Notice No. | Subject of the Notice | Publish On | View |
054/2025 | Notification Regarding Semester Fees collection of Ph.D Programme | 17.03.2025 | |
053/2025 | Notification Regarding Class Opening of P.G 2nd Semester (2024-25) | 17.03.2025 | |
050/2025 | Notice for College Close on 14.03.2025 and 15.03.2025 on account of Doljatra | 13.03.2025 | |
048/2025 | Notification Regarding P.G 2nd Semester Admission (2024-25) | 12.03.2025 | |
044/2025 | Notice for UG 1st Semester Registration 2024-25 | 07.03.2025 | |
043/2025 | Notice for Celebration of International Women's Day | 06.03.2025 | |
042/2025 | Notification Regarding Re-open U.G 3rd Semester (CCFUP-NEP) Admission Portal (2024-25) | 06.03.2025 | |
041/2025 | Notification Regarding Information of SEC-3 Subject of B.A/B.Sc Multidisciplinary Course (General) | 06.03.2025 | |
040/2025 | Notification Regarding Re-open U.G. 1st Semester OLD- Examination form Fill up, 2024 | 04.03.2025 | |
039/2025 | Notice for submission of hardcopies of OASIS Scholarship Forms to the college Office within 10.03.2024 | 04.03.2025 | |
038/2025 | Notice for Issuance of Registration Card to UG 1st Semester students | 27.02.2025 | |
037/2025 | Notice for College Close on 26.02.25 and Offline Class Suspend on and from 27.02.25 to 06.03.25 | 25.02.2025 | |
033/2025 | Notification Regarding P.G 4th Semester Admission (2024-25) | 15.02.2025 | |
030/2025 | Notification Regarding U.G 3rd Semester (CCFUP-NEP) Admission (2024-25) | 10.02.2024 | |
029/2025 | Notification Regarding P.G 1st Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2024 | 10.02.2025 | |
027/2025 | Notification Regarding Admit Card of U.G 5th Semester Examination,2024 | 05.02.2025 | |
024/2025 | Notification Regarding Hostel Admission of UG & PG (2024-2025) | 31.01.2025 | |
023/2025 | Notification Regarding Re-Open U.G 5th Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2024 | 31.01.2025 | |
022/2025 | Notification Regarding U.G 1st Semester OLD- Examination Form Fill-up, 2024 | 31.01.2025 | |
02/MRC/Ph.D/Adm./2023-2024 | PROVISIONAL ELIGIBLE LIST OF PH.D APPLICANTS FOR THE SESSION 2023-2024. | 29.01.2025 | |
--- | PURBA MEDINIPUR DISTRICT INTER COLLEGE GAMES AND SPORTS CHAMPIONSHIP, 2024-25 Organized by- Mahishadal Raj COLLEGE , Date- 29th January. (KHO-KHO & FOOTBALL FIXTURE) | 25.01.2025 | |
016/2025 | Notification Regarding Self-inspection and Review of 4th Semester Examination, 2024 | 18.01.2025 | |
011/2025 | Notification Regarding U.G 5th Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2024 | 16.01.2025 | |
010/2025 | Notification Regarding B.C.A 5th Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2024 | 16.01.2025 | |
009/2025 | Notification Regarding Marksheet Distribution of U.G. 4th Semester Examination, 2024 | 16.01.2025 | |
250/2024 | Notification Regarding Hostel boarders of Boys’ & Girls’ | 24.12.2024 | |
247/2024 | Notification Regarding Marksheet Distribution of 1st & 2nd Semester Examination for the year 2023 & 2024 | 18.12.2024 | |
245/2024 | Revised Notification Regarding Refund of P.G Admission fees for the session 2024-2025 | 13.12.2024 | |
241/2024 | Notification Regarding Re-Open U.G 2nd Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2024 | 09.12.2024 | |
240/2024 | Notification Regarding Refund of P.G Admission fees for the session 2024-2025 | 09.12.2024 | |
237/2024 | Notification Regarding U.G 2nd Semester (MAJOR ) OLD- Examination Form Fill-up, 2024 | 04.12.2024 | |
236/2024 | Notice for Extended Schedule of University Registration of UG 1st Sem. 2024-25 | 04.12.2024 | |
233/2024 | Notification Regarding U.G 2nd Semester OLD- Examination Form Fill-up, 2024 | 29.11.2024 | |
UG ADM/06 | Notice for DOCUMENTS VERIFICATION (admission on and from 26.11.24 to 30.11.24) | 27.11.2024 | |
229/2024 | Notification Regarding P.G 3rd Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2024 | 27.11.2024 | |
228/2024 | Notification Regarding Provisional Result of M.A - M.Sc 2nd Semester Examination, 2024 | 27.11.2024 | |
227/2024 | Notice for Annual Sports of the college to be held on 18.11.2024 | 26.11.2024 | |
226/2024 | Notice for UG Admission 2024-25 | 26.11.2024 | |
224/2024 | Notification Regarding Registration of P.G. 1st Semester Students (2024-2025) | 25.11.2024 | |
223/2024 | Notification Regarding U.G 2nd Semester (CCFUP-NEP ) Examination Form Fill-up, 2024 | 25.11.2024 | |
222/2024 | Notification Regarding B.C.A 5th & 6th Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2024 | 25.11.2024 | |
221/2024 | Notification Regarding U.G 5th Semester Admission (2024-2025) | 25.11.2024 | |
219/2024 | Notice for REFUND of the Previous ADMISSION FEES of UG 1st Sem. 2024-25 (Claimed upto 02.11.24) | 20.11.2024 | |
218/2024 | Notification Regarding B.C.A 2nd Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2024 | 20.11.2024 | |
217/2024 | Notice for UG 5th Semester Classes on and from 20.11.2024 | 19.11.2024 | |
216/2024 | Notice for College Close on and from 15.11.2024 to 16.11.2024 | 13.11.2024 | |
213/2024 | Notice for Extended Schedule of University Registration of UG 1st Sem. 2024-25 | 12.11.2024 | |
