Faculty Profile (Zoology Department)

Sri. Manik Das
Qualification & Details
Qualifiaction | M.Sc., B.Ed |
Designation | SACT |
Teaching Experience | February, 2015- till date |
Research Experience | -- |
Publications till Date | 02 |
E-Mail ID |
Fellowship(s) obtained -
Swami Vivekananda merit cum scholarship
Research papers published -
- Subhamoy Das, Avishek Dolai, Rajkumar Guchhait, Sagnik Mondal, Manik Das, Moumita Jana, Mousumi Ghorai, Susmita samanta, Bithi Bera and Samarpita Bhowmik. (2018); Feeding habit and impact of various physico-chemical parameters (i.e. temperature, humidity, light intensity) on life cycle stages of keratin digestible insect Tineola bisselliella. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (10). 952-957) (ISSN 2320-5407)
Seminar attended -
1. State level seminar on Global Warming Causes & Effects, Organized by Mugberia Gangadhar Mahavidyalaya dated 02/11/2011.
2. State level seminar on Biodiversity: Threats & Solution, Organized by Mahishadal Raj College dated 29/02/2012.
3. National level seminar on Role of Taxonomy to Conserve Biodiversity, Organized by Mahishadal Raj College dated 6th – 7th /03/2012 .
4. National level seminar on Ethology & Existence to Conserve Biodiversity, Organized by Mahishadal Raj College dated 26th -27th /03/2012.
5. National level seminar on Research Methodology in Higher Education, Organized by VURSA dated 29/03/2013.
6. National level seminar on Climate Change, Bioresource & Green Biotechnology, Organized by Vidyasagar University dated 12th -13th /03/2014.
7. National level seminar on Save Water And Energy: Save The Society, Organized by Organized by Vidyasagar University dated 27/03/2014.
8. International level webinar on Scientific Mind and modeling of environmental health, Organized by Mahishadal Raj College on dated 28/07/2020-31/08/2020
9. International level webinar on Perspective On Fish Taxonomy, Organized by Bajkul Milani Mahavidyalaya dated 20/09/2020.
10. State level webinar on Insect : Mentor of Earth, Organized by Khejuri College dated 22/10/2020.
11. International level seminar on Journey from Student to Research scientist: Past and Present, Organized by Mahishadal Raj College on dated 18/01/2020.
12. National level seminar on Emerging Areas and Opportunities in Modern Science and Research, Organized by Mahishadal Raj College dated 07/02/2020.
13. National level seminar on Ecofeminism and Environmental Movement in India, Organized by IBRF, GWRC and MRC dated 17/10/2021.
14. National Conference On environmental pollution : Prevention And Management, Organized by MRC,IFEE and NESA dated 30 – 31/03/2022.
15. 5th Regional Science and Rechnology Congress 2022-2023, Organized by Raja Narendra Kal Khan Women’s College dated 13-14/01/2023.
16. National Workshop on “Protect Our Mother Earth” , Organized by IASR, MRC and GWRC dated 05/06/2023
17. National seminar on Vector brone disease and its management, Organized by Mahishadal Raj college dated 28/08/2023
18. National Science Day Celebration 2024, Organized by The Science Association of Bengal dated 28/02/2024
19. International Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies and Bio Sustainability, Organized by ICRETBS and MRC dated 21-23/02/2024
20. International Webinar on New trends in Ecology and Environmental research, Organized by IFEE,MRC and SERI dated 29-30/03/2024
Other skill development training attended -
SL. NO. | Name | Institute |
1. | Information Technology Application | Mahishadal Youth Computer Training Centre |
2. | Workshop on Practical Methodology of Animal Biotechnology | Pravat Kumar College |
3. | Workshop on molecular phylogeny | Mahishadal Raj College |
4. | Workshop on advanced phylogenetics | Mahishadal Raj College |
5. | Workshop on SDM | Mahishadal Raj College |
Report of abstracting -
- Das, S., Mandol, S. Chaudhury, S., Das ,M. Maity, B. Rana,P. (2013) Neriumodorum bark extract act asMolluscicidal activity on Snail Lymnaea (Radix) luteola, Procedings abstract of 100″ Indian science congress2013 PP.
