Faculty Profile (Environment Science Department)

(Serving the College since January 12, 2000 till date)
Qualification & Details
Qualifiaction | M. Sc. (First Class); M. Phil. and Ph.D. in Economics |
Designation | Associate Professor |
Teaching Experience | 23 years at UG (Hons & General) Level, 14 years at the PG (DDE) Level, 6 years at the UG (Vocational) Level and ongoing |
Research Experience | 2 years at the M. Phil Level, 4 years at the Ph.D. Level and more |
Publications till Date | 21 |
E-Mail ID |
(a) UGC Junior Research Fellow at Calcutta University (July 01, 1996 to June 30,1998), completed M. Phil. Degree in Economics
(b) UGC Senior Research Fellow at Calcutta University (July 01, 1998 to July 31,1999).
(c) UGC Teacher Fellow at Vidyasagar University, Midnapore (January 28, 2016 to July 10, 2018), under the scheme of Faculty Development Programme (12 th Plan Period), completed Ph. D. Degree in Economics
(a) UGC Sponsored Minor Research Project (MRP) on
“Declassification of Towns in West Bengal: Comparative Study of Three
Small Towns belonging to Three Different Regions”
Period: January 05, 2012 to June 30, 2013
Total Grant Received: Rs 1, 02, 000/-
Status: Completed. Submitted to the UGC with duly signed utilization
1) ‘Management of a Common Property – A Game Theoretic Approach’ in Study Material of Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta, August 2009, University of Calcutta Press, Kolkata, pp 56-64
2) ‘Tea Plantation at Munnar Area in Kerala: Problems and Prospects’ in Aantorjatik Patthshala (Quarterly Journal), Edited by Prof Amit Roy, July-Sept 2011, ISSN 2230 9594, Patthshala Productions, Kolkata, pp 125-136
3) ‘Gender Budgeting in an Economy: Theoretical Justification and A Specific Case Study’ in the Book Gender Budgeting – A Step Towards Justice, Edited By Dr Abdul Motin, January 2012, ISSN 978-81-8211- 088-5, pp 34-46
4) ‘Disguised Unemployment: Indian Perspective’ in Aantorjatik Patthshala (Quarterly Journal), Edited by Prof Amit Roy, January-March 2012, ISSN 2230 9594, Patthshala Productions, Kolkata, pp 156-158
5) ‘A Brief Note about the Relevance of Land Reform Measures in India’ in Aantorjatik Patthshala (Quarterly Journal), Edited by Prof Amit Roy, July-Sept 2012, ISSN 2230 9594, Patthshala Productions, Kolkata, pp 97-100
6) ‘Cooperative Movement and Economic Development: Ideas of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore’ in Tagore’s Bi-centenary Volume ‘Robir Aaloy’, published from Mahishadal Raj College, August 2012, ISBN 978-81-924660-
0-2, pp 52-61
7) ‘Evolution of Education Scenario in India over the Decades’ in Aantorjatik Patthshala (Quarterly Journal), Edited by Prof Amit Roy, October-December 2012, ISSN 2230 9594, Patthshala Productions, Kolkata, pp 45-51
8) ‘A Brief Note about the Relevance of Green Revolution in India’ in Aantorjatik Patthshala (Quarterly Journal), Edited by Prof Amit Roy, January- March 2013, ISSN 2230 9594, Patthshala Productions, Kolkata, pp 110-112
9) ‘Analytical View of Indian Public Sector Enterprises during Post-Reform Period’ in Contemporary Economics: Issues and Relevance, Edited by S. Mookherjee, Published by Mahishadal Raj College, May 2013, ISBN 978-81924660-1-9, pp 148 -154
10) ‘A Clarified Note about the Relevance of Development Model that was followed in Gujarat during last Two Decades (1994-2013)’ in Aantorjatik Patthshala (Quarterly Journal), Edited by Prof Amit Roy, January-March 2014, ISSN 2230 9594, Patthshala Productions, Kolkata, pp 61-63
11) ‘Urbanization of Rural Bengal Revisited: Socio-economic Study of Mahishadal in Purba Medinipur’ in Patochitra (Academic Journal of Mahishadal Raj College), November 2014, ISSN 2349 9257, pp 65-81
12) ‘Factors and Indicators of Urbanization Process: A Socio-economic Analysis’ in Banglar Shahar – Ouponibeshik Parba, Edited by Dr S Bhowmik and A Chakraborty, Ashadeep, Kolkata, May 2015, ISBN 978-93-81245-62-0, pp 77-85
13) ‘Global Meltdown and India: A Brief Analysis of ‘Optimism in Darkness’’ in Analytical Economics: A Research Journey, Edited by S. Mookherjee, Published by Mahishadal Raj College, May 2015, ISBN 978-81-924660-8-8, pp
127 -134
14) ‘Property Rights and Urbanization: In Search of a Theoretical Relationship’ in Patochitra (Academic Journal of Mahishadal Raj College), July 2016, ISSN 2349 9257, pp 17-29
15) ‘An Appraisal of Urbanization Status of Villages in A Particular Block of West Bengal: An Exploration through Construction of a Generalized Urbanization Index’ in ZENITH International Journal of Business Economics
& Management Research, 7 (12), November 2017, pp 97-110 (with S. K. Pattanayek and D. Mondal jointly)
16) ‘Does the analysis of principal components effectively help in determining actual weights for dimensions of an index? An appraisal in Indian context’ in International Journal of Management and Development Studies, 6(10),
December 2017, pp 28-36 (with S. K. Pattanayek and D. Mondal jointly)
17) ‘Major Components of Green Urbanization and their Relative Importance: A Study of Some Districts of West Bengal (India)’ in the Edited Book Economic and Political Implications of Green Trading and Energy Use, Chapter 18, IGI Global, PA, USA, June 2019, pp 315-339 (with D. Mondal jointly)
18) ‘An Analysis of Standard of Living Index in West Bengal’s Paschim Medinipur District: An Application of Average Correlation Method’ in Indian Journal of Human Development (IJHD) – SAGE Journals,13(2), August 2019, pp 159-182 (with S. K. Pattanayek and D. Mondal jointly)
19) ‘Construction of Education Index for the Blocks of Paschim Medinipur District: An Appraisal through the Application of Average Correlation Method’ in Vidyasagar University Journal of Economics, Volume XXII, Issue 2017-18, published in December 01, 2019, UGC-CARE enlisted, ISSN 0975- 8003, pp 40-66 (with S. K. Pattanayek and D. Mondal jointly)
Sr No. | THEME of the Seminar | DATE | LEVEL |
1 | One Day Seminar on ‘Indian Economy : Twenty Years After Reforms’ | December 10 , 2011 | UGC Sponsored State Level |
2 | One Day Seminar on ‘Indian Economy and Contemporary Sen – Bhagwati Debate’ | December11, 2013 | UGC Sponsored National Level |
3 | One Day Seminar on ‘Abhijit V. Banerjee, his Works and the Nobel Prize for Economic Sciences, 2019’ | December 06, 2019 | College Sponsored State Level |
Sr No. | BOOKS | Month of Publication | ISBN Number |
1 | Contemporary Economics : Issues & Relevance | May 2013 | 978-81-924660-1-9 |
2 | Analytical Economics – A Research Journey | May 2015 | 978-81-924660-8-8 |