Faculty Profile (History Department)

Dr. Swati Basak
Qualification & Details
Qualifiaction | M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D |
Designation | Assistant Professor, Stage II |
Teaching Experience | 10 Years |
Research Experience | NA |
Publications till Date | 10 |
E-Mail ID |
Project completed -
- Worked on a project entitled “Women Domestic Worker: Strategies of Survival” in collaboration with Jadavpur University and NSS, 2006.
- Worked with Sachetana on a project “Malnutrition Among Rural Women in West Bengal”, 2007.
- Worked on a project named “Re-Negotiating Gender Relations in Marriage: Family, Class and Community in Kolkata in an era of Globalization,” funded by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Germany in collaboration with School of Women Studies, JU, 2007.
Research papers published (10) -
Name of the article | Name of the Journal/ Book | ISSN/ISBN number | Published by | Year of publication |
1. Food, Fish and Culture: A Focus on Kalighat Pats in Bengal | Alternative History and Culture | ISBN 978-93-93490-61-2 | Garia Society of Studies for Marginal People | December, 2023 |
2. Vegetarianism and Vaishnavism: Insight of Chaitanyadeva’s Thought Towards Lower Class People in the 16th C Bengal | CLIO, Peer Reviewed and UGC Care Listed | ISSN 0976-075X CLIO | Corpus Research Institute | January, 2022 |
3. Women and Acid Attack in India: A Shame on Humanity | Representation of Women Space, Vol. III, edited by Bratati Dey | ISBN: 978-93-89224-71-9 | Kunal Books, New Delhi | 2021 |
4. Food, Festivals and Sweets: Creating Cultural Identity of Bengal in the 21st Century | Modern Historical Studies, UGC Care Listed | ISSN 0972-6756 | Rabindra Bharati University | 2019-20 |
5.Gaura Devi, the Forgotten Heroine: Some Glimpses of the Chipko Movement | Adivasis of Bengal | ISBN-978-93-82710-03-5 | Institute of Historical Studies, Kolkata | March, 2018 |
6.Women, Science and Eduaction: Kalpana Chawla, the True Herione | Pondering the Past: Vol. II | ISBN 978-93-88207-00-3 | Paschimbanga Anchalik Itihas O Loksankriti Charcha Kendra | 2018 |
7.Women, Education and Empowerment: Anandibai Joshi, the Brave Woman | Girl Education in India | ISBN 978-93-5128-178-8 | Kalpaz Publications, New Delhi and edited by Deepa Awasthi | 2016 |
8.Child labour and Girl Child Domestics: A study | The Quarterly Review of Historical Studies | ISSN-0033-5800 | Institute of Historical Studies, Kolkata | 2015 |
9.Women, Bravery and Representation, Jhalkari Bai: the True Heroine | Feminism and Literature | ISBN-978-81-922645-6-1 | Takhtotaaz, Allahabad and edited by Sanjeev Kumar Vishwakarma | 2015 |
10.Food, Culture, Politics and Society: Vaishnava Movement in the 16th Century Bengal | CLIO | ISSN 0976-075X CLIO | Corpus Research Institute, Kolkata | 2015 |
1. | Society: Modernity and Patriarchy in Tribal History of India, Corpus Research Institute, 25th-26th March, 2016, International. |
2. | Women, Education, Empowerment and Environment: Dayamani Barla, Research Scholar’s Seminar, Institute of Historical Studies, 8th June, 2016, State Level. |
3. | Women and Youth Movement in India: Shanti Ghosh and Suniti Chowdhury, Youth Movement in India, CRI, 27th August, 2016, International. |
4. | Microfinance and Empowerment of women in Bengal, Research Scholar’s Seminar, IHS, 9th and 10th June, 2017, State Level. |
5. | Water Purification System in India: Drinkwell, A Step Forward, History of Sanitation, CRI, 25th and 26th August, 2017, International. |
6. | Women’s Education and Sister Nivedita in Bengal, Sister Nivedita, IHS, 8th September, 2017, State Level. |
7. | Food and Economy: the Chaitanya Movement in the 16th c Bengal, Revisiting 1942, RBU, 20th and 21st March, 2018, International. |
