Faculty Profile (Mathematics Department)

Manas Kumar Maiti
Qualification & Details
Qualifiaction | M.Sc., M.Phil, M.Tech, Ph.D |
Designation | Associate Professor |
Teaching Experience | 01 September 1997-till date |
Research Experience | 10 |
Publications till Date | 84 |
E-Mail ID |
- NET (1994), SLET (1994), GATE (1995) (98.36 percentile)
Research Experience -
Research project carried out -
- Modeling of constrained inventory control problems in fuzzy/fuzzy random environment, PSW-162/06-07(ERO) dated 19.02.07, Period-2007-2009.
- A study on the influence of trade credit-period on stimulating market demand for inventory control problems in imprecise environment, PSW-089/11-12(ERO) dated 03.09.11, Period-2011-2013.
Research scholars awarded/registered for Ph.D. degree under my supervision -
- Partha Guchhait, awarded Ph.D. in Mathematics from Vidyasagar University on 02-08-13.
- Madhab Mandal, awarded Ph.D. in Mathematics from Vidyasagar University on 11-07-14.
- Dipak Kumar Jana, awarded Ph.D. in Mathematics from IIEST, Sibpur on 12-08-14.
- Pravas Kumar Giri, awarded Ph.D. in Mathematics from Vidyasagar University on 25-05-15.
- Prasenjit Pramanik, awarded Ph.D. in Mathematics from Vidyasagar University on 31-03-18.
- Aditi Khanra, awarded Ph.D. in Computer Science from NIT, Durgapur on 11-03-19.
- Nilesh Pakhira, awarded Ph.D. in Mathematics from Vidyasagar University on 03-07-20.
- Indadul Khan, awarded Ph.D. in Computer Science from Barasat State University, 0n 12-08-22.
- Sova Pal, submitted thesis for her Ph.D. in Natural Science from Vidyasagar University.
- Prasanta Dutta, registered for his Ph.D. in Computer Science at Barasat State University on 07-02-2020.
Publication -
(a) Publications in SCI/SCIE indexed journals: 58
(b) Publications in ESCI indexed journals:06
(c) Publications in other referred journals: 13
(d) Articles published in edited books: 01
(e) Articles published in the proceedings of international seminars: 06
Publications in SCI/SCIE indexed journals -
- Rumpa Sau, Chayan Ranjit, and Manas Kumar Maiti. A supply chain of a coastal biomass incorporating fuzzy deterioration and freshness under dynamic unit price, Soft Computing, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-023-09615-6, Springer, SCI
- Sova Pal, Prasenjit Pramanik, Ajoy Kumar Maiti, and Manas Kumar Maiti. Multi-dimensional transportation problems in multiple environments: a simulation based heuristic approach, Soft Computing, 27, 11603–11628, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-023-08204-x, Springer, SCI.
- Sova Pal, Prasanta Dutta, Indadul Khan, Prasenjit Pramanik, Ajoy Kumar Maiti, Manas Kumar Maiti, Coordination of Cyclic crossover and Bat Algorithm for the Travelling Salesman Problems in Different Environments: A Simulation Approach, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 31(06), 975-1003, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218488523500447, World Scientific,
- Indadul Khan, Krishnendu Basuli, Manas Kumar Maiti, Multi-objective covering salesman problem: a decomposition approach using grey wolf optimization, Knowledge and Information Systems, 65, 281–339, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10115-022-01752-y, Springer, SCI.
- Indadul Khan, Prasanta Dutta, Manas Kumar Maiti, Krishnendu Basuli, A perturbation based modified BAT algorithm for priority based covering salesman problem, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 44(3), 3825-3849, 2023, DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-220396, IOS press, , SCI.
- Rituparna Mondal, Prasenjit Pramanik, Ranjan Kumar Jana, Manas Kumar Maiti, Credit policy for an inventory model of a deteriorating item having variable demand considering default risk. Scientia Iranica. In press. SCI, 2022
- Prasanta Dutta, Indadul Khan, Krishnendu Basuli, Manas Kumar Maiti, A Modified ACO with K-OPT for Restricted Covering Salesman Problems in Different Environments, Soft Computing, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-022-06978-0, Springer, SCI,
- Indadul Khan, Manas Kumar Maiti, Krishnendu Basuli, Multi-objective Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem: A decomposition approach, Applied Intelligence, 52, 11755–11783, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-021-02989-w, Springer, SCI.