210/2024 | Notification Regarding Self-inspection and Review of 1st Semester Examination, 2023 | 05.11.2024 | |
209/2024 | Notification Regarding Marksheet Distribution of 1st Semester Examination, 2023 | 05.11.2024 | |
207/2024 | Notice for College Close on and from 28.10.2024 to 04.11.2024 | 26.10.2024 | |
206/2024 | Notice for College Close on and from 23.10.2024 to 26.10.2024 as per Govt. Order | 22.10.2024 | |
204/2024 | Notice for College Close on and from 07.10.2024 to 19.10.2024 | 04.10.2024 | |
203/2024 | Marksheet Distribution of P.G. 4th Semester Examination, 2024 Date | 04.10.2024 | |
10/MRC/Adm./PG/2024 | Notification Regarding last time Information for Admitted students of P.G. Courses for the Session 2024- 2025 | 01.10.2024 | |
09/MRC/Adm./PG/2024 | Notification Regarding Re-scheduled for Admission to P.G. Courses for the Session 2024-2025 | 27.09.2024 | |
08/MRC/Adm./PG/2024 | Notification Regarding Information for Admitted students to P.G. Courses for the Session 2024-2025 | 27.09.2024 | |
199/2024 | Notification Regarding Hostel Application for the session 2024-2025 | 27.09.2024 | |
MRC/Reg./2nd Phase/24 | Registration Schedule of UG 1st Sem. (admitted from 14.09.2024 to 24.09.2024) | 23.09.2024 | |
07/MRC/Adm./PG/2024 | Notification Regarding Admission Cancellation and Refund of Admission Fees for P.G Courses. (2024 - 2025) | 21.09.2024 | |
06/MRC/Adm./PG/2024 | Notification Regarding Reserved Category Students for Admission to P.G courses for the Session 2024-2025 | 21.09.2024 | |
05/MRC/Adm./PG/2024 | Notification Regarding Documents Verification for Admitted to P.G. Courses for the Session 2024- 2025 | 21.09.2024 | |
04/MRC/Adm./PG/2024 | Notification Regarding Reserved Category Students for Admission to P.G courses for the Session 2024-2025 | 18.09.2024 | |
Notice:04- B. Voc Caste Reservation | Notice for Caste Reservation 2024-25 2 | 16.09.2024 | |
198/2024 | Admission Notice for Reserved Category of UG 1st Sem. 2024-25 | 16.09.2024 | |
193/2024 | Notice for College Close on 16.09.2024 & 17.09.2024 | 14.09.2024 | |
Notice:03- B. Voc Caste Reservation | Notice for Caste Reservation 2024-25 1 | 13.09.2024 | |
192/2024 | Admission Notice for Reserved Category of UG 1st Sem. 2024-25 | 13.09.2024 | |
191/2024 | Notice for Admission Cancellation of UG 1st Semester 2024-25 | 12.09.2024 | |
03/MRC/Adm./PG/2024 | Notification Regarding Admission through e-counseling system to the P.G. Courses for the Session 2024-2025 | 12.09.2024 | |
189/2024 | Notice for University Registration of UG 1st Semester 2024-25 | 09.09.2024 | |
188/2024 | Notification regarding Final Enrollment of NCC Programme for 1st Semester 2024-2025 | 05.09.2024 | |
187/2024 | Notice for College Enrollment & Data Entry (admitted on and from 20.08.24 to 30.08.24) | 05.09.2024 | |
186/2024 | Notice for Pending College Enrollment & Data Entry | 05.09.2024 | |
185/2024 | Notification Regarding Marksheet Distribution and Self-inspection and Review of 6th Semester Examination for the year 2024 | 05.09.2024 | |
02/MRC/Adm./PG/2024 | Notification Regarding the Students who have Passed out in the year 2022 for Admission to P.G courses for the Session 2024-2025 | 03.09.2024 | |
01/MRC/Adm./PG/2024 | Notification Regarding Admission to the P.G. Courses for the Session 2024- 2025 | 31.08.2024 | |
183/2024 | Notification Regarding Re-Open U.G 4th Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2024 | 29.08.2024 | |
182/2024 | Notification Regarding Marksheet Distribution of old 1st Semester Examination, 2023 | 28.08.2024 | |
181/2024 | Notice for College Close on 26.08.2024 | 24.08.2024 | |
180/2024 | Notification Regarding Hostel Admission of UG & PG (2023-2024) | 24.08.2024 | |
179/2024 | Notice for Physical Verification (admitted on and from 20.08.24 to 30.08.24) of UG 1st Semester 2024-25 | 24.08.2024 | |
176/2024 | Notice for College Close on 17.08.2024 and 19.08.2024 | 16.08.2024 | |
175/2024 | Notification Regarding Enrollment of NCC Training Programme | 15.08.2024 | |
170/2024 | Notification Regarding P.G 3rd Semester Admission (2024-25) | 13.08.2024 | |
169/2024 | Notification Regarding Hostel Admission of U.G 1st Semester (2024-2025) | 13.08.2024 | |
166/2024 | Notification Regarding U.G 4th Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2024 | 09.08.2024 | |
156/2024 | Notification Regarding P.G 4th Semester Dept.of Sanskrit (2023-24) | 01.08.2024 | |
152/2024 | Notification Regarding Re-open of U.G 2nd Semester (CCFUP-NEP) Admission (2023-24) | 30.07.2024 | |
147/2024 | Notice for Physical Verification of UG 1st Semester 2024-25 | 25.07.2024 | |
146/2024 | Notice for Class Suspend in some particular rooms on and from 22.07.2024 to 26.07.2024 | 21.07.2024 | |
145/2024 | Notification Regarding Re-open of U.G 2nd Semester (CCFUP-NEP) Admission (2023-24) | 18.07.2024 | |
144/2024 | Notice for College Close on 16.07.2024 and 17.07.2024 | 15.07.2024 | |
142/2024 | Notification Regarding Re-Open U.G 6th Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2024 | 12.07.2024 | |
