Faculty Profile (History Department)

Dr. Sujit Mondal
Qualification & Details
Qualifiaction | M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Teaching Experience | 5 Years |
Research Experience | NA |
Publications till Date | 09 |
E-Mail ID |
- Govt approved part time teacher, Ghatal Rabindra Satabarsiki Mahavidyalaya from 10/11/2009-25/07/2019 .
- Counsellor,Netaji Subhas Open University, BDP programme, Ghatal Rabindra Satabarsiki Mahavidyalaya study centre, from 22/05/2012-25/07/2019.
- Resource person, School of Studies in History, Mahatma Gandhi University, Purba Medinipur, From November 2020 to 2023.
- “Hari Chand Thakur :The pioneer of Matuya Movement”, Indian Social reformer edited by Dr Suryakant Kapshikar, Kapshikar publication ,Oct. 2020, ISBN-978-81-943484-74, pp.-59-65.
- “Widow Remarriage and pt.Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar:An Analysis”,Adhyayan, A Bilingual Research Journal of the Bhartiya Itihas Adhayan Sansthan, Edited by prof Heramb Chaturvedi, xx(2010),vol.xiv,ISBN 978-81-8097-142-6,Allahabad pp.19-28.
- “Origin and Growth of Subaltern Historiography,Shodh- Sampreshan,International Peer Review Refereed Journal,Edited by Sudhir Sharma,July-Sept.2014,ISSN 0976459 pp.24-26.
- “ Janachetana and Sama char Patrika-Chhattishgarh key Bisesh Sandharbmey(in Hindi) Shodh-Prakalp, a quarterly peer Reviewed Research Journal,Edited by Dr Sudhir Sharma, Vol.LXVIII yr.21 July-Sept.,2014,ISSN 22783911 ,pp .40-43.
- “Female Education and Vidyasagar:An Analysis”, a Journal of Historical Research,Edited by Dr Ram Pande Vol.46 pt BSr 137/May-August,2016,ISSN 0302-9832, pp. 128-139.
- “বঙ্গ-ভঙ্গ আন্দোলন ও নম:শূদ্র সমাজ”,ইতিহাস ও সংস্কৃতি,তৃতীয় খন্ড,তৃতীয় ভাগ,পশ্চিমবঙ্গ আঞ্চলিক ইতিহাস ও লোকসংস্কৃতি চর্চা কেন্দ্র, প্রধান সম্পাদক ময়ূখ দাস,2017 খ্রি.ISSN 23945737, pp.-185-189.
- স্ত্রী শিক্ষা : নারী মুক্তি ও ঈশ্বর চন্দ্র বন্দোপাধ্যায়-একটি পর্যালোচনা, প্রতিধ্বনি the ECHO,A peer Review International Journal of Humanities & Social Science,Edited by Dr.Biswajit Bhattacharjee, Vol.X,Issue-1Oct.2021,ISSN 23219319(p),ISSN 22785264(E)Impact Factor:6.28(Index Copernicus International)
- THE DISTINCT CULTURE OF MATUYA: A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE AND ANALYSIS, International, Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, ISSN:2277-7881; IMPACT FACTOR :7.816(2022); IC VALUE:5.16; ISI VALUE:2.286 Peer Reviewed and Refereed Journal: VOLUME:11, ISSUE:5(6), May: 2022.
- ‘বিদ্যাসাগর মননে বাঙালি নারী’ ITIHAS ANWESHAN,The peer-reviewed Proceedings Volume of first International Annual Conference on Society & Culture of Bengal Through the Ages edited by Rajesh Biswas & Mritunjoy Paul,Diya prakashsni,(Garia Society for Studies of Marginal People) ,Ist volume,January,2024,ISBN 978-93-93490-46-9.pp.-190-198.
1.Participation in workshop, “Reinterpretation of History and Research Methodology”,Govt.Viswanath Tilak Namaskar P.G.Autonomous College,Durg (C.G.),20-21 oct.,2008.
2.“Ambagarh Natural Fort-A Preliminary Study,” national seminar on archaeology, tourism and culture : Historical perspective,Govt. Raj Mohsin Devi Girls P.G. college ,Ambikapur C.G.,20-21 Dec.2008.
