Faculty Profile (Environment Science Department)

Dr. Subhamay Das
Qualification & Details
Qualifiaction | M. Sc., Ph. D, CES, PGDDM |
Designation | Associate Professor |
Teaching Experience | 14th February 2001 to till date |
Research Experience | 34 Years |
Publications till Date | 127 |
E-Mail ID |
Fellowship(s) obtained -
SL. NO. | Name | Year | Organisation | Purpose |
1. | National Scholarship | 1985-86 | D.P.I., West Bengal | To Study H.S. |
2. | Loan Scholarship | 1986-89 | D.P.I., West Bengal | Study B.Sc. |
3. | Loan Scholarship | 1989-91 | D.P.I., West Bengal | Study M.Sc. |
4. | UGC-JRF | 1992-94 | UGC – CU | Research Pesticide |
5. | UGC- SRF | 1994-96 | UGC – CU | Do |
6. | Summer Fellowship | 2004 | Indian Academy of Science. | Behaviour of Elephant |
7. | G.D. Memorial Scholars | 2002-2006 | G.D. Industry Kolkata | Behaviour of Crow |
8. | Al-Amin Mission Scholarship | 2004-2006 | Al-Amin Mission | Behaviour of Crow |
Project completed -
Minor research Project U G C, Impact of ecoclimatic factor and synthetic chemical on gonadal development of fish Kholisha, 2016-2017
Research papers published -
Patents: 1
Journals: 128
Book chapters:
- Raut ,S.K.; Bhaumik, S. and Das, S; 1993 . Occurrence of the snail Physa acuta DRAPARNAND in Calcutta .India . Journal of Bombay Natural History Society.92 : 434.
- Raut , S.K.; and , S . 1997 . Effect of water depth on the hatching of eggs on three disease transmitting freshwater snails. Apex. 12(1) : 9+4.
- Raut, S.K., Misra, T.K., and Das, S. 1997. Life History of a succineid snail Succinea succineaDaucia (Pfeiffer), Journal of Bombay Natural History Society., 94 : 589-590.
- Das, S. and Raut, SK. 1997. Impact of Chronic Sublethal doses of a molluscicide on the biology and growth of a disease transmitting snail species Lymnea (Radix) luteoIa, Trans. Zool. Soc. India 1(2) : 145-150.
- Das, S. and Bhaumik, S. 1998. Distribution and homing of tree snail Rachis BengalensisLamark (Gastropoda) on a new host plant. Journal of Bombay Natural History Society., 95 : 142.
- Das, S. and Bhaumik, S. 1998. Aggressive behaviour of Channa Straitus. Journal of Bombay Natural History Society, 95(3) 517-518.
- Mukherjee, M., Das, S. and Karmakar, A. 2002. Post larval production of Giant Freshwater Prawn, Macrobrachiam rosenbergii (de Man) with special Reference to Hatchery Management and Larval Feeding, Journal of Zoological Society 55(2) : 25-29.
- Das, S., 2003. Impact of food (Meat) processing plant – FrizerioConservaAllana Ltd. On waterbodies, biodiversity and ground water status of Mourigram, Howrah, West Bengal. Pro. Nat. Seminar, Malda College, 131-135.
- Das, S., 2004. Medinipur E ChingriChash. Paschimbanga, Dept. of Youth and Welfare, West Bengal. P. 273-802.
- Das, S. 2004. Pesticide – A Boon or Curse to Human. AgrobiosNews letter 2 (8) : 30-32.
- Das, S. 2004. Supplementary source of plant nutrients and its quality control. Agrobios Newsletter. 2(8) : 52-5 3.
- Das, S., 2004. A Study of Captive Elephant of Jaldapara Wild life Sanctuary, West Bengal. Indian Academy of Science, 1-46.
- Das, S., Das (Bhoumik), S. 2005. Plant protease inhibitor. Agrobios Newsletter. 4(2) , 10-11.
- Das, Subhamoy, 2006. Oh! Crow Don’t Wonder for a love”. Context – extinction and urbanization of crow (Corvussplendens) – an Ethological Study – Proceedings 65th Orientation Program – UGC – Academic Staff College, Univ. of Kolkata, page – 26.
- Das, S. and Das (Bhaumik), S. Chronic effect of formalin on erythrocyte count and plasma glucorse of Tilapia, Oreochromis mosambica. Mahishadal Jr. of Biology. 1.
- Das, S., Nag, M., Das (Bhaumik), S. and Raut, SK. Effects of Thevetia peruviana on the haemocytes of a fresh water edible snail. Bellamya bengalensis. Mahishadal Jr. of Biology. 1.
- Das, S., Guchhait, R. and Das (Bhoumik), S. 2006. Impact of temperature stress on hatching of medically important vector snail Segmentina trochoidea (Gastropoda, palmonata), Mahishadal Journal of Biology, 1.
- Das, S., Bhaumik, S. and Raut, SK. 1998. Effects of the pesticide Rogor on gupply. National Symposium and Workshop on Fin Fish and Shell fish farming .’ Environmental Impact Disease Control. 36—37.
- Das, Subhamay ,Rajkumar guchhait; Srijani das; Sonali das (Bhaumik),(2013)Chronic effects of formalin On Erythrocyte Counts and Plasma Glucose Of Tilapia,Oreochromis mosambica ,Procedings abstract of 100th Indian science congress 2014 PP
- Das, S., Mandol, S. Chaudhury, S., Das ,M. Maity,B. Rana,P. (2013) Neriumodorum bark extract act as Molluscicidal activity on Snail Lymnaea (Radix) luteola,Procedings abstract of 100th Indian science congress 2013 PP
- De, S. , Mal, A , Goal S, khatun,M. , Ganti,A. Das,S,(2013)Fecundity, hatchability and survivability and Molluscicidal potential of Thevetiaperuviana and Daturametel seed against freshwater snail Lymnaea (Radix) lutiola,Procedings abstract of 100th Indian science congress 2013 PP.
- Dutta S, Patra,Rinku, Patra Samir, Bhattacharya Madhumita ,MaumitaSinha, S. Das , Upaddhaya Monika,(2013) Effects of copper on the egg development and hatching of a freshwater pulmonate snail Segmentina (polypylis) trochoidea(Benson,1836).,Procedings abstract of 100th Indian science congress 2013 PP.
- Adak Madhumita, Atanu Jana, ArindamTawari, PralayaHazra ,Gita Das, S. Das , AvijitKuilya,(2013 ) snail Segmentina (polypylis) trochoidea(Benson,1836) for water quality monitoring.Procedings abstract of 100th Indian science congress 2013 PP.
- Das, S,. Dolai, A .Pandit,S., Maji,S., Moumita, Suparna (2013) Size distribution and Food plant preferences by slugs Levicolisaltae evaluate the relative palatability of the food plants,Procedings abstract of 100th Indian science congress 2013 PP.
- Das, Subhamoy , Sarkar,S. (2013), Peperomiapellucida as antidote for Caterpillar Hair of Butterfly, Procedings Research & Innovation in Science National Fair, Christ University, Bengaluru.
- Das Subhamoy , Sonali Das (Bhaumik, Srijani Das ,RajkumarGuchhait (2012)Impact of concrete embankment on the ecology of freshwater pond in Kolkata – A case study, Procedings abstract of 99th Indian science congress 2012 PP.
- Das Subhamoy , Debnarayana Roy, Susanta Kumar Chacrabortty , Sonali Das (Bhaumik) (2013) Effect of temperature on the hatching of the medically important freshwater snail Segmentina (Polypylis ) trochoidea(Benson, 1836); Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Planorbidae. Procedings abstract of 99th Indian science congress 2012 PP.
- Das, Subhamoy (2012) ,ChotogolpePranichetana :PrasangaKestot jib, SatoborseAshapurna, Mahishadal Raj College PP
- Das, Subhamoy (2012), Muktadhara – Jibabaichitrerdalil, RabirAloy, Mahishadal Raj College ,pp
- Das Subhamoy ,(2013) AcharyaPrafullya Chandra Roy erPranividyaCharcha, AharyaPrafullya Chandra Roy, Mahishadal raj College pp
- Guchhait, R., Das, S. Nesting Ecology of Little Cormorant in West Bengal. State Science Congress, 2012
- Guchhait, R., Das, S., Das, S., & Das (Bhaumik).(2013), Chronic Effects of Formalin on Erythrocyte Counts and Plasma Glucose of Tilapia, Oreochromismosambica. 100th Indian Science Congress. 2013.
- Baskaran, Subhamoy Das and R. Sukumar (2009), Population, Reproduction and management of captive Asian elephants (Elephasmaximus), in Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary West Bengal, India, The Indian Forester, 135, (1), 1545-1555.
- Guchhait, R., Das, S., Mandal, R. and Pramanik, K. (2013) Studies on nesting structure and corelationship between nesting location, breeding pairing success of Baya weaver at Howrah district, West Bengal, 24th All India Congress of Zoology, 104.
- Guchhait, R. , Das, S., and Pramanik, K. (2013), Nesting and breeding behavior of little cormorant in kolaghat, West Bengal, SACCON, 2nd International Indian Ornithologist Conference, 101-103.
- Subuamoy Das, RajkumarGuchhait, Susanta Kumar Chakrabortty, SonaliBhaumik, PralayHazra, SagnikMondal, Avishek Dolai ,(2014)Home and homing behaviour of three estuarian pulmonate slug, Onchidium sp. in Nayachar island , West Bengal, Purba Midnapur, Procedingvolums of UGC sponsored National Seminar ; ParyMohon College College.
- Subuamoy Das, RajkumarGuchhait, SantanuGanguly, Susanta Kumar Chakrabortty, Sonali Bhaumik, Pralay Hazra, (2014) ,A comparative study of feeding behavior of estuarine carnivore fish on slug Onchidium sp. and their capturing method by using three species of slug Onchidium sp. (Pulmonata) as a bait., Procedingvolums of UGC sponsored National Seminar ; ParyMohon College College.