8. | Chaitanyadeva and Casteism, Research Scholar’s Seminar, IHS, 8th and 9th June, 2018, State. |
9. | Food and Modernity, Rethinking Modernity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Aliah University and Byanjanbarna Foundation, 11th and 12 August, 2018, International. |
10. | Vaishnavism and Culture, Sec II, Medieval India, IHC, 79th session, 26th, 27th and 28th Feb, 2019, National. |
11. | Food and Living: Vegetarian Movement in the 16th Century Bengal, Developing a Healthy Mind: Role of Society, Culture and Education, organised by Department of Education, Jadavpur University in collaboration with Byanjanbarna Foundation, 19th and 20th May, 2022, International. |
12. | Sustainable Development and Women’s Empowerment, Surrogacy, A Step Forward, Sustainable Development, Issues, Prospects and Challenges, organised by Department of Education, Jadavpur University in collaboration with Byanjanbarna Foundation, 17th and 18th August, 2022, International. |
13. | Culinary Culture in Medieval Bengal: An Indo-Persian Influence, Interrogating Society, Economy and Culture of Bengal: A Pre-Colonial Scenario, organised by Maulana Azad College, Kolkata, 20th March, 2023, International. |
14. | Bhima Mela: The Cultural Heritage of Purba Medinipur, State, Society and Culture in India Through Ages, Aliah University and GSSMP, 27th and 28th January, 2024. |
1. | “Science, Technology, Medicine and Environment: An Appraisal of the Colonial and Post Colonial Experiences of India”, History of Science, Kolkata and Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, 4th and 5th December, 2023. |
2. | Participated in the three days training and Field Visit at Sundarban on “Remedy on Socio-ecological Vulnerability of Sundarbans in the Discourse of Climatic Change”, organized by Centre for Disaster Management, Jadavpur University and National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, 15th to 17th December, 2022. |
3. | “Situating Memories: Political Violence in Colonial and Post Colonial India”, sponsored by ICHR and organized by RBU, Kolkata and worked as Rapporteur, 28-29th March, 2019. |
4. | Participated in the Research Workshop organized by Rabindra Bharati University, May, 2nd to 28th May, 2017. |
5. | Participated in the international workshop on Methodological Approach to Research in Language and Social Science organized by Department of Education, Jadavpur University and Byanjanbarna Foundation, Kolkata, 11th to 17th October, 2017. |
6. | “Science, Technology and Disability: A National Perspective,” UGC sponsored and organized by Centre for Studies and Rehabilitation of Differently Able Persons, JU, Kolkata, 31st March, 2017. |
7. | “Colonial Calcutta: Varied Faces- A Retrospection,” UGC Sponsored seminar, organized by Sarsuna College, Behala in collaboration with IHS, Kolkata, March, 2015. |
8. | “Studies in Local History: Memories, Metaphors and Methods,” UGC sponsored International seminar by RBU, Kolkata, 17-18th March, 2016. |
9. | e-Learning and MOOCs in Higher Education, RBU and Guru Angad Dev Teaching Centre, MHRD, University of Delhi, 25th June, 2018, National. |
Seminars organized -
- Organised a knowledge Exchange Programme in collaboration with Department of History, Diamond Harbour Women’s University and Mahishadal Raj College, 12th February, 2019.
- One Day National Seminar on History of Science in Colonial India, Speaker, Professor Jagadish Narayan Sinha, Research Council, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, organised by Department of History, Mahishadal Raj College, 14th March, 2022.
- Value Added Programme and seminar organised by Mahishadal Raj College and Ramkrishna Ashram, Barranagar, 14th March, 2023.
Books edited/ Authored -
- Single author of a book named Tales of Women in India, from Slavery to Bravery in 2019 by Ababil Books, Kolkata.