Faculty Profile (History Department)

Prakash Bisui
Qualification & Details
Qualifiaction | M.A., B.Ed, M.Phil. |
Designation | Assistant Professor |
Teaching Experience | 7 Years |
Research Experience | 04 Years (Pursuing Ph. D. From University of Calcutta) |
Publications till Date | 07 |
E-Mail ID |
Research papers published -
- Jharkhand Jatisatwar Bikash Ekti Asampurna Akankhaya (Bengali), Itihas O Sanskriti,Vol 2, Kolkata, 2016, ISSAN-2394-5737, ISBN 978 81 92631646.
- Cinema and Learning, Construction and Making of History; An Interpretation on Historiography of Indian Movie and Partition, Media Teaching, Edited by Dr Arnab Kumar Benerjee, Kolkata, 2015, ISBN-978-93-18669-5737.
- Tribal Religious Identity and Ethnic Politics in Chotonagpur Region During the Jharkhand Movement, Art & Review, Vol II, Edited by Rajib Banu, 2020, ISBN- 978-81-939021-9-6.
- Partition and Indo Bangladesh Relation, Reflection on Movie: A historiographical Analysis, Pondering the Past Glimpses of Our Society and Culture, Vol-III, Edited by Dr.Sutapa Sengupta, (Ed), P.A.I.O.L.C.L, Kolkata, 2019. ISBN-978-93-88207-48-5.
- Indigenous People: Evolution of Concept and Rights in Post Colonial International Phenomena, Journal Of History and Civilization, Dept of Islamic History and Culture, Faculty of Arts, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Vol 1, Number 1, July to December 2020, ISSN 2789 4258.
- Kantara Ekti Paribesh Chetana O Adibasi Chaitanyer Golpo (Bengali), Ebong Prantik, Issue 10, Vol-24, 24th Sept, 2023, Kolkata, ISSN-2348-487X (Print), 2582-3841 (Online).
- Exploring Eco-feminist approach of the Jharkhand Movement: A Study of Marginalized Voices of Jangalmahal”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Vol-II, Issue-I, Feb -2024, ISSN-E-2348-1269, P 2349-5183, UGC Approval No- 43602 (19).
- Jharkgand Andolon Kal Jangalmahale Bhumij Atmajagaran : Onyanny Janagosthir Sathe Ekti Antasamparka Mulak Parjalochona’ (Bengali), Purbo Bharat Manush O Sanskriti, ISSN-2319-5891.
Seminars organized -
- Knowledge Exchange Programme Organised by Department of History Mahishadal Raj College and Department of History Diamond Harbour Women University, 12th February 2019, Mahishadal Raj College, Mahishadal, Purbo Medinipur.
- One Day National Seminar on History of Science in Colonial India, Speaker Prof Jagdish N Sinha, Research Council , Indian National Science Academy New Delhi, Organised by Department of History, Mahishadal Raj College, 14th March, 2022, Mahishadal, Purbo Medinipur.
- Value Added Programme and Seminar Organised by Mahishadal Raj College and Ramkrishna Mission Ashram, Barahnagar, 14th March 2023, Mahishadal, Purbo Medinipur.
Books Authored -
- Manabadhikar, Janajati O Besarkari Sangathan: Ekti Samikhya, (Bengali), Camp Publication, Kolkata, 2022, ISBN 81 86883 84 3.
Papers Presente In Seminars /Conferences /Symposiums -
- Tribal Religious Identity and Practice: Religious and Ethnic Politics in Jharkhand Area, Organised by Directed Initiative and Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, 20-21 Feb, 2016. Bose Institute, Kolkata, National Level Conference.
- Gerontology Practice in Bengali Movie and Media, Organised by Dept. of Political Science and Dept. of Social Work, Bankura University and Department of Women Children Development and Social Welfare Govt of WB, University of Bankura, Bankura, 29-30th March 2017 . Satate Level Seminar Cum Workshop on Ageing, Disability and the Rural Elderly Populace in West Bengal.
- Jharkhand Andolon Ebong Paschimbanger Pachimanchal, Fire Dekha, 1930 to 2010, Organised by Itihas Academy Dhaka, 22 Feb, 2019, Asiatic Society, Dhaka, Bangladesh, International Conference.
- Evaluation of Greater Jharkhand Ethnicity, Pan Tribalism & Language Politics in Chotonagpur Region in the Period of Jhartkhand Movement and After, Organised by Indian History Congress, Barkatulla University, Bhopal, 26-28 Feb, 2019. National Level Conference.
- Partition and Indo Bangladesh Relation, Reflection on Movie: A historiographical Analysis, Indian Social Science and Humanities Congress, 7-8 Sept, 2019, Organised by Paschimbanga Anchalik Itihas O Lokosanskriti Charcha Kendra and Dept. of Library and Information Science of Jadavpur University, Jadavpur University, 7th sept. 2019 to 8th Sept 2019, Kolkata, International Level Conference.
- Jharkhandi Jati Jati Sattwar Bikash Ekti Asampurna Akankhya, Organised by Paschimbanga Anchalick Itihas O Lokosanskriti Charcha Kendra, Dept. of History Surendranath College, Kokata, 2nd April to 3rd April, 2016, National Level Conference.
- Tribal Unrest and Environmental Movement in Jharkhand Region of West Bengal in the Period of Jharkhand and Post Jharkhand Movement: Some Debates and New Search. Organised by Dept of Education, University of Gour Banga and Byanjanbarna Foundation Seminar on Understanding Environment in the context of Contemporary Society, Culture and Education, 15th and 16th June 2022, University of Gurbanga, Malda, International Seminar.
- Environmental Consciousness and Struggle in Janglmahal Through and Beyond Jharkhand Movement, 81st Session, Indian History Congress, 27 to 29th December 2022,Madras Christian College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
- Jangal Mahal Mahata Majhi Sanghat: Ekti Oitihasik Parjalochona O Fire Dekha (Bengali), Two Days International Seminar on State Society and Culture in India Through the Age, Organised by Garia Society for Studies of Marginal People in Collaboration With Department of History, Aliah University, 27th and 28th January 2024, Aliah University, Kolkata.
- Economic Transformations and Environmental Politics in Jangalmahal Region: A Transition since c. 2000, Nature, Culture and Society Interface in Indian History, International Seminar, Organised by Vidyasagar University History Department Collaboration with NTU, UK, 6th June, 2024.
Faculty Induction Programme (OP) -
- 3rd March to 30th March 2021, Universitry of Calcutta.
Refresher Course -
- 4th January to 17th January 2022, Gender Issues: Social Justice and Empowerment, University of Burdwan