- Subhamoy Das, Sagnik Mandal, Avishek Doloi, Samir Kr. Patra, AvijitKuilya, SanjoyMajhi, Rajkumar Guchhait, Santanu Ganguly, Susanta Kumar Chakrabortty, Sonali Bhaumik, Pralay Kr Hazra, and Debnarayana Roy, (2013) Study of feeding behavior of estuarine carnivore fish on slug Onchidium (pulmonata), The ecoscan, IV; 105-110
- Das Subhamoy, Guchhait Rajkumar, Chakrabortty Susanta Kumar, Bhaumik Sonali, Dolai Avishek, (2014) Diversity of home and homing behavior of three estuarianPulmonate slug, Onchidium sp. In nayachar Island, West Bengal, Purba Medinipur, India Biodiversity Meet 2014, pp 60.
- Das S., Guchhait R., and Chakrabortty S. K. (2014) Effect of copper on the egg development and hatching of a freshwater pulmonate snail Segmentina (polyphylis) trochoidea (Benson, 1836), PatachitraVol 1, No 1.pp 124-127.
- Sas Subhamoy, Dolai Avishek, Chakrabortty Susanta Kumar , Metya Atanu &Mondal Sagnik (2015) insecticidal/acaricidal efficacy of different formulation of plant oil against coconut eriophyid mite, Aceriaguerreronis. International Journal of Zoology and Research (IJZR). 5(5), 27-32.
- Das Subhamoy& Dolai Avishek (2015) a successful “Mobile slug and snail control device” by physical method: an innovative idea and its application. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research (IJASR).5(6),25-30.
- Das Subhamoy, Mondal Sagnik, Chakrabortty Susanta Kumar , Guchhait Rajkumar &Dolai Avishek (2015) lead accumulation profiles in the soft tissues of the macrognathuspancalus during sub lethal chronic exposure, in laboratory.International Journal of Environment, Ecology, Family and Urban Studies (IJEEFUS). 5(6), 35-50.
- Das Subhamoy, Maji Sanjoy, Roy Debnarayan, Guchhait Rajkumar &Dolai Avishek (2015) accumulation of lead in the tissues of freshwater pseudapocrypteselongatusexposed to static nominal concentrations of lead nitrate. International Journal of Environment, Ecology, Family and Urban Studies (IJEEFUS). 5(6), 51-62.
- Das Subhamoy, Chakrabortty Susanta Kumar, Roy Debnarayan, Dolai Avishek (2015) morphometric variation of different parameters of snail Segmentina trocoidea, Vector of Fasciolopsis buski, in different seasons in a perennial aquatic body at mourigram, howrah, west bengal, india. International Journal of Advanced Research .3(12), 1584 – 1592.
- Das Subhamoy, Guchhait Rajkumar ,Mondal Sgnik, Sanjoy Maji, Dolai Avishek, Bhaumik Sonali and Das Manik (2016) lead accumulation profiles in the soft tissues of the macrognathuspancalus during sub lethal chronic exposure, in laboratory. 103rd Indian Science Congress(Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences)
- Das Subhamoy, Guchhait Rajkumar ,Mondal Sagnik, Dolai Avishek, Das Manik, Bhaumik Sonali, , Das Srijani, Das Swapnanjan and Sanjoy Maji (2016) Accumulation of lead in the tissues of freshwater pseudapocrypteselongatus exposed to static nominal concentrations of lead nitrate. 103rd Indian Science Congress(Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences)
- Das Subhamoy, Chakrabortty Susanta Kumar, Roy Debnarayan, Guchhait Rajkumar &Dolai Avishek (2016) effects of acute dose of Thevetia peruviana extract on the haematocyes of a fresh water edible snail Brotiacaustula.International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology, Engineering, Science and Technology (IJARBEST). 2(4), 17-23.
- Das Subhamoy, Dolai Avishek, Mondal Sagnik, Chakrabortty Susanta Kumar, Roy Debnarayan &Sanjoy Maji (2016)impact of salinity on the biology and growth of a disease transmitting snail species Segmentina trocoidea.Dept. of Zoology, TamraliptaMahavidyalaya.
- Das Subhamoy, Guchhait Rajkumar , Dolai Avishek, Mondal Sagnik &Sanjoy Maji (2016) studies on communal roosting-site selection of cormorant. Dept. of Zoology, TamraliptaMahavidyalaya.
- Das Subhamoy, Guchhait Rajkumar , Mondal Sagnik, Chakrabortty Susanta Kumar , Dolai Avishek (2016)effects of acute dose of Thevetia peruviana extract on the haematocyes of a fresh water edible snail Brotia caust ,.”2nd International Conference on Environment and Ecology (ICEE 2016)”. Manuscript no: ICEE/2016/044.
- Das Subhamoy, Guchhait Rajkumar , Mondal Sagnik, Chakrabortty Susanta Kumar , Dolai Avishek (2016)effects of acute dose of Thevetia peruviana extract on the haematocyes of a fresh water edible snail Brotia caustnational level Young Scientists Meet-2016.Page-60
- Das Subhamoy, Dolai Avishek, Guchhait Rajkumar , Kousik Pramanik(2016) communal roosting-site selection of cormorant regulated by environment factors.23rd West Bengal State Science and Technology Congress (ANIMAL BIOLOGY).
- Das Subhamoy, Guchhait Rajkumar, Das Manik, Bhaumik Sonali, Dolai Avishek, Maity Saheli, Jana Moumita, Chakrabortty Susanta Kumar (2016) effects of acute dose of Thevetiaperuviana extract on the haematocyes of a fresh water edible snail Brotiacaustula. 23rd West Bengal State Science and Technology Congress.
- Das Subhamoy& Dolai Avishek (2016) impact of temperature on the size of the newly hatched snail Segmentina trochoidea.International research journal of basic and Applied Sciences.1(2), 21-23.
- Avishek Dolai & SubhamoyDas.,A review : the social organization and architecture of termites mounds. (2016), Patachitra vol-ii (page-54-61)
- Subhamoy Das, Avishek Dolai, Rajkumar Guchhait, Sagnik Mondal, Manik Das, Moumita Jana, Mousumi Ghorai, Susmita samanta, Bithi Bera and Samarpita Bhowmik. (2018); Feeding habit and impact of various physico-chemical parameters (i.e. temperature, humidity, light intensity) on life cycle stages of keratin digestible insect Tineola bisselliella. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (10). 952-957] (ISSN 2320-5407)
- Das Subhamoy and Dolai Avishek,(2011); Insecticidal/acaricidal efficacy of different formulation ofPlant oil against coconut eriophyid mite, aceria guerreronis , International Journal of zoology and research, ISSN(P): 2278-8816; ISSN(E): pp2278-8824
- Das Subhamoy and Dolai Avishek,(2011), A successful “mobile slug and snail control device” by physical method: an innovative idea and its application , international journal of agriculturel science and research, 4, issue 2, sep 2011, 101-107
- Das S., Dolai A., Chakraborty S. 2021. Non-Conventional Plantation of Palm (Borassus flabilifer): Sustainable RuralEconomy and Eco Restoration of a Village– A Trial.Geography, Environment and Sustainable Development: 74
- Das S., Ghorai M., Chakraborty S., Dolai A., Chowdhury S., Kabasi B.2021. Alarming death of fishing cat in Purba Medinipur- A case of shifting agricultural land into fishery. Geography, Environment and Sustainable Development: 73
- Das S., Chowdhury S., Chakraborty S., Dolai A. 2021. Salinity of river-slow, silent killer of sustainable socio agro-economy of south Bengal- A case study.Geography, Environment and Sustainable Development: 75
- Das S., Bhattacharjee S., Chakraborty S.,Dolai A. 2021. Dolphin tourism and restoration of Gangetic dolphin population of South Bengal- A field study.Geography, Environment and Sustainable Development:77
- Das S., Maity S., Maity S., Sahoo S., Samanta A., Manna S., Halder I. 2021. Diversity of earthworm in Purba Medinipur, West Bengal. 7th International conference on Environment and Ecology:138
- Das S., Mukherjee S., Mondal S., Samanta S., Dalapati S., Chakraborty S. 2021. Impact of light on homing behaviour of two colonial nesting birds- little cormorant (Macrocarboniger) and little egret (Egrettagargetta).7th International conference on Environment and Ecology:139
- Das S., Dolai A., Jana S., Jana T., Jana M., Bera M. 2021. Diversity of ant(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Nandigram, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India. 7th International conference on Environment and Ecology:137
- Das S., Mondal S., Metya A., Parvin M., Bera N., Maiti S., Payra M. 2021. Biology of white fly- host plant selection and life cycle. 7th International conference on Environment and Ecology:137
- Das S., Chakraborty S., Ghara P., Singha M., Das M. 2021. Increasing trends of population status of little cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger) at Purba Medinipur and its probable cause.7th International conference on Environment and Ecology:136
- Guchhait R., Das S., Bhunia A., Adhikary S., Giri S., Barman S. 2021. Diversity of fishes in river Haldi, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal. 7th International conference on Environment and Ecology:138
- Das S., Kabasi B., Chowdhury S., Dalapati S., Khatua S., Das s. 2021. Ecology and population distribution pattern of Modiolus undulatus. 7th International conference on Environment and Ecology:140
- Das S., Das M., Ghorai M., Maity D., Dey S., Pattanayak P. 2021. Nesting site selection of Cormorant, Heron and Egret birds.7th International conference on Environment and Ecology:141
- Das S., Amruna S., Mandi D., Hossain N., Bag M. 2021. Nesting of house crow at rural and urban area in pre covid and post covid period- sharp behavioral changing pattern.7th International conference on Environment and Ecology:149
- Das S.,Ghorai M., Dalapati S. 2021. Socio economic status of fisherman community along the estuary part of the Subarnarekha River. 7th International conference on Environment and Ecology:150
- Das S.,Ghorai M., and Dalapati S.2021.Socio- Economic Status of Fisherman Community Along The Estuary Part of TheSubarnarekha River. 7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology: 150
- Das S., Guchhait R., Mondal S., Jana S., Shee M., DAS T. 2021. Diversity of Toad in Purba Medinipur, West Bengal.7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology: 140
- Das S., Chowdhury S., Kabasi B., Dalapati S., Chawlay D. 2021. Morphological and Anatomical Study of River Slug.7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology: 141
- Das S.,Dolai A., Chakraborty S. 2022.The Impact of Global Climate Change on the Livestock Health: Indian Perspective. International multidisciplinary webinar on climate change impacts on agriculture, environment and sustainable development.