- Nilesh Pakhira, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, A two-warehouse multi-item supply chain with stock dependent promotional demand under joint replenishment policy: a mixed-mode ABC approach, International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics, 8 (3), 262-282, 2021, Taylor & Francis, SCI.
- Nilesh Pakhira, Manas Kumar Maiti, A multi-item supply chain with multi-level trade credit policy under inflation: A mixed mode ABC approach, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 159, 107412, 2021, Elsevier, SCI.
- Nilesh Pakhira, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Two-level supply chain of a deteriorating item with stock and promotional cost dependent demand under shortages, Iranian Journal of fuzzy systems, 17(1), 29-52, 2020, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, SCI, Impact Factor- 1.
- Indadul Khan, Manas Kumar Maiti, Krishnendu Basuli, Multi-objective traveling salesman problem: an ABC approach, Applied Intelligence, 50 (11), 3942-3960, 2020, Springer, SCI.
- M Rahaman, SP Mondal, AA Shaikh, P Pramanik, S Roy, M. K. Maiti, M.Maiti., Artificial bee colony optimization-inspired synergetic study of fractional-order economic production quantity model, Soft Computing, 24 (20), 15341-15359, 2020, Springer,
- Indadul Khan, Manas Kumar Maiti, A swap sequence based Artificial Bee Colony algorithm for traveling salesman problem, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 44,428-438, 2019, Elsevier,
- Aditi Khanra, Manas Kumar Maiti, Tandra Pal and Manoranjan Maiti, Multi-objective four dimensional imprecise TSP solved with a hybrid multi-objective ant colony optimization- genetic algorithm with diversity, Journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems, 1-19, 2019, IOS press, SCI.
- Prasenjit Pramanik, Mamas Kumar Maiti. An inventory model with variable demand incorporating unfaithfulness of the customers under two level trade credit, European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 13(4), 461-488, 2019, Inderscience, SCI.
- Prasenjit Pramanik, Manas Kumar Maiti. An inventory model of deteriorating items with inflation induced variable demand under two level partial trade credit: A hybrid ABC-GA approach, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 85, 194-207, 2019,
- Prasenjit Pramanik, Manas Kumar Maiti, Trade credit policy of an inventory model with imprecise variable demand: an ABC-GA approach, Soft Computing, 24, 9857–9874, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-019-04502-5., Springer,
- Prasenjit Pramanik, Sarama Malik Das, Manas Kumar Maiti, Note On: Supply Chain Inventory model for deteriorating items with maximum lifetime and partial trade credit to credit risk customers, Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, 1289-1315, 2019, American Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
- Nilesh Pakhira, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, A supply chain of deteriorating items with variable demand, Journal of intelligent and fuzzy systems, 37(1), 565-581, 2019, IOS press, SCI.
- Indadul Khan, Sova Pal, Manas Kumar Maiti, A hybrid PSO-GA algorithm for traveling salesman problem in different environments, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge Based systems, 27(5), 693-717, 2019, World Scientific, SCI.
- Nilesh Pakhira, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Uncertain Multi-item supply chain with two level trade credit under promotional cost sharing, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 118, 451-463, 2018, Elsevier, SCI.
- Nilesh Pakhira, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti,Fuzzy Optimization for Multi-item Supply Chain with Trade Credit and Two-Level Price Discount Under Promotional Cost Sharing, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 20, 1644-1655, 2018, Springer, SCI.
- Prasenjit Pramanik, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, A supply chain with variable demand under three level trade credit policy, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 106, 205-221, 2017, Elsevier, SCI.
- Prasenjit Pramanik, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti. Three level partial trade credit with promotional cost sharing, Applied Soft Computing, 10.1016/j.asoc.2017. 04.013, 58, 553-575, 2017, Elsevier,
- Anindita Kundu, Partha Guchhait, Prasenjit Pramanik, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, A production inventory model with price discounted fuzzy demand using an interval compared hybrid algorithm, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 2016, doi: 10.1016/j.swevo.2016.11.004, 34, 1-17, 2017. Elsevier, SCI.
