from hot water extract of the stems of Amaranthus tricolor Linn. (Amaranthus gangeticus L.)”, Carbohydrate Research, 2009, 344, 2412–2416. Carbohydrate Research 2009, 344, 2412-2416. |
8. | Soumitra Mandal, Ramsankar Sarkar, Pradip Patra, Chanchal K. Nandan, Debsankar Das, Sunil K. Bhanja and Syed S. Islam*, “Structural studies of a heteropolysaccharide (PS-I) isolated from hot water extract of fruits of Psidium guajava (Guava).” Carbohydrate Research 2009, 344, 1365-1370. |
9. | Chanchal K. Nandan, Pradip Patra, Sunil K. Bhanja, Bappaditya Adhikari, Ramsankar Sarkar, Soumitra Mandal and Syed S. Islam*, “S Structural characterization of a water-soluble β-(1→6)-linked D-glucan isolated from the hot water extract of an edible mushroom, Agaricus bitorquis.” Carbohydrate Research 2008, 343, 3120-3122. |
1. | Progress of chemistry for the sustainable development of manking. ISBN: 978-81-926694-5-8. 2019,112. |
2. | Recent trends in research in chemical science. ISBN: 978-93-5267-187-8. 2016, 63. |
3. | Fluorosis and Arsenicosis: A Global; Problem. ISBN: 978-93-84241-08-7. 2016, 196. |
1. | International webinar on “Chemistry and Biology: Sustainable progress in human civilization” Department of Chemistry, Prabhat Kumar College, Contain in collaboration with Indian Chemical Society, 29-30 June, 2020. |
1. | One day national Webinar on “ Current Perspectives in Chemical Sciences” Department of Chemistry, Bhatter College, Dantan in collaboration in Indian Chemical Society, 21th July, 2020. |
2. | One day International Webinar Recent Advances in Therapeutic Use of Chemical Compounds and Drug Delivery, Department of Chemistry and Research Cell, Mugberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya, 2nd August, 2020. |
3. | SERB Sponsored one day national seminar on the development of chemistry house on the pillar of periodic table. Celebration of 150th anniversary of periodic table. Department of Chemistry Prabhat Kumar College, contain, 20th November, 2019. |
4. | Two days international conference on “Green engineering and Sustainable Development” Department of Chemistry, Mughberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya, August 20-21, 2018. |
5. | Attended one day national seminar on “Recent Development in Biological Science and chemical science” Garhbeta College, 1st April, 2017. |
6. | UGC-sponsored National seminar on “Chemistry Today-Nanoworld to Macroworld”, Department of chemistry, Sonamukhi College, Bankura, Decc 22-23, 2016. |
7. | Pradip Patra, “Fluoride and Arsenic: An alarming global concern”. The UGC –sponsored National seminar on “Fluorosis and Arsenicosis; A Global Problem, Department of chemistry and Nutrition Prabhat Kumar College, contain, 13th-14th September, 2016. |
8. | Pradip Patra, “Immuno enhancing hetero polysaccharide isolated from the alkaline extract of Tricholoma crassum (Berk) sace”. UGC-sponsored one day National seminar on”Recent Trends in Research in Chemical Science, Department of chemistry Ghatal Rabindra Satabarsiki Mahavidyalaya, 30th August, 2016. |
9. | Attended “State Level Symposium- Interface between Chemistry and Cosmology”. Department of Chemistry, Sitananda College, Nandigram Purba Medinipur, 12th August, 2016. |
10. | Pradip Patra, “Structural immunoenhancing activity: Hetero polysaccharide isolated from Trichloloma crassum (Berk) Sacc”. UGC-sponsored one day National seminar on “Recent Development in Bio-active Molecules (RDBAM 2016)”. Department of chemistry Haldia Govt. college in collaboration with Vivekananda Mission Mahavidyalaya, 4th-5th August, 2016. |
11. | Attended seminar in the “Science Academics Lecture Workshop on Chemistry and Biology Interface”. Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, W.B., April 21-22, 2016. |
12. | Pradip Patra and Tarapada Midya, “Immuno enhancing biodegradable pect in isolated from aqueous extract of pods of green bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L)”. The UGC –sponsored National seminar on “Environment Friendly Biodegradable Polymers: Present and Future, Department of chemistry and Nutrition, Mughberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya, 9th and 10th September, 2015. |
13. | Attended the “One-day Symposium on chemistry and its interface with other scientific discipline”, Sitananda College, Nandigram, 12th December, 2014. |
14. | Attended the UGC sponsored One-day national Level Seminar on Indian Economy and Contemporary Sen Bhagwati Debate on 11th December, 2013. |
15. | Attended the one day International Symposium on Frontiers in Chemical Science 2012. |
16. | Attended the Acharya Prafula Chandra Ray Memorial (150 years) Lectures on Research Ethics for Young Researchers and the physical Growth of Children and Youth. Does SES Matter? On 8th December, 2012. |
17. | Attended the UGC sponsored two day state level seminar on 150th Birth anniversary of Prafulla Chandra Ray organised by the Depart of Chemistry, Mahishdal RajCollege in collaboration with Department o Chemistry Mahishadal Girls ‘College on 9th & 10th February , 2012. |
18. | Attended the UGC sponsored one day state level seminar on Indian Economy Twenty years after it reforms organized by Mahishadal Raj College in collaboration with Ghatal R.S. Mahavidyalaya, Mahishadal, on December10, 2011. |
19. | Attended the UGC sponsored & CSIR aided two days International Symposium on Recent Trends of Research in Chemistry on 31.10.2011 & 01.11.2011. |
20. | Attended the two days Conference on Molecules To-Materials Sponsored by Higher Education Department, Government of west Bengal on 16th &17th March 2011. |
21. | Attended the one day National Symposium on Frontiers in Chemical Science on 13th March, 2011. |