- Das S., Dolai A., Chakraborty S., Chowdhury S. 2022.Sustainable and Adaptive Avenues to Salinity Alteration in Water: A Case Study fromSouth Bengal, India.International multidisciplinary webinar on climate change impacts on agriculture, environment and sustainable development
- Das S., Dolai A., Chakraborty S., Dam S. 2022. Significant rate of afforestation can reinforce precipitation and possible carbon sequestration. International multidisciplinary webinar on climate change impacts on agriculture, environment and sustainable development
- Das S., Dolai A., Chakraborty S.,Kabasi B. 2022. Changing Proportion of Global Warming and Its Influence upon the Hydrological Cyclein the Previous Decade. International multidisciplinary webinar on climate change impacts on agriculture, environment and sustainable development.
- Pattanayak P., Guchhait R., Jana M., Das S. 2022. Diversity of Aquatic Insects at Diverse Pond Ecosystem of Nandigram Block,Purba Medinipur. National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Jana T., Dolai A., Das S. 2022. Application of LotkaVolterra Competition Model on Different Intra Specific Ant Colony of Solanopsis invicta.National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Giri S., Chawlay D., Dolai A., Das S. 2022. Wing Venation of Odonata of Mahishadal by Image Analysis to Solve TheControversy of Classical Identification Method. National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Mandi D., Amruna S., Dalapati S., Das S. 2022. Analysis of Diversity Minor Freshwater Fish and Their Morphometry inDifferent Villages of Mahishadal Block, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal. National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Mondal S., Bera N., Das M., Das S.2022. Study of Nest And nesting Materials of Little Cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger) atRoosting Place of Kolkaghat, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal. National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Dolai A., Prusty A., Das S., Das S. 2022.Ant societies and Conflict: Young Members of Oecophyllasmaragdina ColoniesLeave Their Parents and Build A New Nest. National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Maity D., Das M., Metya A., Das S. 2022. Study of Gall Structure and Diversity of Gall Insect of Local Plants Species atMahishadal, Purba Medinipur. National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Das S., Chowdhury S., Kabasi B., Bhunia A. 2022. Effect of Sublethal Chronic Exposure of Few Organic Bioactive Compound FewInorganic Compounds on Newly Hatched Freshwater Pulmonate Snail Physa acuta.National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Das S., Chowdhury S., Kabasi B., Samanta S., Mondal R. 2022. Age Specific Different Locomotion Behavior of Aquatic Pulmonate Snail Physa acuta.National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Das S., Chowdhury S., Kabasi B. 2022. Occurrence of Polyembryony in a Molluscan Species Physa acuta. National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Kabasi B., Das S. 2022. Gall Act as Vehicular Pollution Indicator: A Case Study on Mango Plant.National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Mondal S., Metya A., Chakrabortty S., Das S. 2022.Study of Noise Pollution During Festival Months in Mahishadal and TamlukBlock: A Case Study. National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Metya A., Mondal S., Das S., Chakraborty S., Das S. 2022. Assesment of Degradation of Environment Due to Picnic in Five Popular Spot ofEastern Part of Purba Medinipur. National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Jana S., Khatua S., Panda S., Chowdhury S., Das S. 2022. Impact of Moisture Stress on The Embryonic Development of Lymnaealutiola :An Eco-Friendly Approach to Control Vector Snail.National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Singha M., Maity S., Das M., Das S. 2022. Study of Feeding Habit and Diversity of Food Species from Waste Food of LittleCormorant at Kolaghat, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal. National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Bag M., Hossain N., Das S., Maity S., Das S., Kar A. 2022. A Study on Burrow Architecture Patterns of Red Ghost Crab (Ocypodemacrocera)by Casting Method and Impact of Developmental Activity at Tajpur, WestBengal. National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Ghorai M., Das M., Das S. 2022. Nesting Behaviour Of Colonial Black-Crowned Night Heron Nycticoraxnycticorax– Minimum Distance from Neighbouring Nest- in a Heronry at NH Nesting Site in Industrial Area of Kolaghat, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal. National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Guchhait R., Chatterjee A., Maity S., Das S., Pramanik K. 2022. In Vivo and in Vitro Effects of Mercuric Chloride on Reproductive Functions ofFemale Banded Goumari, National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Das M., Parvin M., Khatua S., Dey S., Das S. 2022. Impact of Use of Different Plant Leaves to Attract and Kill Differential Life Stagesof Green Leafhoppers of Paddy, Nephotettix cincticeps During Light Trapping. National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Das S., Das M., Chowdhury S. 2022.Experiments On Colour Preference of Green Leafhoppers. International Webinar on Climate Change andIts Impact on Ecosystem: Mitigation and Adaptation
- Parveen M., Manna M., Khatua S., Das Adhikary A., Das S. 2022. Color Preference Behavior of Green Hopper Insect During Light Trap: New Strategies of Insect Control.National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution: Prevention and Management.
- Das S., Kabasi B., Maiti S.2022. The Morphological Study of Modiolus undulates. International Webinar on Climate Change andIts Impact on Ecosystem: Mitigation and Adaptation.
- Das S., Das M., Bhunia A. 2022. Population regulation of green leafhopper Nephotettix nigropictus, by using different parameters of light. Zoospectra 2022: 125
- Das S., Chakraborty S., Metya A., Samanta A. 2022. Estimation of present population status and probable threats of gangetic dolphin (Platanista gangetica) on river rupnarayan and shilabati. Zoospectra 2022: 156
- Das S., Chowdhury S., Dolai A. 2022. A record of new distrubution of Onchidiummelakense from Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India.Zoospectra 2022: 140
- Das S., Kar A., Das S., Das M., Chowdhury S., Maity B. 2022. Study of burrow architechture and structure of brood chamber of red ghost crab (Ocypodemacrocera) at Tajpur, West Bengal, India. Zoospectra 2022: 164
- Das S., Chowdhury S., Dolai A. 2022. Sustainable and adaptive approaches to salinity changes in water: A case study from South Bengal, India. Current and Future perspectives of environmental pollution and it’s remediation: 125-140
- Das S., Dalapati S., Chowdhury S., Amruna S. 2023. Study of small indigenous fresh water fish diversity in different villages of Mahishadal Block, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal. 5th Regional Science and Technology Congress 2023: 265
- Das S., Dalapati S., Guchhait R., Mandi D. 2023. Morphometric and meristic analysis of some puntius species from different villages of Mahishadal Block, Purba Medinipur. 5th Regional Science and Technology Congress 2023: 275
- Das S., Kabasi B., Chowdhury S., Samanta A. 2023. Ecology and population distribution pattern of Modiolus undulatus.5th Regional Science and Technology Congress 2023: 274
- Das S., Das S., Das M., Chowdhury S. 2023. A study on burrow architecture patterns of red ghost crab (Ocypodemacrocera) by casting method and impact of developmental activity on a sandy shore, at Tajpur, West Bengal.5th Regional Science and Technology Congress 2023: 277
- Das S., Chowdhury S., Dolai A., Guchhait R. 2023. A record of new distribution of Onchidiummelakense and a Comparative study with other Onchidiid slug along with a phylogenetic relationship. 5th Regional Science and Technology Congress 2023: 39
- Das S.,Kar A.,Das M ., Chowdhury S., Rout S., Chakraborty S.,2023, study on habitat distribution and few behavioural attributes of Indian flying fox (Pteropus giganteus) at Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India, International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change, pp 40.
- Das S., Ray S., Khanrah T., Metya A.Samanta A.,2023, Analysis of nesting materials used by little cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger)-A case study from Kolaghat, West Bengal, India International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change,pp 65
- Das S., Das M., Bhunia A., Khatua S., Mukherjee, 2023, Population regulation of green leaf hopper (Nephotettix nigropictus) by utilizing its phototactic behavior, International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change, pp 77.
- Guchhait R .,Maity S., Metya A,, Das S , , 2023 ,Genetic diversity and population structure in the natural population of Nandus nandus , International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change . Pp 108.
- Das S., Chakraborty S., Metya A., Mondal S. 2023. Estimation of Present Population Status and Probable Threats of Gangetic Dolphin (Platanista gangetica) at the Rupnarayan and Shilabati River. National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience.”
- Das S., Chowdhury S., Bhunia A., Dolai A. 2023. A Comparative Study of Three Onchidiid slugs from Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India. National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience.”
- Das S., Das M., Kar P. 2023. A Study on Nesting Materials Used by Little Cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger) – ACase Study from Kolaghat, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal. National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience.’’
- Das S., Chowdhury S., Dey S., Ghara P., Kabasi B. 2023. Distribution of Physa acuta in Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India. National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience.”
- Das S., Das M., Sahoo S. 2023 Diversity of Spider Fauna- A Case Study from Nandigram, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal. National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience.”
- Das S., Bhunia A., Chowdhury S., Kar A.K. 2023. Habitat Distribution of Onchidiid Slugs in Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India. National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience.”
- Das S., Das S., Metya A., Das M., Mondal S. 2023. Floral Diversity of Khamchar, A Newly Emerged Island on the River Haldi at Purba Medinipur, West Bengal. National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience.”
- Das S., Maity J., Dalapati S., Guchhait R. 2023. Measurements of morphometric Parameters and Meristic Study of Periophtalmus novemradiatus (mudskipper) from Nandigram, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal. National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience.”