ADM/2024 | Notice for Orientation Programme and Document Verification of 1st Sem Music Hons. 2024-25 | 11.07.2024 | |
141/2024 | Notification Regarding Post Review Result of U.G 5th Semester Examiantion, 2023 | 10.07.2024 | |
136/2024 | Notification Regarding date extended of P.G 2nd Semester Examination,2024 Form fillup fees collection | 03.07.2024 | |
135/2024 | Notification Regarding Provisional Result of P.G 1st Semester Examiantion, 2023 | 02.07.2024 | |
134/2024 | Notification Regarding U.G 2nd Semester (CCFUP-NEP) Admission (2023-24) | 02.07.2024 | |
129/2024 | Notification Regarding Form Fill-up fees collection of P.G 2nd Semester Examination, 2024 | 26.06.2024 | |
127/2024 | Notification Regarding U.G 6th Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2024 | 24.06.2024 | |
126/2024 | Notification Regarding Re-open of U.G Final Admission Portal (2023-24) | 24.06.2024 | |
124/2024 | Notice for Class Suspend during exam-period in the specified rooms | 19.06.2024 | |
123/2024 | Notice for College Close on 17.06.2024 | 15.06.2024 | |
119/2024 | Notification Regarding Form Fill-up of P.G 4th Semester Examination, 2024 | 10.06.2024 | |
118/2024 | Notice for Class Suspend on and from 10.06.2024 (from 1.00 p.m.) to 15.06.2024 | 10.06.2024 | |
117/2024 | Notification Regarding B.C.A 6th & 4th Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2024 | 08.06.2024 | |
116/2024 | Notification Regarding Hostel Admission of UG & PG ( 2023-2024 ) | 05.06.2024 | |
113/2024 | Notification Regarding P.G 4th Semester Admission (2023-24) | 01.06.2024 | |
112/2024 | Notification Regarding Provisional Result of P.G 3rd Semester Examiantion, 2023 | 01.06.2024 | |
111/2024 | Notification Regarding Re-open of 1st Semester OLD- Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 31.05.2024 | |
109/2024 | Notification Regarding Self-inspection and Review of 3rd Semester Examination, 2023 | 30.05.2024 | |
108/2024 | Notification Regarding Marksheet Distribution of 3rd Semester Examination, 2023 | 30.05.2024 | |
104/2024 | Notice for College Close on and from 18.05.2024 to 27.05.2024 | 17.05.2024 | |
101/2024 | Notification Regarding Re-open of U.G & P.G Final Admission Portal (2023-24) | 11.05.2024 | |
100/2024 | Notice for College Close on 08.05.2024 | 07.05.2024 | |
098/2024 | Notification Regarding Re-open of 1st Semester OLD- Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 07.05.2024 | |
097/2024 | Notification Regarding BCA 6th Semester Admission (2023-24) | 07.05.2024 | |
096/2024 | Notice for UG and PG Classes w.e.f. 07.05.2024 | 06.05.2024 | |
091/2024 | Notification Regarding Re-open of U.G & P.G Final Admission Portal (2023-24) | 29.04.2024 | |
089/2024 | Notification Regarding Re-open of U.G 1st Semester (CCFUP-NEP ) Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 23.04.2024 | |
086/2024 | Notice for College Close on 17.04.2024 | 16.04.2024 | |
085/2024 | Notification Regarding U.G 6th Semester Admission (2023-24) | 16.04.2024 | |
084/2024 | Notification Regarding U.G 4th Semester Admission (2023-24) | 12.04.2024 | |
083/2024 | Notice for College Close on 13.04.2024 | 12.04.2024 | |
082/2024 | Notification Regarding U.G 1st Semester B.A (General ) Lab. Based Subject. | 12.04.2024 | |
080/2024 | Notification Regarding B.C.A1st Semester (CCFUP-NEP ) Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 12.04.2024 | |
079/2024 | Notification Regarding U.G 1st Semester (CCFUP-NEP ) Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 10.04.2024 | |
078/2024 | Notice regarding wrong ABC ID | 08.04.2024 | |
077/2024 | Notice for College Close on 10.04.2024 and 11.04.2024 | 08.04.2024 | |
076/2024 | Notification Regarding re-scheduled of 5th Semester Marksheet Distribution | 05.04.2024 | |
075/2024 | Notice for College Close on 06.04.2024 | 05.04.2024 | |
074/2024 | Notification Regarding Self-inspection and Review of 5th Semester Examination for the year 2023 | 05.04.2024 | |
073/2024 | Notice for Distribution of Markshhets of 5th Semester Exam. 2023 | 03.04.2024 | |
071/2024 | Notification Regarding Re-open of P.G 2nd Semester Admission (2023-24) | 01.04.2024 | |
070/2024 | Notice for College Close on 29.03.2024 and 30.03.2024 | 28.03.2024 | |
069/2024 | Notice for UG 4th Semester Classes w.e.f 28.03.2024 | 27.03.2024 | |
067/2023 | Notification Regarding Re-open of 1st Semester OLD- Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 19.03.2023 | |
066/2024 | Notification Regarding U.G 1st Semester (BCA ) OLD- Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 18.03.2024 | |
065/2024 | Notification Regarding P.G 2nd Semester Admission (2023-24) | 14.03.2024 | |
058/2024 | Notification Regarding Re-open of UG 3rd Sem.Examination, 2023 form fillup | 07.03.2024 | |
055/2024 | Notification Regarding Course work Fees collection of Ph.D Programme, 2022 | 05.03.2024 | |
053/2024 | Notification Regarding U.G 1st Semester (MAJOR ) OLD- Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 05.03.2024 | |
052/2024 | Notification Regarding U.G 1st Semester OLD- Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 24.02.2024 | |
051/2024 | Notice for College Close on 26.02.2024 | 24.02.2024 | |
