Faculty Profile (Zoology Department)

Sri. Atanu Metya
Qualification & Details
Qualifiaction | M.Sc., B.Ed |
Designation | SACT II |
Teaching Experience | 05 Years Plus |
Research Experience | 2015 - Till Date |
Publications till Date | 02 |
E-Mail ID |
Research papers published -
- Insecticidal/ Acaricidal Efficacy of Different Formulation of Plant Oil Against Coconut Eriophyid Mite, Aceria guerreronis in International Journal of Zoology and Research (IJZR), ISSN No. 2278-8816, Impact Factor 1.9758, International level.
- Genetic variation in natural population of Mystus gulio, JMRC/V3/I1/2023/ISSN 2349-9257
Seminar Attend -
- Participated in UGC Sponsored One-Day National Seminar “CROSSTALK ON ZOOLOGY” Organized by department of Zoology, Vidyasagar University on 9th March, 2017.
- Participated in One Day International Seminar on “Journey from Student to Research Scientist: Past & Present.” Organized by department of Zoology, Mahishadal Raj College on 18th January, 2020.
- Participated in One Day National Level Seminar on “Emerging Areas & Opportunities in Modern Science & Research” Organized by The PG department of Zoology, Chemistry, & Physics on 7th February, 2020.
- Participated in State Level Webinar “Wild to Wild Translocation: Story of a Conservation Practice.” Organized by department of Zoology, Banipur Mahila Mahavidyalaya on 4th August, 2020.
- Participated in International Web-Lecture series: Scientific mind & modeling of environmental health. Organized by department of Zoology, Mahishadal Raj College on 24th July to 31st August, 2020.
- Participated in online workshop on Advanced Phylogenetics. Organized by department of Zoology, Mahishadal Raj College on 17th July,2021.
- Participated in online workshop on Biological data analysis using SPSS. Organized by department of Zoology, Mahishadal Raj College on 27th July – 29th July, 2021.
- Participated in Hands-on-training on Species Distribution Modelling. Organized by department of Zoology, Mahishadal Raj College on 6th & 7th September, 2022.
- Participated in National workshop on “ Protect our Mother Earth”, jointly organized by IASR Kolkata, Dept. of Zoology, Mahishadal Raj College, & GWRC West Bengal chapter on 5th June , 2023.
- Participated in one day national level seminar on Cancer & its awareness. Organized by department of Zoology, Mahishadal Raj College in association with DDU KAUSAL Kendra & Live & Let Live, Howrah on 16th June , 2023.
- Participated in One Day International Webiner on “ Save Nature & Save Biodiversity”. Organized by department of Zoology, Mahishadal Raj College & Howrah Suparna, in association with DDU KAUSAL Kendra & Live & Let Live, Howrah on 27th June , 2023.
- Participated in One day National Level Seminar on “ Vector borne disease & its management”, Organized by department of Zoology, Mahishadal Raj College, in association with Live & Let Live, Howrah on 28th February, 2023.
- Participated in International Conference on “ Renewable Energy Technologies & Bio Sustainability”. Organized by department of Zoology, Mahishadal Raj College, in association with Jhargram Raj College on 21-23rd February, 2024.
Abstract Accepted -
- Participated in One day national level workshop on Ecofeminism & Environmental movement in India. Organized by department of Zoology, Mahishadal Raj College in association with IBRF, Kolkata on 17th December, 2021.
- Participated in International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change, Organized by Crntre for Natural and Applied Sciences in association with IQAC, Raja Narendra Lal Khan College( Autonomous) on 2nd -3rd March
- Participated in International webinar on “ New Trends in Ecology and Environmental Research”. Organized by department of Zoology, Mahishadal Raj College, in association with IFEE and SERI, Kolkata on 29-30th March, 2024.
- Participated in National Conference on “ Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience”. Jointly organized by MSCB University, Baripada, Odisha and IFEE, in Association with Global Warming Reduction Centre North Odisha Chapter and SERI, Kolkata on 24th – 25th March 2023.
Awards & Achievements -
- Awarded 1st position in UG level District Student-Youth Science Fair 2015.
- Awarded 3rd position in UG level West Bengal State Student-Youth Science Fair 2015.
- Awarded 2nd position in National Online mini Photography Competition organised by Dream Paintbrush, August 2023.
- Awarded 3rd position in National Online Photography Competition organised by Pentagram, October 2023.
- Awarded Gem Icon Award for best achievement in National Online Photography Competition held in 8th May to 12th May, 2024 conducted by Dream Paintbrush.