- Das S., Kar A.K., Metya A., Das M. A study on Distribution and Behavioural Attributes of Indian Flying Fox (Pteropus giganteus) at Purba and Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India. National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience.”
- Das S., Dolai A., Chakraborty S. and Basu S., 2024. Consequence of Global Climate Change on the livestock health from an Indian perspective. “Environmental toxicology and sustainability. 41-63.
- Das S., Chakraborty S. and Basu S., 2024. Sustaiable rural development: The operational principles. “International Journal on Agricultural Sciences” 15 (1) 25-29. ISSN: 0976-450X.
- Chowdhury S., Basu S., and Das S. 2024. Timetree of life in the light of molecular clock: a tool for calculating evolutionary time scale. “Recent studies in life science, Edition-1, 236-242. ISBN 978-81-19820-28-3
Abstracts Published -
Name of the Seminar | Date | Title | Authors | Page No. |
“Geography, Environment and Sustainable Development” | 2- 3- 4 July 2021 | Non-Conventional Plantation of Palm (Borassus flabilifer): Sustainable Rural Economy and Eco Restoration of a Village – A Trial | Subhamoy Das, Avishek Dolai, Somsubhra Chakraborty | 74 |
Geography, Environment and Sustainable Development | 2- 3- 4 July 2021 | Alarming Death of Fishing Cat in Purba Medinipur -A Curse Of Shifting Agricultural Landinto Fishery | SubhamoyDas, MousumiGhorai, SomsubhraChakrabortty, Avishek Dolai, Surekha Choudhury, BidyaKabasi | 73 |
Geography, Environment and Sustainable Development | 2- 3- 4 July 2021 | Salinity of River – Slow, Silent Killer of Sustainable Socio Agro-Economy of South Bengal | Subhamoy Das, Surekha Chowdhury, Somsubhra Chakraborty, Avishek Dolai | 75 |
Geography, Environment and Sustainable Development | 2- 3- 4 July 2021 | Dolphin Tourism and Restoration of Gangetic Dolphin Population of South Bengal A Field Study | Subhamoy Das, Sarbani Bhattacharjee, Somsubhra Chakraborty, Avishek Dolai | 77 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Diversity of Earthworm in Haldia, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Subhamoy Das,Saheli Maity, SubhanwitaMaity, Sujata Sahoo,Atasi Samanta, Subhadip Manna, Indrani Halder | 138 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Impact of Light on Homing Behaviour of Two Coloneal Nesting Birds- Little Cormorant (Microcarboniger) and Little Egret (Egrettagargetta) | Subhamoy Das,Subhajeet Mukherjee, Suman Mondal, Samiparna Samanta, Sanjay Dalapati and Somsubhra Chakraborty | 139 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Diversity of Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Nandigram, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das,Avishek Dolai, Sourav Jana, Tina Jana, Moumita Jana and Manisha Bera | 137 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Biology of White Fly- Host Plant Selection and Life Cycle | Subhamoy Das,Sagnik Mondal, Atanu Metya, Mariya Parvin, Namita Bera, Sumana Maiti and MamoniPayra | 137 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Increasing Trends of Population Status of Little Cormor Ant (Phalacrocorax niger) at Purba Medinipur and Its Probable Cause | Subhamoy Das,Somsubhra Chakraborty, PoulamiGhara, Moumita Singha, Manik Das | 136 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Diversity of Fishes in River Haldi, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Subhamoy Das,Rajkumar Guchhait, Subhamoy Das, Aditi Bhunia, Sangita Adhikary, Supriya Giri and Sabyasachi Barman | 138 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Ecology and Population Distribution Pattern of Modiolusundulatus | Subhamoy Das,BidyaKabasi, Surekha Chowdhury, Sanjay Dalapati, Soma Khatua, Somnath Das | 140 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Nesting Site Selection of Cormorant, Heron and Egret Birds | Subhamoy Das,Manik Das, MousumiGhorai, DiptasreeMaity, Saheli Dey and PoulamiPattanayak | 141 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Nesting of House Crow at Rural And Urban Area in Pre COVID And Post COVID Period- Sharp Behavioural Changing Pattern | Subhamoy Das,ShaziaAmruna, Deepsikha Mandi, Sk.Nakim Hossain, Manobendra Bag and Sanjay Dalapati | 149 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Socio- Economic Status of Fisherman Community Along The Estuary Part of TheSubarnarekha River | Subhamoy Das,MrinmoyGhorai and Sanjay Dalapati | 150 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Diversity of Toad in Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Subhamoy Das,Rajkumar Guchhait, Subhamoy Das, Soma Mondal, Sangita Jana, Manoj Shee and Tamalika Das | 140 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Morphological and Anatomical Study of River Slug | Subhamoy Das,Surekha Chowdhury, Bidya Kabasi, Sanjay Dalapati, Disha Chawlay | 141 |
International Multidisciplinary Webinar on Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture, Environment and Sustainable Development | 11- 12 – 13 February 2022 | The Impact of Global Climate Change on the Livestock Health: Indian Perspective | Subhamoy Das, Avishek Dolai and Somsubhra Chakraborty | |
International Multidisciplinary Webinar on Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture, Environment and Sustainable Development | 11- 12 – 13 February 2022 | Sustainable and Adaptive Avenues to Salinity Alteration in Water: A Case Study fromSouth Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das, Avishek Dolai, Somsubhra Chakraborty and Surekha Chowdhury | |
International Multidisciplinary Webinar on Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture, Environment and Sustainable Development | 11- 12 – 13 February 2022 | Significant Rate of Afforestation Can Reinforce Precipitation and Possible Carbon Sequestration | Subhamoy Das, Avishek Dolai, Somsubhra Chakraborty and Sreetama Dam | |
International Multidisciplinary Webinar on Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture, Environment and Sustainable Development | 11- 12 – 13 February 2022 | Changing Proportion of Global Warming and Its Influence upon the Hydrological Cycle in the Previous Decade | Subhamoy Das, Avishek Dolai, Somsubhra Chakraborty and BidyaKabasi | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Diversity of Aquatic Insects at Diverse Pond Ecosystem of Nandigram Block, Purba Medinipur | Poulomi Pottanayak, Rajkumar Guchhait, Moumita Jana, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Application of LotkaVolterra Competition Model on Different Intra Specific Ant Colony of Solanopsisinvicta | Tina Jana, Avishek Dolai, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Wing Venetion of Odonata of Mahishadal by Image Analysis to Solve The Controversyof Claccical Identification Method | Supriya Giri, Disha Chawlay, Avishek Dolai, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Analysis of Diversity Minor Freshwater Fish and Their Morphometry in Different Villages of Mahishadal Block, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Deepsikha Mandi, ShaziaAmruna, Sanjoy Dalapoti, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Study of Nest Andnesting Materials of Little Cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger) at Roosting Place of Kolkaghat, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Soma Mandal, Namita Bera, Manik Das, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Ant societies and Conflict: Young Members of Oecophyllasmaragdina ColoniesLeave Their Parents and Build A New Nest | Avishek Dolai, Arpan Prusty, Subhamoy Das, Amlan Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Study of Gall Structure and Diversity of Gall Insect of Local Plants Species at Mahishadal, Purba Medinipur | DiptasreeMaity, Manik Das, Atanu Metya, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Effect of Sublethal Chronic Exposure of Few Organic Bioactive Compound Few Inorganic Compounds on Newly Hatched Freshwater Pulmonate Snail Physa acuta | Subhamoy Das, Surekha Chowdhury, BidyaKabasi, Aditi Bhunia | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Age Specific Different Locomotion Behavior of Aquatic Pulmonate Snail Physa acuta | Subhamoy Das, Surekha Chowdhury, BidyaKabasi, Samiparna Samanta, RitaMondal | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Occurrence of Polyembryony in a Molluscan Species Physa acuta | Subhamoy Das, Surekha Chowdhury, BidyaKabasi | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Gall Act as Vehicular Pollution Indicator: A Case Study on Mango Plant | BIdya Kabasi, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Study of Noise Pollution During Festival Months in Mahishadal and Tamluk Block: A Case Study | Sagnik Mandal, Atanu Metya, Somsubhra Chakraborty, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Assesment of Degradation of Environment Due to Picnic in Five Popular Spot ofEastern Part of Purba Medinipur | Atanu Metya, Sagnik Mandal, Subhamoy Das, SomsubhraChakrabortty, Srijoni Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Impact of Moisture Stress on The Embryonic Development of Lymnaealutiola : An Eco-Friendly Approach to Control Vector Snail | Sangita Jana, Soma Khatua,Saheli Panda, Surekha Choudhury, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Study of Feeding Habit and Diversity of Food Species from Waste Food of Little Cormorant at Kolaghat, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Moumita Singha, Sumana Maity, Manik Das. Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | A Study on Burrow Architecture Patterns of Red Ghost Crab (Ocypodemacrocera) by Casting Method and Impact of Developmental Activity at Tajpur, West Bengal | Manobendra Bag, SkNakim Hossain, Manik Das, ArkasaikatMaity, Srijoni Das, Amlan Kar. | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Nesting Behaviour Of Colonial Black-Crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax– Minimum Distance from Nebouring Nest- in a Heronry at NHNesting Site in Industrial Area of Kolaghat, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | MousumiGhorai, Manik Das, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | In Vivo and in Vitro Effects of Mercuric Chloride on Reproductive Functions of Female Banded Goumari, Trichogasterfasciata | Rajkumar Guchhait, AnkitChatterjee,SukhenduMaity, Subhamoy Das, KousikPramanick | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Impact of Use of Different Plant Leaves to Attract and Kill Differential Life Stages of Green Leafhoppers of Paddy, NephotettixcincticepsDuring Light Trapping | Manik Das, Maria Parveen, Soma Khatua, Saheli Dey, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Color Preference Behavior of Green Hopper Insect During Light Trap: New Strategies of Insect Control | Maria Parveen, Bidisha Manna, Soma Khatua, Arkaprabha DasAdhikary, Subhamoy Das | |