- Pravas Kumar Giri, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Profit maximization solid transportation problem under budget constraint using fuzzy measures, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 13(5), 35-63, 2016. University of Sistan and Baluchestan,
- Aditi Khanra, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, A hybrid heuristic algorithm for single and multi-objective imprecise traveling salesman problems, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 30 (2016) 1987–2001, IOS press, SCI.
- Partha Guchhait, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, An EOQ model of deteriorating item in imprecise environment with dynamic deterioration and credit linked demand, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 39(21) 6553–6567. 2015, Elsevier, SCI.
- Pravas Kumar Giri, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti. Fully fuzzy fixed charge multi-item solid transportation problem, Applied Soft Computing, 27, 77–91, 2015, Elsevier, SCI.
- Aditi Khanra, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Profit maximization of TSP through a hybrid algorithm, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 88, 229-236, 2015, Elsevier, SCI.
- Partha Guchhait, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Inventory policy of a deteriorating item with variable demand under trade credit period, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 76, 75–88, 2014, Elsevier,
- Pravas Kumar Giri, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Fuzzy Stochastic Solid Transportation Problem using fuzzy goal programming approach, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 72, 160–168, 2014, Elsevier,
- Madhab Mondal, Manas Kumar Maiti, Manoranjan Maiti. A two storage production-repairing model with fuzzy defective rate and displayed inventory dependent demand, Optimization and Engineering, 15(3), 751-772, 2014, DOI 10.1007/s11081-013-9222-x. Springer, SCI.
- Partha Guchhait, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Production-Inventory Models for a damageable item with variable demands and inventory costs in an imperfect production process, International Journal of Production Economics, 144 (2013) 180–188. Elsevier, SCI.
- Partha Guchhait, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti. Two storage inventory model of a deteriorating item with variable demand under partial credit period, Applied Soft Computing, 13, 428–448, 2013. Elsevier, SCI.
- Partha Guchhait, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Production Inventory modal with fuzzy production and demand using fuzzy differential equation: An interval compared genetic algorithm approach, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 26, 766–778, 2013. Elsevier,
- Madhab Mondal, Manas Kumar Maiti, Manoranjan Maiti, A production-recycling model with variable demand, demand-dependent fuzzy return rate: a fuzzy differential equation approach, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 64, 318-332, 2013, SCI
- Madhab Mondal, Amit Kumar Maiti, Manas Kumar Maiti, Manoranjan Maiti. A production repairing inventory model with fuzzy rough coefficients under inflation and time value of money, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37, 3200–3215, 2013. Elsevier, SCI.
- Chiranjit Changdar, Manas Kumar Maiti, Manoranjan Maiti, A constrained solid TSP in fuzzy environment: Two heuristic approaches, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 10(1), 1-28, 2013, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, SCI.
- Uttam Kumar Bera, Manas Kumar Maiti, Manoranjan Maiti, Inventory model with fuzzy lead-time and dynamic demand over finite time horizon using a multi-objective genetic algorithm, Computers and Mathematics with applications, 64, 1822–1838, 2012. Elsevier,
- Manas Kumar Maiti, A fuzzy Genetic Algorithm with varying population size to solve an inventory model with credit linked promotional demand in an imprecise planning horizon, European Journal of Operational Research, 213, 96-106, 2011, Elsevier, S
- Partha Guchhait, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Multi-Item Inventory model of breakable items with stock dependent demand under stock and time dependent breakability rate, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 59(4), 911-920, 2010, Elsevier, SCI.
- Debdulal Panda, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti. Two warehouse inventory models for Single-Vendor Multiple Retailers with price and stock dependent demand, Applied Mathematical Modeling, 34, 3571-3585,2010, Elsevier,
- Ajoy Kumar Maiti, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Inventory Model with Stochastic Lead-time and Price Dependent Demand Incorporating Advance Payment, Applied Mathematical Modeling, 33, 2433-2443, 2009, Elsevier,
- Arindam Roy, Manas Kumar Maiti, Samarjit Kar and Manoranjan Maiti. An inventory model for deteriorating items with displayed stock dependent demand under fuzzy inflation and time discounting over a random time horizon, Applied Mathematical Modeling, 33, 744-759, 2009, Elsevier, SCI.