050/2024 | Notification Regarding Re-open of U.G 3rd Semester Examination, 2023 Form fill-up | 23.02.2024 | |
047/2024 | Notice for UG 6th Semester Classes w.e.f 19.02.2024 | 17.02.2024 | |
046/2024 | Notice for UG 6th Semester Classes w.e.f 19.02.2024 | 17.02.2024 | |
040/2024 | Notice for College Close on 13.02.2024 and 14.02.2024 | 12.02.2024 | |
038/2024 | Notification Regarding U.G 3rd Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 07.02.2024 | |
036/2024 | Notice for Campus Interview, organized by Senco Gold on 06.02.2024 | 05.02.2024 | |
035/2024 | Notification Regarding P.G 1st Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 03.02.2024 | |
033/2024 | Notice for Saraswata Utsav Committee-2024 | 01.02.2024 | |
032/2024 | Notice for Class Suspend | 01.02.2024 | |
030/2024 | Notification Regarding B.C.A 3rd Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 29.01.2024 | |
029/2024 | Revised Notice for Hostel Admission of UG & PG (2023-2024) | 27.01.2024 | |
028/2024 | Notification Regarding B.C.A 3rd Semester Final Admission (2023-24) | 25.01.2024 | |
027/2024 | Notification Regarding Refund of P.G Admission fees ( 2nd Phase) for the session 2023-2024 | 25.01.2024 | |
026/2024 | Notification Regarding Hostel Admission of UG & PG (2023-2024) | 25.01.2024 | |
025/2024 | Notice for College Close and Observation of Republic Day on 26.01.2024 | 25.01.2024 | |
024/2024 | Notification Regarding Distribution of Registration Certificate of 1st Semester Admission 2023-2024 | 25.01.2024 | |
023/2024 | Notification Regarding Admit Card Distribution of B.C.A 5th Semester Examination, 2023 | 25.01.2024 | |
022/2024 | Notice for Creation of ABC-ID | 20.01.2024 | |
021/2024 | Notification Regarding P.G 3rd Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 16.01.2024 | |
020/2024 | Notice regarding the Generation of Admit Cards of 5th Sem Exam., scheduled to be held on 15.01.24 and 16.01.24 | 14.01.2024 | |
019/2024 | Notice for College Close & Opening Status, Online Classes and other information on and from 16.01.2024 to 24.04.2024 | 14.01.2024 | |
018/2024 | Notice for College Close on 15.01.2024 | 13.01.2024 | |
015/2024 | Notification Regarding P.G 3rd Semester Admission (2023-24) | 13.01.2024 | |
013/2024 | Notification Regarding Marksheet Distribution of M.A/M.Sc 2nd Semester Examination, 2023 | 12.01.2024 | |
011/2024 | Notification Regarding Re-open of U.G 5th Semester Examination, 2023 Form fill-up | 10.01.2024 | |
010/2024 | Notice for REFUND of the Previous ADMISSION FEES of UG 1st Semester 2023-24 (RE-CALL) | 09.01.2024 | |
009/2024 | Notice for Annual Social Function | 06.01.2024 | |
008/2024 | Notice for Registration of UG 1st Semester 2023-24 as the Online Portal has been re-opened by the University | 06.01.2024 | |
007/2024 | Notice for SEC Subjects of UG Course w.e.f. 1st Semester 2023-24 | 05.01.2024 | |
004/2024 | Notification Regarding Self Inspection and Review of 2nd Semester Examination, 2023 | 04.01.2024 | |
003/2024 | Notification Regarding Marksheet Distribution of 2nd Semester Examination, 2023 | 04.01.2024 | |
231/2023 | Notification Regarding B.Sc Major 5th Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 20.12.2023 | |
227/2023 | Notification Regarding U.G 5th Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 15.12.2023 | |
225/2023 | Notice for Registration of UG 1st Semester 2023-24 as the Online Portal has been re-opened by the University | 15.12.2023 | |
218/2023 | Notice for Placement Drive | 11.12.2023 | |
211/2023 | Notice for Annual Sports of the college | 30.11.2023 | |
208/2023 | Notice for Registration of UG 1st Semester 2023-24 as the Online Portal has been re-opened by the University | 24.11.2023 | |
207/2023 | Notice for REFUND of the Previous ADMISSION FEES of UG Courses (Claimed from 01.10.2023 to 31.10.2023) | 24.11.2023 | |
206/2023 | Notification Regarding Refund of P.G Admission fees for the session 2023-2024 | 24.11.2023 | |
205/2023 | Notification Regarding Marksheet Distribution of M.A & M.Sc 4th Semester Examination, 2023 | 24.11.2023 | |
204/2023 | Notification Regarding Re-open of U.G 3rd Semester Final Admission | 22.11.2023 | |
203/2023 | Notification Regarding Hostel boarders of Boys’ & Girls’ | 10.11.2023 | |
202/2023 | Notification Regarding P.G Registration of 1st Semester for the Session 2023-2024 | 10.11.2023 | |
201/2023 | Notice for College Close | 10.11.2023 | |
200/2023 | Notification Regarding Hostel Admission of PG Classes for the Session 2023-2024 | 31.10.2023 | |
198/2023 | Notification Regarding U.G 3rd Semester Admission (2023-24) | 30.10.2023 | |
197/2023 | Notification Regarding B.C.A 5th Semester Admission (2023-24) | 30.10.2023 | |
196/2023 | Notification Regarding Self-inspection and Review of 4th Semester Examination for the year 2023 | 20.10.2023 | |
195/2023 | Notification Regarding Marksheet Distribution of 4th Semester Examination, 2023 | 20.10.2023 | |
193/2023 | Notice for Class Suspend, College Close, Class re-opening and others | 17.10.2023 | |
191/2023 | Notice for College Close on 14.10.2023 on account of Mahalaya | 13.10.2023 | |