International Webinar on Climate Change and Its Impact on Ecosystem: Mitigation and Adaptation | 10 – 11 June 2022 | Experiments On Colour Preference of Green Leafhoppers | Subhamoy Das, Manik Das, and Surekha Chowdhury | |
International Webinar on Climate Change and Its Impact on Ecosystem: Mitigation and Adaptation | 10 – 11 June 2022 | The Morphological Study of Modiolus undulates | Subhamoy Das, BidyaKabasi and SanchitaMaiti | |
Zoospectra 2022 | 5-6 December, 2022 | Population regulation of green leafhopperNephotettixnigropictus, by using different parameters of light | Subhamoy Das, Manik Das, Aditi Bhunia | 125 |
Zoospectra 2022 | 5-6 December, 2022 | Estimation of present population status and probable threats of gangetic dolphin (Platanista gangetica)on river rupnarayan and shilabati | Subhamoy Das, Somshubhra Chakraborty, Atanu Metya, Atasi Samanta, | 156 |
Zoospectra 2022 | 5-6 December, 2022 | A record of new distrubution of Onchidiummelakensefrom PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das, Surekha Chowdhury, Avishek Dolai | 140 |
Zoospectra 2022 | 5-6 December, 2022 | Study of burrow architechture and structure of brood chamber of red ghost crab (Ocypodemacrocera) at Tajpur, West Bengal, India | SubhamoyDas,AmlanKar,SnehasisDas, ManikDas, Surekha Chowdhury, Bidisha Maity | 164 |
Current and Future perspectives of environmental pollution and it’s remediation | Book chapter 2022 | Sustainable and adaptive approaches to salinity changes in water: A case study from South Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das, Surekha Chowdhury, Avishek Dolai | 125-140 |
5th Regional Science and Technology Congress 2023 | 13-14 January, 2023 | Study of small indigenous fresh water fish diversity in different villages of Mahishadal Block, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Subhamoy Das, Sanjay Dalapati, SurekhaChowdhury, ShaziaAmruna | 265 |
5th Regional Science and Technology Congress 2023 | 13-14 January, 2023 | Morphometric and meristic analysis of some puntius species from different villages of Mahishadal Block, Purba Medinipur | Subhamoy Das, Sanjay Dalapati, Rajkumar Guchhait, Deepsikha Mandi | 275 |
5th Regional Science and Technology Congress 2023 | 13-14 January, 2023 | Ecology and population distribution pattern of Modiolus undulatus | Subhamay Das, BidyaKabasi, Surekha Chowdhury, Atasi Samanta | 274 |
5th Regional Science and Technology Congress 2023 | 13-14 January, 2023 | A study on burrow architecture patterns of red ghost crab (Ocypodemacrocera) by casting method and impact of developmental activity on a sandy shore, at Tajpur, West Bengal | Subhamoy Das, Snehasis Das, Manik Das, Surekha Chowdhury | 277 |
International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change | 2-3 March, 2023 | A record of new distribution of Onchidiummelakenseand a Comparative study with other Onchidiid slug along with a phylogenetic relationship | Subhamoy Das, Surekha Chowdhury, Avishek Dolai, Rajkumar Guchhait | 39 |
International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change | 2-3 March, 2023 | A study on habitat distribution and few behavioural attributes of Indian flying fox (Pteropus giganteus) at Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das,Amlan Kar,Manik Das, Surekha Chowdhury, Sudipta Rout, Soushthab Chakraborty | 40 |
International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change | 2-3 March, 2023 | Analysis of nesting materials used by little cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger)-A case study from Kolaghat, West Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das,Sharmistha Ray, Trisha Khanrah, Atanu Metya,Atashi Samanta | 65 |
International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change | 2-3 March, 2023 | Population regulation of green leaf hopper (Nephotettixnigropictus) by utilizing its phototactic behavior | Subhamoy Das, Manik Das, Aditi Bhunia, Soma Khatua, Soumyasi Mukherjee | 77 |
International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change | 2-3 March, 2023 | Genetic diversity and population structure in the natural population of Nandus nandus | Rajkumar Guchhait, SukhenduMaity, Atanu Metya, Subhamoy Das | 108 |
National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience” | March 24- 25, 2023 | Estimation of Present Population Status and Probable Threats of Gangetic Dolphin (Platanista gangetica) at the Rupnarayan and Shilabati River | Subhamoy Das, Somsubhra Chakraborty, Atanu Metya, Sagnik Mondal | |
National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience | March 24- 25, 2023 | A Comparative Study of Three Onchidiid slugs from PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das,Surekha Chowdhury, Aditi Bhunia, Avishek Dolai | |
National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience | March 24- 25, 2023 | A Study on Nesting Materials Used by Little Cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger) – ACase Study from Kolaghat, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Subhamoy Das,Manik Das, Paulami Kar | |
National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience | March 24- 25, 2023 | Distribution of Physa acuta in Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das,Surekha Chowdhury, Saheli Dey, PoulamiGhara, BidyaKabasi | |
National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience | March 24- 25, 2023 | Diversity of Spider Fauna- A Case Study from Nandigram, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Subhamoy Das,Sujata Sahoo, Manik Das | |
National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience | March 24- 25, 2023 | Habitat Distribution of Onchidiid Slugs in Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das,Aditi Bhunia, Surekha Chowshury, Amlan Kumar Kar | |
National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience | March 24- 25, 2023 | Floral Diversity of Khamchar, A Newly Emerged Island on the River Haldi at Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Subhamoy Das,Snehasis Das, Atanu Metya, Manik Das, Sagnik Mondal | |
National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience | March 24- 25, 2023 | Measurements of morphometric Parameters and Meristic Study of Periophtalmus novemradiatus (mudskipper) from Nandigram, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Subhamoy Das, JayasreeMaity, Sanjay Dalapati, Rajkumar Guchhait | |
National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience | March 24- 25, 2023 | A study on Distribution and Behavioural Attributes of Indian Flying Fox (Pteropus giganteus) at Purba and PaschimMedinipur, West Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das,AmlanKumar Kar, Atanu Metya, Manik Das |
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Technical training / Short coursework / workshop/course -
Sl. No | Date | Subject | Organized by | Level | Funded by |
1. | 14 -18 Feb 1995 | Work shop on Current Trends in Pesticide Residue Analysis | BOSE INSTITUE ,CALCUTTA | National | BOSE INSTITUE |
2. | 21-24 Oct 1997 | Training course on Integrated Pest Management to Maintain Agro-Ecology | Ramkrishna Ashram KrishiVigyan Kendra,Nimpith& The Zoological Society, Kolkata | State | Ramkrishna Ashram |
3. | 3-5 June 2001 | Workshop on Environmental Awareness[Conference] | School of Oceanographic Studies, Jadavpur University & The Science association of Bengal | State | J U |
4. | 2-22 Sep 2003 | Refresher course in the Subject Life Science [A Grade] | Academic stuff College. University of Calcutta | National | UGC |
5. | 26 July 2004 | A study on Captive Elephants of Jaldapara Wild life Sanctuary, W.B [Project] | Indian academy of Sciences, Bengalore | National | Indian academy of Sciences |
6. | 8-21 Dec 2004 | All India refresher course on Animal Behaviour ,Madurai | Indian academy of Sciences, Bengalore&School of Biological Sciences, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai | National | Indian Institute of Science, Bangaluru |
7. | 10 Feb -9 Mar 2006 | Refresher course /Orientation Program | Academic stuff College. University of Calcutta | National | UGC |
8. | 9-15 Mar 2011 | Workshop on Systematics & Evolution | Centre for Environmental Management of Degraded Ecosystem,University of Delhi, Delhi-110007 | National | Ministry of Environment & Forest,Govt. of India |
9. | 21 Nov-12 Dec 2011 | Refresher Course In Subject Life Science. | Academic stuff College. University of Calcutta | National | UGC |
10. | 22-23 Nov 2012 | Workshop on Introduction to Fluorescence Microscopy | University Science Instrumentation Centre & , The University of Bardwan. | National | University of Bardwan |
11. | 21-24 Nov 2013 | Research & Innovation in Science | Christ University, Bengaluru, Karnataka | National | Christ University, Bengaluru |
12. | 22 Nov-13 Dec 2013 | Refresher Course In Subject Life Science.[A Grade] | Academic stuff College. University of Calcutta | National | UGC |
13. | 7 June 6th December 1998 | Post graduate Certificate course on Science Journalism & Media Practice | The Science association of Bengal | National | JU and SAB |
Seminar attended -
Name of the Seminar | Date | Title | Authors | Page No. |