- Arindam Roy, Sova Pal, Manas Kumar Maiti. A production inventory model with stock dependent demand incorporating learning and inflationary effect in a random planning horizon: A fuzzy genetic algorithm with varying population size approach, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 57, 1324-1335, 2009, Elsevier, SCI.
- Sova Pal, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, An EPQ model with price discounted promotional demand in an imprecise planning horizon via Genetic Algorithm, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 57, 181-187, 2009, Elsevier, SCI.
- Manas Kumar Maiti, Fuzzy inventory model with two warehouses under possibility measure on fuzzy goal, European Journal of Operational Research, 188 (3), 746-774, 2008, Elsevier, SCI.
- Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Two storage inventory model with lot size dependent fuzzy lead time under possibility constraints via genetic algorithm, European Journal of Operational Research, 179, 352-371, 2007, Elsevier, SCI.
- Manas Kumar Maiti, Manoranjan Maiti, Two Storage Inventory Model in a Mixed Environment, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making. 6, 391-426, 2007, Springer,
- Arindam Roy, Manas Kumar Maiti, Samarjit Kar and Manoranjan Maiti, Two-storage inventory model with fuzzy deterioration over a random time horizon, Mathematical and Computer Modeling, 46, 1419-1433, 2007. Elsevier,
- Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Determination of Withdrawal Schedule in Single-Species Cultivation via Genetic Algorithm, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 188(1), 322-331, 2007. Elsevier, SCI.
- Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Fuzzy Inventory Model with Two Warehouses under Possibility Constraints, Fuzzy sets and Systems, 157(1), 52-73, 2006, Elsevier, SCI.
- Ajoy Kumar Maiti, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti. Two storage inventory model with random planning horizon, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 183, 1084-1097, 2006, Elsevier, SCI.
- Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Multi-Item Shelf-Space Allocation of Breakable Items Via Genetic Algorithm, Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing, 20 (1-2), 327-343, 2006, Springer, SCI.
- Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Inventory of Damageable Items with Variable Replenishment and Unit Production Cost via Simulated Annealing, Computers &d Industrial Engineering, 49(3), 432-448, 2005, Elsevier, SCI.
- Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Production Policy for Damageable Items with Variable Cost Function in an Imperfect Production Process via Genetic Algorithm, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 42, 977-990, 2005. Elsevier, SCI.
Publications in ESCI indexed journals -
- Pravas Kumar Giri, Manas Kumar Maiti, Manoranjan Maiti, Profit maximization fuzzy 4D-TP with budget constraint for breakable substitute items: a swarm based optimization approach. OPSEARCH, 60, 571–615, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12597-023-00621-8, Springer, ESCI.
- Indadul Khan, Manas Kumar Maiti, Krishnendu Basuli, A random-permutation based GA for generalized traveling salesman problem in imprecise environments, Evolutionary Intelligence, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12065-021-00651-5, 2021, Springer, ESCI.
- Prasenjit Pramanik, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, An appropriate business strategy of a sale item, OPSEARCH, 55(1), 86-106,2018. Springer,
- Indadul Khan, Manas Kumar Maiti, A novel hybrid algorithm for generalized traveling salesman problems in different environments, Vietnam Journal of Computer Science, DOI 10.1007/s40595-017-0099-z, 2017, World Scientific, ESCI
- Partha Guchhait, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Inventory model of a deteriorating item with price and credit linked fuzzy demand: A fuzzy differential equation approach, OPSEARCH, 51(3) 2014, 321-353, DOI 10.1007/s12597-013-0153-2, Springer, ESCI.
- Pravas Kumar Giri, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Entropy Based Solid Transportation Problem with discounted unit cost under fuzzy random environment, OPSEARCH, 51(4) 2014, 479-532, DOI 10.1007/s12597-013-0155-0, Springer, ESCI.