13/MRC/Ph.D/Adm./2023 | Notification Regarding PG Classes for the Session 2023-2024 | 09.10.2023 | |
189/2023 | Notification Regarding Re-open of U.G 5th Semester Admission | 06.10.2023 | |
188/2023 | Notice for REFUND of the Previous ADMISSION FEES of UG Courses (Claimed upto 30.09.2023) | 06.10.2023 | |
184/2023 | Notice for College Close on 02.10.2023 on account of Gandhiji's Birthday | 30.09.2023 | |
180/2023 | Notification Regarding B.C.A 2nd Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 23.09.2023 | |
179/2023 | Notice for College Close on 25.09.23, Observation of Vidyasagar's Birthday on 26.09.23 and Other Information | 23.09.2023 | |
178/2023 | Notification Regarding U.G 5th Semester Admission (2023-24) | 23.09.2023 | |
175/2023 | Notice for Physical Fitness Test of NCC Training Programme on 20.09.2023 | 16.09.2023 | |
174/2023 | Notice for College Close on 18.09.2023 on account of Biswakarma Puja | 16.09.2023 | |
172/2023 | Notice for Submission of ABC-ID at the time of Registration of UG 1st Sem. | 15.09.2023 | |
169/2023 | Notice for Revised Registration Schedule of UG 1st Semester for the session 2023-2024 | 12.09.2023 | |
168/2023 | Notification Regarding re-open of UG 2nd Semester Examination Form fillup, 2023 | 12.09.2023 | |
164/2023 | Notice for Scholarship Data Entry to the College Portal | 09.09.2023 | |
162/2023 | Notification Regarding B.Sc Major 2nd Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 07.09.2023 | |
161/2023 | Notification Regarding Self-inspection and Review of 6th Semester Examination for the year 2023 | 07.09.2023 | |
160/2023 | Registration Schedule of UG 1st Semester for the session 2022-2023 | 07.09.2023 | |
157/2023 | Notification Regarding Marksheet Distribution of 6th Semester Examination, 2023 | 05.09.2023 | |
150/2023 | Notification Regarding Hostel Admission of UG 1st Semester for the session 2023-2024 | 31.08.2023 | |
ADM-44 | Notice of Document Verification of 1st Sem. 2023-24 who have not verified their documents till date | 29.08.2023 | |
149/2023 | Notice for College Close on 30th August 2023 on account of "Rakhi Bandhan" | 29.08.2023 | |
146/2023 | Notification Regarding U.G 2nd Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 26.08.2023 | |
144/2023 | Notice for Class Suspend on the Exam Dates of UG 4th Sem. Exam 2023 | 23.08.2023 | |
142/2023 | Notice regarding Subject Update in case of "Sports and Fitness" and "Basics of Accounting" as MDC-1 | 22.08.2023 | |
139/2023 | Notification Regarding Marksheet distribution of U.G 1st Semester Examination, 2022 | 19.08.2023 | |
137/2023 | Notification Regarding Ph.D Coursework | 14.08.2023 | |
136/2023 | Notice for Independence Day Celebration on 15.08.2023 | 14.08.2023 | |
135/2023 | Notice for Data Submission of SC Students of UG 1st Semester 2023-24 | 12.08.2023 | |
134/2023 | Notification Regarding Re-open of U.G 4th Semester Form fill-up | 11.08.2023 | |
133/2023 | Notification Regarding Marksheet distribution & Self Inspection of Answer Scripts of BCA 1st Semester Exam, 2022 | 10.08.2023 | |
132/2023 | Notice for Class Dissolve of UG 2nd Sem and 4th Sem 2023 on and from 09.08.2023 | 08.08.2023 | |
129/2023 | Notice for Re-open of UG 4th semester examination, 2023 form fill up portal | 04.08.2023 | |
127/2023 | Notice for Hostel Admission of UG 1st Semester 2023-24 | 02.08.2023 | |
125/2023 | Notice of Class Opening of UG 1st Semester 2023-24 | 02.08.2023 | |
ADM-19 | Notice for Document Verification of 1st Semester 2023-24 | 28.07.2023 | |
119/2023 | Notification Regarding B.Sc Major 4th Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 25.07.2023 | |
116/2023 | Notification Regarding Issued of Admit Card of P.G 2nd Semester Examination, 2023 | 20.07.2023 | |
115/2023 | Notice for Re-open of U.G 6th semester examination, 2023 form fill up portal | 19.07.2023 | |
114/2023 | Notification Regarding U.G 4th Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 18.07.2023 | |
110/2023 | Notice for Awareness Programme, to be held on 14.07.2023 | 13.07.2023 | |
109/2023 | Notification Regarding Hostel Admission of UG & PG ( 2022-2023 ) | 13.07.2023 | |
106/2023 | Notice for College open on and from 12.07.2023 | 10.07.2023 | |
104/2023 | Notice for Class Suspend on 05.07.2023 and College Close on and from 06.07.2023 | 04.07.2023 | |
103/2023 | Notice for Creation of ABC-ID | 01.07.2023 | |
102/2023 | Notification Regarding B.Sc Major 6th Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 23.06.2023 | |
101/2023 | Notification Regarding Marksheet distribution of U.G 3rd Semester Examination,2022 | 22.06.2023 | |
100/2023 | Notification Regarding Self-inspection and Review of 3rd Semester Examination for the year 2022 | 22.06.2023 | |
098/2023 | Notice for Class Suspend in the C.G. Hall on 22.06.2023 | 21.06.2023 | |
096/2023 | Notification Regarding Issued of Admit Card of P.G 4th Semester Examination, 2023 | 21.06.2023 | |
094/2023 | Notice for the PG 4th Semester Examination 2023 | 20.06.2023 | |
092/2023 | Notice for the Online Registration for Career Counselling | 16.06.2023 | |