“Geography, Environment and Sustainable Development” | 2- 3- 4 July 2021 | Non-Conventional Plantation of Palm (Borassus flabilifer): Sustainable Rural Economy and Eco Restoration of a Village – A Trial | Subhamoy Das, Avishek Dolai, Somsubhra Chakraborty | 74 |
Geography, Environment and Sustainable Development | 2- 3- 4 July 2021 | Alarming Death of Fishing Cat in Purba Medinipur -A Curse Of Shifting Agricultural Landinto Fishery | SubhamoyDas, MousumiGhorai, SomsubhraChakrabortty, Avishek Dolai, Surekha Choudhury, BidyaKabasi | 73 |
Geography, Environment and Sustainable Development | 2- 3- 4 July 2021 | Salinity of River – Slow, Silent Killer of Sustainable Socio Agro-Economy of South Bengal | Subhamoy Das, Surekha Chowdhury, Somsubhra Chakraborty, Avishek Dolai | 75 |
Geography, Environment and Sustainable Development | 2- 3- 4 July 2021 | Dolphin Tourism and Restoration of Gangetic Dolphin Population of South Bengal A Field Study | Subhamoy Das, Sarbani Bhattacharjee, Somsubhra Chakraborty, Avishek Dolai | 77 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Diversity of Earthworm in Haldia, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Subhamoy Das,Saheli Maity, SubhanwitaMaity, Sujata Sahoo,Atasi Samanta, Subhadip Manna, Indrani Halder | 138 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Impact of Light on Homing Behaviour of Two Coloneal Nesting Birds- Little Cormorant (Microcarboniger) and Little Egret (Egrettagargetta) | Subhamoy Das,Subhajeet Mukherjee, Suman Mondal, Samiparna Samanta, Sanjay Dalapati and Somsubhra Chakraborty | 139 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Diversity of Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Nandigram, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das,Avishek Dolai, Sourav Jana, Tina Jana, Moumita Jana and Manisha Bera | 137 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Biology of White Fly- Host Plant Selection and Life Cycle | Subhamoy Das,Sagnik Mondal, Atanu Metya, Mariya Parvin, Namita Bera, Sumana Maiti and MamoniPayra | 137 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Increasing Trends of Population Status of Little Cormor Ant (Phalacrocorax niger) at Purba Medinipur and Its Probable Cause | Subhamoy Das,Somsubhra Chakraborty, PoulamiGhara, Moumita Singha, Manik Das | 136 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Diversity of Fishes in River Haldi, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Subhamoy Das,Rajkumar Guchhait, Subhamoy Das, Aditi Bhunia, Sangita Adhikary, Supriya Giri and Sabyasachi Barman | 138 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Ecology and Population Distribution Pattern of Modiolusundulatus | Subhamoy Das,BidyaKabasi, Surekha Chowdhury, Sanjay Dalapati, Soma Khatua, Somnath Das | 140 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Nesting Site Selection of Cormorant, Heron and Egret Birds | Subhamoy Das,Manik Das, MousumiGhorai, DiptasreeMaity, Saheli Dey and PoulamiPattanayak | 141 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Nesting of House Crow at Rural And Urban Area in Pre COVID And Post COVID Period- Sharp Behavioural Changing Pattern | Subhamoy Das,ShaziaAmruna, Deepsikha Mandi, Sk.Nakim Hossain, Manobendra Bag and Sanjay Dalapati | 149 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Socio- Economic Status of Fisherman Community Along The Estuary Part of TheSubarnarekha River | Subhamoy Das,MrinmoyGhorai and Sanjay Dalapati | 150 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Diversity of Toad in Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Subhamoy Das,Rajkumar Guchhait, Subhamoy Das, Soma Mondal, Sangita Jana, Manoj Shee and Tamalika Das | 140 |
7th International Conference on Environment and Ecology | 26-27-28 November, 2021 | Morphological and Anatomical Study of River Slug | Subhamoy Das,Surekha Chowdhury, Bidya Kabasi, Sanjay Dalapati, Disha Chawlay | 141 |
International Multidisciplinary Webinar on Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture, Environment and Sustainable Development | 11- 12 – 13 February 2022 | The Impact of Global Climate Change on the Livestock Health: Indian Perspective | Subhamoy Das, Avishek Dolai and Somsubhra Chakraborty | |
International Multidisciplinary Webinar on Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture, Environment and Sustainable Development | 11- 12 – 13 February 2022 | Sustainable and Adaptive Avenues to Salinity Alteration in Water: A Case Study fromSouth Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das, Avishek Dolai, Somsubhra Chakraborty and Surekha Chowdhury | |
International Multidisciplinary Webinar on Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture, Environment and Sustainable Development | 11- 12 – 13 February 2022 | Significant Rate of Afforestation Can Reinforce Precipitation and Possible Carbon Sequestration | Subhamoy Das, Avishek Dolai, Somsubhra Chakraborty and Sreetama Dam | |
International Multidisciplinary Webinar on Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture, Environment and Sustainable Development | 11- 12 – 13 February 2022 | Changing Proportion of Global Warming and Its Influence upon the Hydrological Cycle in the Previous Decade | Subhamoy Das, Avishek Dolai, Somsubhra Chakraborty and BidyaKabasi | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Diversity of Aquatic Insects at Diverse Pond Ecosystem of Nandigram Block, Purba Medinipur | Poulomi Pottanayak, Rajkumar Guchhait, Moumita Jana, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Application of LotkaVolterra Competition Model on Different Intra Specific Ant Colony of Solanopsisinvicta | Tina Jana, Avishek Dolai, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Wing Venetion of Odonata of Mahishadal by Image Analysis to Solve The Controversyof Claccical Identification Method | Supriya Giri, Disha Chawlay, Avishek Dolai, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Analysis of Diversity Minor Freshwater Fish and Their Morphometry in Different Villages of Mahishadal Block, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Deepsikha Mandi, ShaziaAmruna, Sanjoy Dalapoti, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Study of Nest Andnesting Materials of Little Cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger) at Roosting Place of Kolkaghat, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Soma Mandal, Namita Bera, Manik Das, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Ant societies and Conflict: Young Members of Oecophyllasmaragdina ColoniesLeave Their Parents and Build A New Nest | Avishek Dolai, Arpan Prusty, Subhamoy Das, Amlan Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Study of Gall Structure and Diversity of Gall Insect of Local Plants Species at Mahishadal, Purba Medinipur | DiptasreeMaity, Manik Das, Atanu Metya, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Effect of Sublethal Chronic Exposure of Few Organic Bioactive Compound Few Inorganic Compounds on Newly Hatched Freshwater Pulmonate Snail Physa acuta | Subhamoy Das, Surekha Chowdhury, BidyaKabasi, Aditi Bhunia | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Age Specific Different Locomotion Behavior of Aquatic Pulmonate Snail Physa acuta | Subhamoy Das, Surekha Chowdhury, BidyaKabasi, Samiparna Samanta, RitaMondal | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Occurrence of Polyembryony in a Molluscan Species Physa acuta | Subhamoy Das, Surekha Chowdhury, BidyaKabasi | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Gall Act as Vehicular Pollution Indicator: A Case Study on Mango Plant | BIdya Kabasi, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Study of Noise Pollution During Festival Months in Mahishadal and Tamluk Block: A Case Study | Sagnik Mandal, Atanu Metya, Somsubhra Chakraborty, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Assesment of Degradation of Environment Due to Picnic in Five Popular Spot ofEastern Part of Purba Medinipur | Atanu Metya, Sagnik Mandal, Subhamoy Das, SomsubhraChakrabortty, Srijoni Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Impact of Moisture Stress on The Embryonic Development of Lymnaealutiola : An Eco-Friendly Approach to Control Vector Snail | Sangita Jana, Soma Khatua,Saheli Panda, Surekha Choudhury, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Study of Feeding Habit and Diversity of Food Species from Waste Food of Little Cormorant at Kolaghat, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Moumita Singha, Sumana Maity, Manik Das. Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | A Study on Burrow Architecture Patterns of Red Ghost Crab (Ocypodemacrocera) by Casting Method and Impact of Developmental Activity at Tajpur, West Bengal | Manobendra Bag, SkNakim Hossain, Manik Das, ArkasaikatMaity, Srijoni Das, Amlan Kar. | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Nesting Behaviour Of Colonial Black-Crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax– Minimum Distance from Nebouring Nest- in a Heronry at NHNesting Site in Industrial Area of Kolaghat, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | MousumiGhorai, Manik Das, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | In Vivo and in Vitro Effects of Mercuric Chloride on Reproductive Functions of Female Banded Goumari, Trichogasterfasciata | Rajkumar Guchhait, AnkitChatterjee,SukhenduMaity, Subhamoy Das, KousikPramanick | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Impact of Use of Different Plant Leaves to Attract and Kill Differential Life Stages of Green Leafhoppers of Paddy, NephotettixcincticepsDuring Light Trapping | Manik Das, Maria Parveen, Soma Khatua, Saheli Dey, Subhamoy Das | |
National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management | 30- 31 March, 2022 | Color Preference Behavior of Green Hopper Insect During Light Trap: New Strategies of Insect Control | Maria Parveen, Bidisha Manna, Soma Khatua, Arkaprabha DasAdhikary, Subhamoy Das | |
International Webinar on Climate Change and Its Impact on Ecosystem: Mitigation and Adaptation | 10 – 11 June 2022 | Experiments On Colour Preference of Green Leafhoppers | Subhamoy Das, Manik Das, and Surekha Chowdhury | |