Publications in other referred journals -
- Aditi Khanra, Manas Kumar Maiti , Tandra Pal and Manoranjan Maiti, Special TSPs considering conveyances and route through a hybrid algorithm, Annals of pure and applied Mathematics, 16(2), 265-281, 2018, Print ISSN-2279-087X, Online ISSN: 2279-0888.
- Pravas Kumar Giri, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Simulation approach to solve fuzzy fixed charge multi-item solid transportation problems under budget constraint, International Journal of Operational Research, 32(1),56-91,2018, Inderscience, Print ISSN-1745-7645, Online ISSN: 1745-7653.
- Nilesh Pakhira, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Two-Level Supply Chain of a Seasonal Deteriorating Item with Time, Price, and Promotional Cost Dependent Demand Under Finite Time Horizon, American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences, 36(4), 292-315, 2017, Taylor & Francis, ISSN: 1966-324.
- Madhab Mondal, Manas Kumar Maiti, Manoranjan Maiti, EOQ model with variable demand and partial trade credit in fuzzy rough environment, Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research, 9(3) 273-301, 2016, International Knowledge Press
- Partha Guchhait, Manas Kumar Maiti, A fuzzy lifetime-based particle swarm optimisation with varying swarm size to solve a production inventory model, International Journal of Computational Complexity and Intelligent Algorithms, 1(1), 68-98, 2016, Inderscience Publication
- Pravas Kumar Giri, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Solid Transportation Problem under budget constraint using fuzzy measure, Annals of Applied and Pure Mathematics, 7(1), 2014, 41-46
- Ajoy Kumar Maiti, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, An EOQ model of an item with imprecise seasonal time via genetic algorithm, International Journal of Operational Research, 19(3), 358-384, 2014. Inderscience Publication. Pravas Kumar Giri, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, A solid transportation problem with fuzzy random costs and constraints, International Journal of Mathematics in Operational research, 4(6),651-678,2012, Inderscience Publication.
- Partha Guchhait, Pravas Kumar Giri, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Inventory Policy with Stock, Price and Credit-Linked Demand: A Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm Approach, International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences, 3(2), 47-65, 2012. IGI Global.
- Partha Guchhait, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Imperfect production policy of a breakable item with variable breakability and demand in random planning horizon, International Journal of Mathematics in Operational research, 4(6), 622-635, 2012. Inderscience Publication.
- Debdulal Panda, Manas Kumar Maiti, Samarjit Kar and Manoranjan Maiti, Multi-Item Inventory Model With Varying Unit Cost and Shortages Under Imprecise and Stochastic Constraints via Geometric Programming, Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, 18(3), 659-678, 2010.
- Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Utilization of Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm for One-Item Multi-Level Inventory Distribution System, International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 20(2), 291-304, 2009.
- Manas Kumar Maiti, Manoranjan Maiti, Two-species fish cultivation policy with price and biomass dependent catch rate, Advanced Modeling and Optimization, 7(1), 2005. Manas Kumar Maiti, Manoranjan Maiti, Two-Species Harvesting System with Price and Biomass Dependent Demand Via Simulated Annealing, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences 21(1) (2005) 41-53.
Publications in Book Chapters -
- Rituparna Mondal, Prasenjit Pramanik, Ranjan Kumar Jana, Manas Kumar Maiti, Manoranjan Maiti, An EOQ Model for Deteriorating Items under Trade Credit Policy with Unfaithfulness Nature of Customers, Engineering Mathematics and Computing, 247-273, 2022.
Publications in the proceedings of International Conferences -
- Rituparna Mondal, Ranjan Kumar Jana, Prasenjit Pramanik, Manas Kumar Maiti, 2023. A Fuzzy EOQ Model for Deteriorating Items Under Trade Credit Policy with Unfaithfulness Nature of Customers. In: Sahoo, L., Senapati, T., Yager, R.R. (eds) Real Life Applications of Multiple Criteria Decision Making Techniques in Fuzzy Domain. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, vol 420. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-4929-6_21
- Indadul Khan, Sova Pal, Manas Kumar Maiti. A modified particle swarm optimization algorithm for solving Traveling Salesman Problem with Imprecise Cost, 4th Int’l Conf. on Recent Advances in Information Technology | RAIT-2018 |, IEEE Explore.