- Das Subhamoy, Guchhait Rajkumar ,Mondal Sgnik, Sanjoy Maji, Dolai Avishek, Bhaumik Sonali and DasManik (2016) lead accumulation profiles in the soft tissues of the macrognathuspancalus during sub lethalchronic exposure, in laboratory. 103rd Indian Science Congress (Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences)
- Das Subhamoy, Guchhait Rajkumar ,Mondal Sagnik, Dolai Avishek, Das Manik, Bhaumik Sonali, , DasSrijani, Das Swapnanjan and Sanjoy Maji (2016) Accumulation of lead in the tissues of freshwater pseudopocrypteselongatus exposcd to static nominal concentrations of lead nitrate. 103rd Indian Science Congress (Animal, Veterinary and Fishery Sciences)
- Das Subhamoy, Guclhhait Rajkumar, Das Manik, Bhaumik Sonali, Dolai Avishek, Maity Saheli, Jana Moumita, Chakrabortty Susanta Kumar (2016) effects of acute dose of Thevetiaperuviana extract on the hacmatocyes of a fresh water edible snail Brotiacaustula. 23rd West Bengal State Science and Technology Congress.
- Das S., Chakraborty S., Ghara P., Singha M., Das M. 2021. Increasing trends of population status of littlecormorant (Phalacrocorax niger) at Purba Medinipur and its probable cause.7th International conference on Environment and Ecology: 136
- Das S., Das M., Ghorai M., Maity D., Dey S., Pattanayak P. 2021. Nesting site selcction of Cormorant, Heron and Egret birds.7 th International conference on Environment and Ecology:141
- Mondal S, Bera N., Das M., Das S.2022. Study of Nest And nesting Materials of Little Cormorant(Phalacrocorax niger) at Roosting Place of Kolkaghat, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal. National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management.
- Maity D., Das M., Metya A., Das S. 2022. Study of Gall Structure and Diversity of Gall Insect of Local PlantsSpecies at Mahishadal, Purba Medinipur. National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention andManagement.
- Singha M., Maity S., Das M., Das S. 2022. Study of Feeding Habit and Diversity of Food Species from Waste Food of Little Cormorant at Kolaghat, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal. National Conference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management.
- Ghorai M., Das M., Das S. 2022. Nesting Behaviour Of Colonial Black-Crowned Night HeronNycticoraxnycticora- Minimum Distance from Neighbouring Nest- in a Heronry at NH Nesting Site inIndustrial Area of Kolaghat, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal. National Conference on EnvironmentalPollution:Prevention and Management.
- Das M., Parvin M., Khatua S., Dey S., Das S. 2022. Impact of Use of Different Plant Leaves to Attract and KillDifferential Life Stagesof Green Leafhoppers of Paddy, Nephotettix cincticeps During Light Trapping. NationalConference on Environmental Pollution: Prevention and Management.
- Das S., Das M., Chowdhury S. 2022.Experiments On Colour Preference of Green Leafhoppers.International Webinar on Climate Change andlts Impact on Ecosystem: Mitigation and Adaptation
- Das S., Das M., Bhunia A. 2022. Population regulation of green leafhopper Nephotettix nigropictus, byusing different parameters of light. Zoospectra 2022: 125Webinar on Climate Change andlts Impact on Ecosystem: Mitigation and Adaptation.
- Das S., Kar A, Das S., Das M., Chowdhury S., Maity B. 2022. Study of burrow architechture andstructure of brood chamber of red ghost crab (Ocypodemacrocera) at Tajpur, West Bengal, India. Zoospectra2022: 164
- Das S., Das S., Das M., Chowdhury S. 2023. A study on burrow architecture patterns(Ocypodemacrocera) by casting method and impact of developmental activity on a sandy shore,Bengal.5 Regional Science and Technology Congress 2023: 277
- Das S., Kar A., Das M ., Chowdhury S., Rout S., Chakraborty S.,2023, study on habitat distribution andfew behavioural attributes of Indian flying fox (Pteropus giganteus) at Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, India,International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change, pp 40.
- Das S., Das M., Bhunia A., Khatua S., Mukherjee, 2023, Population regulation of green leaf hopper(Nephotettix nigropictus) by utilizing its phototactic behavior, International Conference on EnvironmentalSustainability and Climate Change, pp 77.
- Das S., Das M., Kar P. 2023. A Study on Nesting Materials Used by Little Cormorant (Phalacrocorarniger) – A Case Study from Kolaghat, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal. National Conference on “GlobalWarming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience.“
- Das S., Das M., Sahoo S. 2023 Diversity of Spider Fauna- A Case Study from Nandigram, PurbaMedinipur, West Bengal. National Conference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact andResilience.“
- Das S., Das S., Metya A., Das M., Mondal S. 2023. Floral Diversity of Khamchar, A Newly EmergedIsland on the River Haldi at Purba Medinipur, West Bengal. National Conference on “Global Warming andClimate Change: Impact and Resilience.“
- Das S., Kar A.K., Metya A., Das M. 2023. A study on Distribution and Behavioural Attributes ofIndian Flying Fox (Pteropus giganteus) at Purba and Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India. NationalConference on “Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact and Resilience.”