International Webinar on Climate Change and Its Impact on Ecosystem: Mitigation and Adaptation | 10 – 11 June 2022 | The Morphological Study of Modiolus undulates | Subhamoy Das, BidyaKabasi and SanchitaMaiti | |
Zoospectra 2022 | 5-6 December, 2022 | Population regulation of green leafhopperNephotettixnigropictus, by using different parameters of light | Subhamoy Das, Manik Das, Aditi Bhunia | 125 |
Zoospectra 2022 | 5-6 December, 2022 | Estimation of present population status and probable threats of gangetic dolphin (Platanista gangetica)on river rupnarayan and shilabati | Subhamoy Das, Somshubhra Chakraborty, Atanu Metya, Atasi Samanta, | 156 |
Zoospectra 2022 | 5-6 December, 2022 | A record of new distrubution of Onchidiummelakensefrom PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das, Surekha Chowdhury, Avishek Dolai | 140 |
Zoospectra 2022 | 5-6 December, 2022 | Study of burrow architechture and structure of brood chamber of red ghost crab (Ocypodemacrocera) at Tajpur, West Bengal, India | SubhamoyDas,AmlanKar,SnehasisDas, ManikDas, Surekha Chowdhury, Bidisha Maity | 164 |
Current and Future perspectives of environmental pollution and it’s remediation | Book chapter 2022 | Sustainable and adaptive approaches to salinity changes in water: A case study from South Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das, Surekha Chowdhury, Avishek Dolai | 125-140 |
5th Regional Science and Technology Congress 2023 | 13-14 January, 2023 | Study of small indigenous fresh water fish diversity in different villages of Mahishadal Block, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Subhamoy Das, Sanjay Dalapati, SurekhaChowdhury, ShaziaAmruna | 265 |
5th Regional Science and Technology Congress 2023 | 13-14 January, 2023 | Morphometric and meristic analysis of some puntius species from different villages of Mahishadal Block, Purba Medinipur | Subhamoy Das, Sanjay Dalapati, Rajkumar Guchhait, Deepsikha Mandi | 275 |
5th Regional Science and Technology Congress 2023 | 13-14 January, 2023 | Ecology and population distribution pattern of Modiolus undulatus | Subhamay Das, BidyaKabasi, Surekha Chowdhury, Atasi Samanta | 274 |
5th Regional Science and Technology Congress 2023 | 13-14 January, 2023 | A study on burrow architecture patterns of red ghost crab (Ocypodemacrocera) by casting method and impact of developmental activity on a sandy shore, at Tajpur, West Bengal | Subhamoy Das, Snehasis Das, Manik Das, Surekha Chowdhury | 277 |
International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change | 2-3 March, 2023 | A record of new distribution of Onchidiummelakenseand a Comparative study with other Onchidiid slug along with a phylogenetic relationship | Subhamoy Das, Surekha Chowdhury, Avishek Dolai, Rajkumar Guchhait | 39 |
International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change | 2-3 March, 2023 | A study on habitat distribution and few behavioural attributes of Indian flying fox (Pteropus giganteus) at Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das,Amlan Kar,Manik Das, Surekha Chowdhury, Sudipta Rout, Soushthab Chakraborty | 40 |
International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change | 2-3 March, 2023 | Analysis of nesting materials used by little cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger)-A case study from Kolaghat, West Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das,Sharmistha Ray, Trisha Khanrah, Atanu Metya,Atashi Samanta | 65 |
International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change | 2-3 March, 2023 | Population regulation of green leaf hopper (Nephotettixnigropictus) by utilizing its phototactic behavior | Subhamoy Das, Manik Das, Aditi Bhunia, Soma Khatua, Soumyasi Mukherjee | 77 |
International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change | 2-3 March, 2023 | Genetic diversity and population structure in the natural population of Nandus nandus | Rajkumar Guchhait, SukhenduMaity, Atanu Metya, Subhamoy Das | 108 |
National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience” | March 24- 25, 2023 | Estimation of Present Population Status and Probable Threats of Gangetic Dolphin (Platanista gangetica) at the Rupnarayan and Shilabati River | Subhamoy Das, Somsubhra Chakraborty, Atanu Metya, Sagnik Mondal | |
National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience | March 24- 25, 2023 | A Comparative Study of Three Onchidiid slugs from PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das,Surekha Chowdhury, Aditi Bhunia, Avishek Dolai | |
National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience | March 24- 25, 2023 | A Study on Nesting Materials Used by Little Cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger) – ACase Study from Kolaghat, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Subhamoy Das,Manik Das, Paulami Kar | |
National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience | March 24- 25, 2023 | Distribution of Physa acuta in Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das,Surekha Chowdhury, Saheli Dey, PoulamiGhara, BidyaKabasi | |
National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience | March 24- 25, 2023 | Diversity of Spider Fauna- A Case Study from Nandigram, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Subhamoy Das,Sujata Sahoo, Manik Das | |
National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience | March 24- 25, 2023 | Habitat Distribution of Onchidiid Slugs in Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das,Aditi Bhunia, Surekha Chowshury, Amlan Kumar Kar | |
National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience | March 24- 25, 2023 | Floral Diversity of Khamchar, A Newly Emerged Island on the River Haldi at Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Subhamoy Das,Snehasis Das, Atanu Metya, Manik Das, Sagnik Mondal | |
National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience | March 24- 25, 2023 | Measurements of morphometric Parameters and Meristic Study of Periophtalmus novemradiatus (mudskipper) from Nandigram, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | Subhamoy Das, JayasreeMaity, Sanjay Dalapati, Rajkumar Guchhait | |
National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience | March 24- 25, 2023 | A study on Distribution and Behavioural Attributes of Indian Flying Fox (Pteropus giganteus) at Purba and Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India | Subhamoy Das,AmlanKumar Kar, Atanu Metya, Manik Das |
Books edited – 22
SL NO. | Name | Type | Organisation | Year |
1. | Sonkhya | School Magazine | B.M.C.H.S | 2000 |
2. | Barshapatra | College Magazine | M.R.C | 2002 |
3. | Barshapatr | College Magazine | M.R.C | 2003 |
4. | Parichay | College Paper Clipping Board | M.R.C | 2002-07 |
5. | Spandan | College Wall Magazine | M.R.C | 2002-07 |
6. | Krandasi | College Magazine | M.R.C | 2006 |
7. | Mahishadal Journal of Biology | College Journal | M.R.C | 2006 |
8. | Patachitra Vol I | College Journal | M.R.C | 2015 |
9. | Patachitra vol II | College Journal | M.R.C | 2016 |
10. | Lab barta yr 1 vol 1 | Dept Magazine | M.R.C | 2016 |
11. | Lab barta yr 1 vol 2 | Dept Magazine | M.R.C | 2016 |
12. | Lab barta yr 2 vol 1 | Dept Magazine | M.R.C | 2017 |
13. | Lab barta yr 2 vol 2 | Dept Magazine | M.R.C | 2017 |
14. | Lab barta yr 3 vol 1 | Dept Magazine | M.R.C | 2018 |
15. | Lab barta yr 3 vol 2 | Dept Magazine | M.R.C | 2018 |
16. | Lab barta yr 4 vol 1 | Dept Magazine | M.R.C | 2019 |
17. | Lab barta yr 4 vol 2 | Dept Magazine | M.R.C | 2019 |
18. | Lab barta yr 5 vol 1 | Dept Magazine | M.R.C | 2020 |
19. | Lab barta yr 6 vol 1 | Dept Magazine | M.R.C | 2021 |
20. | Lab barta yr 7 vol 1 | Dept Magazine | M.R.C | 2022 |
21. | Lab barta yr 7 vol 2 | Dept Magazine | M.R.C | 2022 |
22. | Lab barta yr 8 vol | Dept Magazine | M.R.C | 2023 |
Books as writer -
SL NO. | Name | Type of Book | Publisher | Year of publication |
1. | Sukkannya | Poem | Baishnabchalk M.C.School | 1997 |
2. | Gac hburo | Poem | Baishnabchalk M.C.School | 1999 |
3. | Anke kabya Chande bhabyo | Poem | Rangbaj | 2002 |
4. | Prem-E-Apremna | Poem | Rangbaj | 2002 |
5. | Jagrajhatir Sitalpati | Poem | Rangbaj | 2003 |
6. | Bisanna Tezpata | Poem | Rangbaj | 2004 |
7. | Paribesh Barnamala | Science | M.R.C | 2005 |
8. | Prabad Paribesh | Science | M.R.C | 2005 |
9. | Sunanda | Science | M.R.C | 2002 |
10. | Smritir esraj | Poem | M.R.C | 2011 |
11. | E kon sakal | Poem | M.R.C | 2012 |
12. | Great Ethologist | Lifeand work of ethologist | M.R.C | 2016 |
13. | Burrerfly of Purba Medinipur | Science Book | M.R.C | 2016 |
14. | State Bird od India | Science Book | M.R.C | 2019 |
15. | State Animal of India | Science Book | M.R.C | 2019 |
16. | Bharoter Rajya prani | Science Book | M.R.C | 2020 |
17. | Rupkothar meye Jen Gudal | Life of scientist | M.R.C | 2020 |
18. | Bisad Pukur | Poem | Dept. of Zoology | 2023 |
Article /Poem published in Different Magazine and paper -
SL NO. | Type | Magazine / Newspaper | Number |
1. | Article | Kishore Gyan –o-Bijnan | 09 |
2. | Article | Gyan-Bijnan | 03 |
3. | Article | Bijnan-Mela | 15 |
4. | Article | Paribesh 0 Gana Chetana | 02 |
5. | Article | Desh | 01 |
6. | Article | Kichu Bolbo Bole | 01 |
7. | Article | College Magazine | 17 |
8. | Rhyme | Bijnan Mela | 12 |
9. | Rhyme | Charamukh | 06 |
10. | Article | Bartaman | 03 |
11. | Article | Ananda Bazar Patrika | 02 |
12. | Article | Prayas | 22 |
13. | Article | Kalam patrika | 17 |
Membership of institution /journal / Library Member
i) British Council Library – Kolkata.
ii) Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata.
iii) CIFRI – Barrackpore
iv) Zoological Society of India.
v) Indian Institute of Science – Centre for Ecological Science Bangalore.
vi) Vidyasagar University – Midnapore
vii) Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.
viii) National Library, Kolkata.
ix) Indian Science News Association.
x) Indian Science Congress.