091/2023 | Notification Regarding B.A Gen. Students of 6th Semester Exam, 2023 | 15.06.2023 | |
090/2023 | Notification Regarding Casual Admission | 15.06.2023 | |
089/2023 | Notice for a One-Day National Level Seminar on 16.06.2023 | 15.06.2023 | |
086/2023 | Notice for U.G 6th Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2023 | 13.06.2023 | |
085/2023 | Notice for Scholarship Data Entry to the College Portal | 12.06.2023 | |
084/2023 | Notice for Summer Recess on and from 07.06.2023 to 14.06.2023 | 06.06.2023 | |
082/2023 | Notification Regarding Form Fill-up fees collection of P.G 4th & 2nd Semester Examination, 2023 | 23.05.2023 | |
081/2023 | Notice for Summer Recess on and from 24.05.2023 to 03.06.2023 | 23.05.2023 | |
080/2023 | Notice for Attendance of Staff from 22.05.2023 onwards as per Govt. Order | 22.05.2023 | |
079/2023 | Notification Regarding 6th Semester Admission of Industrial Chemistry | 22.05.2023 | |
078/2023 | Notice for Class Suspend of NUTRITION Dept. on 23.05.2023 | 22.05.2023 | |
077/2023 | Notice for Attendance of Staff on 22.05.2023 as per Govt. Order | 21.05.2023 | |
076/2023 | Notice for 75% Class Attendance of UG & PG Course | 20.05.2023 | |
075/2023 | Notification Regarding Re-open of U.G 2nd & 6th Semester Admission | 17.05.2023 | |
074/2023 | Notification Regarding Self-inspection and Review of 5th Semester Examination for the year 2022 | 16.05.2023 | |
073/2023 | Notification regarding marksheet distribution of 5th Semester Examination, 2022 | 11.05.2023 | |
072/2023 | Notification Regarding U.G 2nd Semester Final Admission (2022-2023) | 10.05.2023 | |
071/2023 | Notification Regarding Cancellation of result of 5th Semester Examination, 2022 | 10.05.2023 | |
069/2023 | Notice for U.G 6th Semester Admission (2022-23) | 04.05.2023 | |
11/MRC/Ph.D/Adm./2023 | Notification Regarding Admission Closed of Ph.D Programme, 2022 | 27.04.2023 | |
065/2023 | Notice for College Close on 26.04.2023 | 25.04.2023 | |
10/MRC/Ph.D/Adm./2023 | Notification Regarding Admission to Ph.D Programme, 2022 | 24.04.2023 | |
063/2023 | Notice for College Close w.e.f. 17.04.2023 as per Govt. Order | 16.04.2023 | |
062/2023 | Notice for the OFFLINE CLASSES of UG 2nd Semester 2022-23 | 13.04.2023 | |
09/MRC/Ph.D/Adm./2023 | Notification Regarding Selected Candidate for Admission to Ph.D Programme, 2022 | 10.04.2023 | |
059/2023 | Notice for meeting of NAAC Steering Committee | 10.04.2023 | |
058/2023 | Notice for Inaugural programme of MRC Value-added Course on Mushroom Cultivation | 10.04.2023 | |
056/2023 | Notice for Class Suspend and College Close | 06.04.2023 | |
055/2023 | Notification Regarding date extention of U.G 4th Semester & P.G 2nd semester Admission | 04.04.2023 | |
053/2023 | Notice for College Close on 01.04.2023 and 03.04.2023 | 31.03.2023 | |
08/MRC/Ph.D/Adm./2023 | Notification Regarding Selected Candidate for Ph.D Programme, 2022 | 27.03.2023 | |
052/2023 | Notice for Class Suspend | 22.03.2023 | |
049/2023 | Notification Regarding date extention of P.G 4th Semester Admission | 16.03.2023 | |
048/2023 | Notice for U.G 4th Semester Admission (2022-23) | 11.03.2023 | |
047/2023 | Notice for P.G 2nd Semester Admission (2022-23) | 11.03.2023 | |
046/2023 | Notice for One Day Programme on Value Education to be held on 14.03.2023 | 10.03.2023 | |
043/2023 | Notice for P.G 4th Semester Admission (2022-23) | 06.03.2023 | |
042/2023 | Notice for submission of Scholarship | 06.03.2023 | |
038/2023 | Notice for the OFFLINE CLASSES of PG 2nd Sem 2022-23 | 01.03.2023 | |
037/2023 | Notice for the Identity Card of the students | 01.03.2023 | |
036/2023 | Notice for the OFFLINE CLASSES of UG 4th Sem and 6th Sem 2022-23 | 28.02.2023 | |
034/2023 | Notice for BCA 1st Semester Examination Form Fillup & Fees Collection | 28.02.2023 | |
033/2023 | Notice for Refund of Admission fees (3rd Phase) of P.G Courses for the Session 2022- 2023 | 27.02.2023 | |
032/2023 | Notice for the OFFLINE CLASSES of PG 4th Sem 2022-23 | 25.02.2023 | |
030/2023 | U.G 1st Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2022 | 20.02.2023 | |
024/2023 | Notice for REFUND of the Previous ADMISSION FEES of UG Courses (RE-CALL) | 13.02.2023 | |
023/2023 | Notice for P.G 1st Semester Examination Form Fill-up Fees Collection, 2022 | 08.02.2023 | |
018/2023 | Notice for the collection of U.G 1st Semester Registration Certificate for the Session 2022-23 | 30.01.2023 | |
014/2023 | Notice for REFUND of the Previous ADMISSION FEES of UG Courses (Claimed from 01.11.2022 to 31.12.2022) | 20.01.2023 | |
013/2023 | Notice for College Close on 16.01.2023 | 14.01.2023 | |
012/2023 | Notice for Postponed of PG 3rd Sem. Exam dtd. 17.01.2023 as per notification of Vidyasagar University | 14.01.2023 | |
011/2023 | Notice for Postponed of UG 5th Sem. Exam dtd. 16.01.2023 as per notification of Vidyasagar University | 14.01.2023 | |
010/2023 | Notice for Refund of Admission fees of P.G Courses (2nd Phase) for the Session 2022- 2023 | 11.01.2023 | |
005/2023 | Notice for Class suspend on 07.01.2023 (UG & PG) | 06.01.2023 | |