- Sova Pal, Indadul Khan, Manas Kumar Maiti. A heuristic approach to solve multi-dimensional assignment problem, 4th Int’l Conf. on Recent Advances in Information Technology | RAIT-2018|, IEEE Explore.
- Indadul Khan, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Coordinating Particle Swarm Optimization, Ant Colony Optimization and K-Opt Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem, In: Giri, D., Mohapatra, R., Begehr, H., Obaidat, M. (eds) Mathematics and Computing. ICMC 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 655. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-4642-1_10
- Aditi Khanra, Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Profit maximization of TSP with Uncertain Parameters through a hybrid algorithm, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Frontiers in Intelligent computing: Theory and Applications, held at Department of Computer Science, N.I.T., Durgapur, India, on Nov 16-18, 2015, 295-315. NAROSA. Manas Kumar Maiti and Manoranjan Maiti, Two-Storage inventory model with variable demand, possibility constraints, fuzzy unit costs and imprecise resources, Proceedings of “An ISFUMIP Conference on Fuzzy Logic and its Application in Technology and Management”, held at Vinodgupta School of Management and Department of Mathematics, I.I.T. KGP, India, on May 21-22, 2004, 123-130.
Participation in Workshops -
- Workshop on “The Revised Syllabus in Computer Science with regard to 3-tire Examination Pattern”, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, W.B. on Feb. 21, 2006.
- Workshop on “The Revised Syllabi of Geography, Mathematics & Music (Hons. & Gen.) for three Tire Examination Pattern”, Raja N.L. Khan Women’s College, Midnapore, W.B. on Dec. 22, 2005.
- National Workshop on Discrete Structures, Department of Applied Mathematics, Vidyasagar University, 17-19 march, 2010.
- Workshop on Implementation of project Work & Field-Work Through Distance Mode, Directorate of Distance Education, Vidyasagar University, 29-30 March, 2010.
- Workshop on Revision of Syllabus for Honours and Pass course of Vidyasagar University in Mathematics, Department of Mathematics with oceanology and computer programming, Vidyasagar University, PaschimMedinipur, March 06, 2014.
- Workshop on Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications, Department of Mathematics, ISM, Dhanbad, June 26-30, 2016.
Participation in Refresher Courses and Orientation Programs -
- G. C. sponsored Orientation Programme, at Academic Staff College, Calcutta University, during 22 th May to 19th June, 2001.
- G. C. sponsored Refresher course on Computer Science, at Academic Staff College, Calcutta University, during 19 th September to 10th October, 2001.
- G. C. sponsored Refresher course on Recent Advances in Applied Mathematics, at Department of Mathematics, Vidyasagar University, during 22nd November to 13th December, 2002.
- G. C. sponsored Refresher course on Computer Science, at Academic Staff College, B. U. on and from 21th January to 10th February, 2006.
- Orientation Course on N.S.S., Organized by Department of Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India, at Ramkrishna Mission Lokasiksha Parishad, Narendrapur, Kolkata 700103, West Bengal, during 23.5.11 to 28.5.11.
- DST sponsored, Faculty Development Program training course, at Science and Technology Entrepreneurs’ Park, I.I.T., Kharagpur, from 13.02.12 to 26.02.12.
Number of Seminars/conferences/symposia attended -
(a) International: 08
(b) National: 17
(c) State: 02
Conferences/Workshops/Symposia attened (International Level) -
- 4th IEEE International conference on Recent Advances in Information technology, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology(ISM) Dhanbad-826004, March 15-17, 2018.
- 2ndInternational Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and its applications (ICTRMA-2015), Department of Mathematics, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, March. 18-19, 2015.
- 1stInternational Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and its applications (ICTRMA-2013), Department of Mathematics, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, March. 20-21, 2013.
- 1stInternational Conference on Frontiers of Mathematical Sciences with applications, Calcutta Mathematical Society, AE-374, Sector-1, Salt Lake, Kolkata-64, Dec. 07-09, 2012.