3.“The Exterior culture of the Kanwar in Chhattisgarh,” national seminar on Archaeology,Tourism and Culture:Historical perspective”,Govt.Raj Mohsin Devi Girls P.G. College, Ambikapur ,C.G.,20-21 Dec.2008.
4.“Newspaper and people awakening :special reference in Chhattisgarh,National seminar on “The Role of Newspapers in the “National Movement of Madhya Pradesh,”Maharshi Ved Science, Arts and Commerce College,Narmada Road,Jabalpur ,18-19 Jan.2009.
5.“Technological Changes and Agricultural Development in Chhattisgarh Region,” National Seminar on “Sustainable Development and Sustainable Lifestyle issues and Perspective”,Seth Phool chand Agrawl Smriti Mahavidyalaya,Nawa para Rajim, 9-10 Feb.2009.
6.“Bastar: the Paradise of Chhattisgarh,”National Seminar on “Dimension of Cultural Tourism and Archaeological Conservation in Chhattisgarh ; 21st Century Context,” Sant Guru Ghasidas Govt.P.G. College,Krud ,27 Feb.,2009.
7. “Humanism and Education:Vivekananda’s Perspectives” National seminar on “The Impact of Ramkrishna and Vivekananda in the movement of Chhattisgarh,”Vivekananda Vidyapith, Kota, Raipur, 14,15&16 Feb.2009.
8. “Patriotic Role of Youth in Civil-Disobedience movement in Chhattisgarh,”National Seminar on “Swatantrata Sangram mey Madhya Pradesh -Chhattisgarh mey Jan jagarane ka prayas (1857-1947-48),”Govt.Kamla Raja Girls post Graduate Autonomous College Gwalior 8-9 Feb.,2010.
9. “বাংলায় নবজাগরণ এ লোকনাট্যের ভূমিকা,”paschimbanga Itihas Sansad,24-26 Jan.,2011 at University of Calcutta.
- “হরিচাঁদ ঠাকুর ও মতুয়া ধর্ম”,paschimbanga Itihas samsad 24-26 Jan.,2017 at Basanti Devi College, kolkata.
11.“বঙ্গ ভঙ্গ আন্দোলন ও নম:শূদ্র সমাজ,” 3rd annual international conference 2017 organised by the Paschimbanga Ancholik Itihas o Lok Samaskriti Charcha Kendra in Collaboration with Bidhannagar College on 1&2 July.2017.
- “স্ত্রী শিক্ষা:নারী মুক্তি ও বিদ্যাসাগর,”International Seminar on “Vidyasagar :After 200 years, organised by Heramba Chandra College ,Kolkata, on 26th Feb.2020.
- One week National Level online workshop(17th -23rd July,2020), “Techno-Pedagogy and Research Methodology, organised by B.ed section &IQAC of Kalna College in collaboration with school of Education,Mahatma Gandhi Central University,Dept. Of Education Raiganj University and Ramkrishna Mission Siksha Mandir.
- “বিদ্যাসাগর মননে বাঙালি নারী” One Day International Conference on State Society & Culture in India Through the Ages,Organised by Garia Society for Studies of Marginal People in collaboration with Department of History,Gobardanga Hindu College,on 5th May,2023.
- “নম:শূদ্র সমাজের আত্মজাগরনে হরিচাঁদ ঠাকুর ও গুরুচাঁদ ঠাকুরের ভূমিকা”,Second Annual International Conference on State Society & Culture in India Through the Ages,Organised by Garia Society for Studies of Marginal People in collaboration with Department of History,Aliah University,on 27th & 28th January,2024.
Pt Ravishankar shukla University Gold Medal On 12 January 2009 by securing the first position in the merit list in MA History Examination 2008.
- Late Dr J.R.Kamble Smriti Gold Medal in 2010 by securing the highest marks in M.phil. History 2009.
Faculty Induction Program (OP)
6th-26th July 2021,Mizoram University.
Refresher Course (RC)
10th -25th March 2022,University of Calcutta.