199/2022 | Notice for closed of Boy's and Girls' Hostel | 22.12.2022 | |
197/2022 | Notice for P.G 3rd Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2022 | 22.12.2022 | |
195/2022 | Notice for U.G 3rd Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2022 | 19.12.2022 | |
194/2022 | Notice for UG 1st Semester Registration with Late Fine | 17.12.2022 | |
184/2022 | Notice for BCA 5th & 3rd Semester Examination Form Fillup Fees Collection | 02.12.2022 | |
182/2022 | Notice for Refund of Admission fees of P.G Courses for the Session 2022- 2023 | 29.11.2022 | |
181/2022 | Notice for P.G Registration of 1st Semester for the Session 2022-23 | 28.11.2022 | |
180/2022 | Notice for U.G 5th Semester Examination Form Fill-up, re-open 2022 | 26.11.2022 | |
179/2022 | Notice for REFUND of the Previous ADMISSION FEES of UG Courses (Claimed upto 31.10.2022) | 18.11.2022 | |
177/2022 | Notice for the Schedule of UG Registration 2022-23 | 11.11.2002 | |
173/2022 | Notice for U.G 5th Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2022 | 05.11.2022 | |
16/MRC/PG/Adm./2022 | Notice for DOCUMENT VERIFICATION of the admitted students of P.G Courses | 04.11.2022 | |
15/MRC/PG/Adm./2022 | Notice for P.G 1st semester classes for the session 2022 - 2023 | 29.10.2022 | |
166/2022 | Notice for Online and Offline Classes of UG and PG Course w.e.f. 11.10.2022 | 27.09.2022 | |
165/2022 | Notice for College Close | 27.09.2022 | |
161/2022 | Notice for U.G 3rd Semester Admission (2022-23) | 10.09.2022 | |
160/2022 | Notice for Hostel Admission of UG 1st Semester 2022-23 | 08.09.2022 | |
158/2022 | Notice for Collection of the Cheque of Sitaram Jindal Foundation | 06.09.2022 | |
157/2022 | Notice for the Offline Classes of UG 3rd Sem., 2022 | 31.08.2022 | |
153/2022 | Notice for Date Extention of P.G 3rd and U.G 5th Semester Admission | 24.08.2022 | |
147/2022 | Notice for Flag-Hoisting Ceremony of August 15th, 2022 | 13.08.2022 | |
146/2022 | Notice for U.G 5th Semester Admission (2022-23) | 10.08.2022 | |
145/2022 | Notice for P.G 3rd Semester Admission (2022-23) | 10.08.2022 | |
139/2022 | Notice for 2nd Semester (UG) Examination, 2022 under Vidyasagar University | 04.08.2022 | |
136/2022 | Notice for the Offline Classes of UG 5th Sem. and PG 3rd Sem, 2022 | 30.07.2022 | |
135/2022 | Notice for College Close and UG 4th Sem. Practical Examination, 2022 on 1st August 2022 | 30.07.2022 | |
134/2022 | Notice for Tender Notice of Chemistry Department | 27.07.2022 | |
133/2022 | Notice for Marksheet Issued of PG Students | 23.07.2022 | |
132/2022 | Notice for Admit Card Issued of BCA Students | 23.07.2022 | |
130/2022 | Notice for U.G 2nd Semester Examination Form Fill-up 2022 | 15.07.2022 | |
129/2022 | Notice for BCA 6th, 4th & 2nd Semester Exam., 2022 under Vidyasagar University | 14.07.2022 | |
127/2022 | Notice for 4th Semester (UG) Examination, 2022 under Vidyasagar University | 12.07.2022 | |
125/2022 | Notice for BCA 4th & 2nd Semester Examination Fees Collection | 08.07.2022 | |
5100A/2022 | Notice for Revised UG 6th Sem Exam Schedule of Exam date 21.07.2022 | 08.07.2022 | |
5100A/2022 | Notice for Revised UG 6th Sem Exam Schedule of Exam date 09.07.2022, 12.07.2022, 13.07.2022 | 08.07.2022 | |
121/2022 | Notice for B.Sc (Major) 4th Semester Examination Form Fill-up 2022 | 30.06.2022 | |
120/2022 | Notice for U.G 4th Semester Examination Form Fill-up & Fees Collection | 30.06.2022 | |
5100/2022 | Notice for Revised UG 6th Sem Exam Schedule of Exam date 11.07.2022 | 30.06.2022 | |
118/2022 | Notice for BCA 6th Semester Examination Fees Collection | 29.06.2022 | |
5093/2022 | Notice for Revised Schedule of UG 6th Semester (Theory & Practical) Examination 2022 | 25.06.2022 | |
115/2022 | Notice for U.G 4th Semester Examination Form Fill-up 2022 | 24.06.2022 | |
114/2022 | Notice for Form Fill-up of P.G 4th & 2nd Semester Examination 2022 | 22.06.2022 | |
114/2022 | Notice for PG 4th Semester and 2nd Semester Examination under Vidyasagar University | 21.06.2022 | |
113/2022 | Notice for 6th Semester (UG) Examination, 2022 under Vidyasagar University | 21.06.2022 | |
108/2022 | Notice for B.Sc ( Major ) 6th Semester Examination Form Fill-up 2022 | 11.06.2022 | |
107/2022 | Notice for U.G 6th Semester Examination Form Fill-up 2022 | 09.06.2022 | |
105/2022 | Notice for re-schduled of U.G 1st sem. marksheet issue | 06.06.2022 | |
104/2022 | Notice for Marksheet issue of 1st Semester Examination 2021 | 04.06.2022 | |
098/2022 | Notice for Collection of the Cheque of Sitaram Jindal Foundation | 19.05.2022 | |
095/2022 | Notice for Online Exam (Semester-VI, IV, II) as per the instruction of Vidyasagar University | 17.05.2022 | |
093/2022 | Notice for Casual Admission of U.G Courses 2021-2022 | 12.05.2022 | |
091/2022 | Notice for normal activities including Offline Classes w.e.f. 06.05.2022 | 05.05.2022 | |
087/2022 | Notice for College Close | 29.04.2022 | |
086/2022 | Notice for Summer Recess and Online Classes | 29.04.2022 | |
081/2022 | Notice for the information of all concerned that the Scholarships of the following students are pending due to their Bank/Account problems | 22.04.2022 | |
