Faculty Profile (Mathematics Department)

Litan Kumar Das
Qualification & Details
Qualifiaction | M.Sc. |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Teaching Experience | 04 February 2015-till date |
Research Experience | -- |
Publications till Date | 06 |
E-Mail ID |
Research Interest -
- Algebra, Mathematical logic, Category theory, Topology
Publications -
- Ray, Kumar Sankar, and Litan Kumar Das. Categorical study for algebras of Fitting’s lattice-valued logic and lattice-valued modal logic.” Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 89 (2020): 409-429. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10472-020-09707-1, SCI-Indexed
- Das, Litan Kumar, and Kumar Sankar Ray. “Bitopological duality for algebras of Fitting’s logic and natural duality extension.” Acta Informatica 58.5 (2021): 571-584. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00236-020-00384-5, SCI-Indexed
- Das, Litan Kumar, Kumar Sankar Ray, and Prakash Chandra Mali. “Bisimulations for Fuzzy Geometric Models.” International Conference on Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence and IoT. Communications in Computer and Information Science 1822, Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-37303-9_12. SCOPUS-Indexed
- Das, Litan Kumar, Kumar Sankar Ray, and Prakash Chandra Mali. “Coalgebraic Fuzzy geometric logic.” International Journal of Information technology, Springer, 2024(Accepted). SCOPUS-Indexed.
- Das, Litan Kumar, Kumar Sankar Ray, and Prakash Chandra Mali. ‘’Duality for Fitting’s Heyting-valued modal logic via Bi-topology and Bi-Vietoris Coalgebra’’ Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier, 2024(Accepted). SCI-Indexed
Seminars/conferences/symposia attended: -
- Two day National Seminar on Mathematical Modelling and its Applications ,NSMMAE-2022, organized by Dept. of Mathematics, Bangabasi Evening College, Sponsored by DSTBT, Govt. of West Bengal. 10-11 November, 2022.
- International conference on Optimization, Learning and Analytics in Business (OLAB-2022), 15-17 December 2022. Organized by Operation research Society.
- International Conference on Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence and IoT (ICAII-2023), 4 April, 2023, Organized by Springer Nature Switzerland.
- UGC Sponsored national conference on Futuristic trends in applied & computational mathematics 2017(NCFTACM 17), 29-30 March, 2017. Organized by Dept. of mathematics with Oceanology and Computer Programming, Vidyanagar University.
- Two Day International Seminar on ‘’Mathematics and Computing: Present Perspective’’ 20-21 February, 2020. Organized by Dept. of mathematics and Computer Science, Mahishadal Raj College.
Training (Refresher Course and Orientation Program) attended -
- UGC-Sponsored Orientation Programme, JNTU-Hyderabad, 20-01-2020 to 08-02-2020.
- UGC-Sponsored Refresher Course, University of Lucknow, 26-10-2020 to 09-11-2020.
Training (Workshop) attended -
- UGC-Sponsored STC on’’ MATLAB Applications for Applied Science and Engineering Problems’’ JNTU-Hyderabad, 12-10-2020 to 19-10-2020.