- International Conference on Operational Research as Competitive Edge, organized by Operational Research Society of India, at Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, January 5-7, 2007.
- International Conference on “Globalization Opportunities and Challenges”, IBS, Ahmedabad, December 27-29, 2007.
- Fourteenth Mathematical Conference, Organized by Bangladesh Mathematical Society, at the Department of Mathematics, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh on December 27-29, 2003.
- An ISFUMIP Conference on Fuzzy Logic and it’s Application in Technology and Management, Vinodgupta School of Management and department of Mathematics, I.T. KGP, on May 21-22, 2004.
Conferences/Workshops/Symposia attened (National Level) -
- G.C. sponsored National seminar on, “Emerging Trends in Mathematics”, Department of Mathematics, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, December 19-20, 2012.
- G.C. sponsored National seminar on, “Recent Aspects in Mathematics and their Applications”, Department of Mathematics, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, February 25-26, 2012.
- G.C. sponsored National seminar on, “Design and Analysis of Graph Algorithm”, Department of Mathematics, Raja N.L. Khan Women’s College, Midnapore, August 13-14, 2012.
- G.C. sponsored National seminar on, “Call Admission Control in Mobile Cellular Network”, Department of Computer Science, Vivekananda Mission Mahavidyalaya, Chaitanyapur, Purba-Medinipur, W.B., January, 15, 2009.
- G.C. sponsored National seminar on, “150th Birth Anniversary of Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray”, Mahishadal Raj College, Mahishadal, PurbaMedinipur, February 09-10, 2012.
- National seminar on, “Recent Developments in Applied Mathematics and its Applications”, Department of Mathematics, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, March. 30-31, 2011.
- G.C. sponsored National seminar on, “Applied and computational mathematics and their applications”, Department of Mathematics, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, March. 06-07, 2008.
- National seminar on, “Emerging Trends in Computational and Applied mathematics”, Department of Mathematics, Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, Jan. 31- Feb. 01, 2007.
- I.C.T.E. sponsored National seminar on, “National Conference on Application of Operations Research in Management Science”, Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia, December 26-27, 2006.
- G.C. sponsored National seminar on, “Recent Trends Towards Privatization in India an Insight”, Mahishadal Raj College, Mahishadal, on March 19 & 20 2005.
- G.C. sponsored National seminar on, “The outstanding work of Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose- Past and Present Scenario”, Mahishadal Raj College, Mahishadal, on March 11-12, 2005.
- G.C. sponsored National seminar on, “Recent advances in Applied Mathematics”, Department of Mathematics, Vidyasagar University, Medinipur,W.B. on Mrch 18-19, 2004.
- G.C. sponsored National seminar on, “Mathematics and it’s Applications”, Department of Mathematics, B.E. College, Howrah, on March 27, 2004.
- G.C. sponsored National seminar on, “Optimization, Operations Research & Information”, Department of Applied Mathematics, Calcutta University, Kolkata, on December 03-04, 2003.
- G.C. sponsored National seminar on, “Recent Trends in Mathematics & it’s Applications”, Department of Mathematics, Tripura University, Suryamaninagar-799130, Tripura on April 28-29, 2003.
- G.C. sponsored National seminar on, “Outstanding work of Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose-Past and Present Scenario”, Department of Physics, Mahishadal Raj College, Mahishadal, PurbaMedinipur, December 10, 2011.
- G.C. sponsored National seminar on, “Indian Economy: Twenty Years after Reforms”, Department of Economics, Mahishadal Raj College, Mahishadal, PurbaMedinipur, December, 10, 2011. U.G.C. sponsored National seminar on, “Indian Economy & Contemporary Sen Bhawagabati Debate”, Department of Economics, Mahishadal Raj College, Mahishadal, PurbaMedinipur, December, 11, 2013.
Conferences/Workshops/Symposia attened (State Level) -
- DST sponsored seminar on, “Year of Scientific Awareness 2004”, at Vidyasagar University, Midnapore, on Feb. 23 – 24, 2005.
- Challenges to education in the present scenario, Organized by W.B.C.U.T.A., at Sarat Sadan, Howrah, October 9, 2004.