080/2022 | Notice for Hostel Admission of U.G & P.G | 22.04.2022 | |
079/2022 | Notice for Internal Examination 2022 | 22.04.2022 | |
078/2022 | Notice for Refund of extra fees payment | 22.04.2022 | |
078/2022 | Notice for date extension of U.G 2nd Semester Admission | 18.04.2022 | |
075/2022 | Notice for U.G & P.G Final Admission with fine date extension (2021-22) | 08.04.2022 | |
074/2022 | Notice for U.G 2nd Semester Admission (2021-22) | 05.04.2022 | |
072/2022 | Notice (Reminder) for Submission the Student Data (UG & PG) in the Google Link as per the instruction of Higher Education Dept., Govt. of W.B. | 31.03.2022 | |
071/2022 | Notice for the Offline Classes of UG 2nd Semester 2021-22 | 29.03.2022 | |
070/2022 | Notice for College Close on 30.03.2022 | 29.03.2022 | |
069/2022 | Notice for U.G & P.G Final Admission with fine (2021-22) | 28.03.2022 | |
067/2022 | Notice for the Google Link for Student Data Collection (UG & PG) as per the instruction of Higher Education Dept. Govt. of W.B. | 25.03.2022 | |
066/2022 | Notice for UG Part-III Examination 2022 under Vidyasagar University | 24.03.2022 | |
064/2022 | Notice for BCA 1st Semester Examination Fees Collection | 17.03.2022 | |
063/2022 | Notice for BCA 1st Semester Examination 2021 under Vidyasagar University | 17.03.2022 | |
062/2022 | Notice for U.G 4th Semester Admission (2021-22) | 17.03.2022 | |
061/2022 | Notice for Collection of the Cheque of Sitaram Jindal Foundation | 16.03.2022 | |
060/2022 | Notice for the MInority Scholarship | 15.03.2022 | |
057/2022 | Notice for 1st Semester (UG) Examination 2021 under Vidyasagar University | 14.03.2022 | |
053/2022 | Notice for U.G 1st Semester Examination Form Fill-up | 07.03.2022 | |
052/2022 | Notice for P.G 4th Semester Admission (2021-22) | 07.03.2022 | |
051/2022 | Notice for U.G 6th Semester Admission (2021-22) | 07.03.2022 | |
050/2022 | Notice for U.G 1st Semester Registration Certificate issue | 07.03.2022 | |
043/2022 | Notice for P.G 2nd & 4th Semester Offline Classes | 24.02.2022 | |
040/2022 | Notice for Boy's Hostel Admission for the session 2021-2022 | 18.02.2022 | |
039/2022 | Notice for REFUND of ADMISSION FEES | 18.02.2022 | |
038/2022 | Notice for date extention of U.G 3rd Semester Form Fill-up | 18.02.2022 | |
037/2022 | Notice for Rescheduling of Exam Dated - 16.02.2022 of 3rd Semester (UG) Examination 2021 | 15.02.2022 | |
036/2022 | Notice for BCA 3rd & 5th Semester Examination Fees Collection | 14.02.2022 | |
035/2022 | Notice for P.G Evaluation Processing fee of 1st Semester Exam 2021 | 14.02.2022 | |
032/2022 | Notice for Re-Schedule of P.G 3rd Semester Examination 2021 | 11.02.2022 | |
031/2022 | Notice for Schedule & Guidelines For P.G 1st Semester Examination 2021 | 11.02.2022 | |
028/2022 | Notice for P.G Admit Card Issued of 3rd Semester Examination 2021 | 10.02.2022 | |
027/2022 | Notice for Offline Classes of UG 6th Sem. and 4th Sem. (2021-22) | 09.02.2022 | |
026/2022 | Notice for Submission of necessary documents regarding the Scholarship | 09.02.2022 | |
026/2022 | Notice for Post Graduate List of the candidates for REFUND of the ADMISSION FEES | 09.02.2022 | |
025/2022 | Notice for Refund of double payment amount | 09.02.2022 | |
024/2022 | Notice for 3rd Semester (UG) Examination 2021 under Vidyasagar University | 09.02.2022 | |
022/2022 | Notice for Under Graduate List of the candidates for REFUND of the ADMISSION FEES (Second Time Reminder) | 08.02.2022 | |
020/2022 | Notice for College Close on 04.02.2022 and 05.02.2022 | 03.02.2022 | |
019/2022 | Notice for Corrigendum of PG Exam Schedule 2021 | 02.02.2022 | |
017/2022 | Notice for U.G 3rd Semester Examination Form Fill-up 2021 | 02.02.2022 | |
016/2022 | Notice for P.G Evaluation Processing fee of 3rd Semester Exam 2021 | 01.02.2022 | |
016/2022 | Notice for Guidelines For 3rd Semester of Post Graduate online Examination 2021 | 01.02.2022 | |
015/2022 | Notice for College Open as per Govt. Order | 01.02.2022 | |
014/2022 | Notice for Post Graduate List of the candidates for REFUND of the ADMISSION FEES | 24.01.2022 | |
013/2022 | Notice for the Observation of the 73rd REPUBLIC DAY | 24.01.2022 | |
012/2022 | Notice for the Submission of hard copy of the Scholarship Form | 24.01.2022 | |
011/2022 | Notice for 5th Semester (UG) Exam. 2021 under Vidyasagar University | 19.01.2022 | |
008/2022 | Notice for Under Graduate List of the candidates for REFUND of the ADMISSION FEES (Claimed from 01.11.21 to 31.12.21) | 19.01.2022 | |
007/2022 | Notice for the Offline Classes and Schedule of the College-Office w.e.f. 17.01.2022 to 31.01.2022 | 17.01.2022 | |
006/2022 | Notice for U.G 5th Semester Examination Form Fill-up, 2021 | 10.01.2022 | |
005/2022 | Notice for College Close on 12.01.2022 | 10.01.2022 | |
004/2022 | Notice for the Registration Schedule of UG 1st Semester | 08.01.2022 | |
003/2022 | Notice for State Eligibility Test on 09.01.2022 | 08.01.2022 | |
001/2022 | Notice for the Offline Classes and Schedule of the College-Office w.e.f. 03.01.2022 to 15.01.2022 | 02.01.2022 |