Membership of institution /journal / Library Member
SL NO. | Name of Magazine / Journal | Type | Membership Type |
1. | Science and Culture | Journal | Life |
2. | National Book Trust | Book | Life |
3. | Agrobios | Journal | Life |
4. | Zoogical Society of India | Journal | Life |
5. | Science Reporter | Magazine | Annual |
6. | Biology Today | Magazine | Annual |
7. | JBNHS | Journal | Annual |
8. | Resonance | Journal | Life |
9. | Environ | Journal | Annual |
10. | Desh | Magazine | Annual |
11. | Bijnan Mela | Magazine | Life |
12. | Tale me Why | Magazine | Annual |
Project Guided -
Project report of M. Sc. 2019 :
Name of the student | Roll No. | Title of project | Page No. |
Soumitra Chatterjee | 001 | ||
Sanchita Maiti | 002 | Population distribution pattern and morphological analysis of Modiolus undulatus | |
Binapani Sahoo | 003 | ||
Bidya Kabasi | 004 | Ecology and population distribution pattern of Modiolus undulatus | 32 |
Sourav Mondal | 005 | ||
Kanchan Singha Mahapatra | 007 | Nesting size and nesting materials of cormorant’s nest | 30 |
Payel Jana | |||
Pramita Panda | |||
Surekha Chowdhury | 010 | Morphological and anatomical study of river slug | 53 |
Barnali Bera | |||
Mahuya Maiti | |||
Barun Maiti | |||
Swagata Das | Diversity of ants at Mahishadal block in Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | ||
Tuhin Patra | Diversity of grasshopper at Nandigram block in PurbaMedinipur | ||
Suman Das | Diversity of butterflies in PurbaMedinipur | ||
Aparna Guchhait |
2020 :
Name of the student | Roll No. (P.G/07/ZOO-IVS) | Title of project | Page No. |
Baishali Pal | 401 | Comparative Nest site selection of Little Cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger) & Night Herons (Nycticorax nycticorax) | 19 |
Susmita Bhowmik | 402 | Bioassay of nesting materials of cormorant’s nest in Kolaghat | 20 |
Suman Ghosh | 403 | BEHAVIOUR OF INDIAN FRUIT BAT (Pteropus giganteus). | 10 |
Ipsita Maji | 404 | Study of acute toxicity of few natural and synthetic substances on freshwater pond snail Bellamyabengalensis at 24 hours. | 16 |
Moumita Pramanik | 405 | Impact of food and water deprivation on body weight and mortality of American cockroach | 13 |
Monoj Shee | 406 | Study of biodiversity, morphology and habitat preference of toad in PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal | 17 |
Suchanda Maity | 407 | All about fishing cat | 24 |
Sabyasachi Barman | 408 | Study of fish diversity and morphology in Haldi river, PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal | 14 |
Sk. Sayantina Banu | 409 | A preliminary study on spider diversity of Sutahata and adjacent area, PurbaMedinipur | 23 |
Sunetra Das | 410 | Ant distribution analysis | 24 |
Indrani Haldar | 411 | Diversity of earthworm at Haldia and adjacent area | 17 |
Susmita Jana | 412 | The impact of food and water deprivation on body weight and mortality of Periplanata americana | 20 |
Subhada Sankar Mondal | 413 | Gastrointestinal parasite of chicken | 16 |
Biswarupa Panda | 414 | Morphology of Platainsta gangetica | 16 |
Indranath Giri | 415 | Diversity of orthopteran in different village of Bhagabanpur area, West Bengal, India | 10 |
Sankhadeep Das | The Daily diurnal Behavioral activities of Little cormorant, Phalacrocorax niger | 18 | |
Sunanda Debnath | 417 | Structural Diversity of Potter Wasps Nest (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) in Purba Medinipur | 15 |
Arpita Biswas | 418 | Morphometry of Psedocryptus sp. (Body length, width and body weight of 3 species of Psedocryptus sp. | 12 |
Afreen Khatun | 419 | The effect of moisture stress on embryonic developmental stages of Lymnaea luteola | 18 |
2021 :
Name of the student | Roll No. | Title of project | Page No. |
Sanchayini Maity | |||
Mamoni Payra | 002 | About white fly and its life cycle (Aleurodicus rugioperculatus) in PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal | 16 |
Sk. Sultan | 003 | Diversity of true flies (Diptera) in Nandigram, Prurba Medinipur, West Bengal | 18 |
Bithika Khatua | |||
Sharmistha Mondal | |||
Somsubhra Chakraborty | |||
Nilanjana Bairagi | 009 | Negative impact of carbohydrate feeding on antimicrobial activity of mucous of Achatina sp. And Macrochlamys sp. And also the assessment of protein concentrain of their mucous. | 18 |
Sarbani Bhattacharjee | 010 | Biology of fishing cat | 21 |
Sreetama Dam | 011 | Review on bats as reservoir of zoonotic disease | 17 |
Saptarshi Chandra | |||
Sharmistha Maity | 014 | Structural diversity of potter wasp’s nest (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) in South 24 Parganas | 14 |
Sourav Jana | 004 | Diversity of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Nandigram, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal | 21 |
2022 :
Name of the student | Roll No. (PG/VUEGS28/ZOO-IVS) | Title of project | Page No. |
Tamalika Das | 002 | The conspecific ant aggression level observation: precise lock and key process regulation. | 19 |
Supriya Giri | 003 | Wing venation of dragonfly (odonata) of Mahishadal by image analysis to solve the controversy of classical identification method PurbaMedinipur, west bengal,2022 | 24 |
Disha Chawlay | 004 | The wing venation of Damselfly (Odonata) of Mahishadal by image analysis to solve the Controversy of classical identification method. | 29 |
Namita Bera | 005 | Study the morphometry of nest and nesting materials analysis of little cormorant(Phalacrocoraxniger) at the roosting place of Kolaghat, PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal | 39 |
Diptasree Maity | 006 | Factors influencing gall infesting of few local flora of Mahishadal,PurbaMedinipur | 47 |
Tina Jana | 007 | Study of competitive behaviour of two ant species | 24 |
Mousumi Ghorai | 008 | Roosting, nesting and homing behaviour of few bird species in a heronry at Kolaghat, 2022 | 43 |
Deepsikha Mandi | 009 | Morphometric and meristic analysis of some Puntius species from different villages of Mahishadal block, PurbaMedinipur | 35 |
Suman Mondal | 010 | Characteristics of acoustic signal of field cricket, Acanthogryllusasiaticus: a new study | 35 |
Sumana Maity | 011 | Study of food preference of little cormorant at Kolaghat, PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal | 26 |
Soma Mondal | 012 | Study the morphometry of nest of little cormorant (Phalacrocoraxniger) at the roosting place of Kolaghat, PurbaMedinipur | 31 |
Subhanwita Maity | 013 | Study on nesting site and morphometry of potter wasp nest in PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal | 31 |
Sangita Adhikary | 014 | Study of seasonal variation of nest abundance of different birds of a heronry at national highway Kolaghat, 2022 | 32 |
Subhadeep Manna | 015 | Study of diversity of aquatic insects in fresh water body and wet land at Maishadal block | 17 |
Manisha Bera | 017 | Exotic fishes of their positive and negative impact on our indigenous speceis and environment of Haldia block, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal project report for the M. Sc Zoology examination 2022 | 24 |
Sangita Jana | 018 | Impact of Moisture stress on the embryonic development of Lymnealuteola. | 21 |
ShaziaAmruna | 019 | Study of small indigenous fresh water fish diversity in different villages of Mahishadal block, PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal | 36 |
PoulamiPattanayak | 020 | Diversity of aquatic insects at diverse pond ecosystem of Nandigram block, PurbaMedunupur | 16 |
Sk. Nakim Hossain | |||
Manobendra Bag | 022 | A study on architecture patterns of brood chamber of red ghost crab (Ocypodemacrocera) by casting method at Tajpur, West Bengal | 29 |
Somnath Das | 023 | Study of foraging flock of four birds; little cormorants, black crowned night heron, little egret, and grey heron at Kolaghat, PurbaMedinipur (2021-2022). | 74 |
Moumita Singha | 024 | Study of food habit from waste food of little cormorant at kolaghat, PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal | 30 |
Rita Mondal | 025 | The study on effect of Thivetiaperuviana and Daturastramonium on embryonic development of molluscaPhysa in laboratory condition. | 26 |
Mariya Parvin | 026 | Project work on behaviour of indian flying foxes (Pteropusgiganteus) in East Medinipur, West Bengal. | 31 |
Samiparna Samanta | 016 | Impact of Thevetiaperuviana and Daturastramonium on embryonic development of molluscaLymnaea in laboratory condition | 25 |
2023 :
Name of the student | Roll No. (PG/VUEGS28/ZOO-IVS) | Title of project | Page |
Mahadeb Pramanik | 001 | Study of small indigenous freshwater fish diversity in different villages of Mahishadal Block, PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal | 31 |
Snehasis Das | 002 | Floral and faunal diversity of Haldir char (Haldia), a newly emerged island on the river Haldi at PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal, India 2023 | 30 |
Sonali Khatua | 003 | Wise use the mixture cardamom and castor oil as an efficient larvicidal agent of different species of drain fly in the laboratory | 13 |
Rachana Samanta | 004 | Wise use the mixture cardamom and castor oil as an efficient larvicidal agent of different species of mosquito in the laboratory | 13 |
Amlan Kr. Kar | 005 | A study on distribution and roosting, plant diversity and behavioural attributes of Indian flying fox (Pteropusmedius) at Purba and PaschimMedinipur, West Bengal, India | 49 |
Aditi Bhunia | 006 | Study of comparative morphology, anatomy and phylogenetic relationship of Onchidiid slugs in PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal, India | 84 |
Saheli Dey | 007 | Distribution of invasive snail Physaacuta and associated fauna occurring in some different places in PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal | 28 |
Poulami Ghara | 008 | Study of drain fauna occurring in some different places in PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal | 27 |
Sneha Shee | 010 | Study of food preference of little cormorant at Kolaghat in PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal | 24 |
Pankaj Mandal | 011 | Study of life cycle, host plant diversity and biological control of white fly in PurbaMedinipur | 25 |
Poulami Kar | 013 | Study of nesting materials used by little cormorant- A case study from Kolaghat and Haldir char, PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal | 14 |
Laboni Maity | 014 | A study on the wing venation of damsel fly of Mahishadal by image analysis | 30 |
Soma Khatua | 015 | Natural biology of few firefly species at PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal, India | 54 |
Sujata Sahoo | 016 | A study on spider diversity at Nandigram of PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal, India 2023 | 25 |
Debolina Das | 017 | Morphology of Saccharumspontaneum at PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal, India | 23 |
Jayasree Maity | 018 | Measurement of morphometric and meristic parameters and behavioural study of Periophthakmusnovemradiatus, Periophthalmodonsepemradiatus at Haldi river, PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal, India 2023 | 34 |
Bidisha Manna | 019 | Effect of different physical parameters on germination ofSaccharumspontaneum | 25 |
Awards & Achievements -
Bharat Siksha Ratna Award 2021 by International Benavolent Research foundation.